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Valkyr's Warcry Should Draw Aggro To Her.


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There's a few tank-adjacent frames in the game but none of them have the ability to tank like she does. With infinitely scaling damage, shield bypassing and armor ignoring damage, added with the fact that they can't self-heal, tanking is generally a worse idea than just cc'ing everything.


Besides her insane armor she's more than capable of handling the extra fire between paralysis & hysteria. Also gives her a role and solves the issue of her bringing "nothing but revives" to a team.

Edited by (PS4)Tego818
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OT: Yeah some aggro control would fit her well I think.


And here we thought Rhino was supposed to be the tank.


    Not really, he was the "first tank" but now he's really just a support. It's kinda hard to ever class him as a tank so long as his roar makes his DPS ridiculous. Chroma and Valkyr on the other hand don't have nearly as flexible and easy to use dps. They do however have far superior defensive options, as Tanks should have.

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Id prefer if Hysteria was the ability that aggro'd enemies. She already has that mechanic that damages her if there are highlighted enemies when Hysteria runs out.

That's where paralysis would come in, since they're slowed from warcry, hit paralysis just as your hysteria is about to run out and they'll be stunned longer, giving you time to get out to unhighlight them and come in from another angle if you want.


Also i'd rather not be resigned to hysteria since i don't always want to use claws or see red, and it makes playing her more dynamic if she has different mechanics on different moves. We already have enough "press 4".


To that end, i wouldn't object to them removing ripline, making paralysis her 1, and giving her a new power that drew aggro, especially with parkour 2.0 on the horizon. Putting it on Warcry just makes the most sense with her current moveset.



Hmn and I always thought that a logical thing to do when you see an angry valkyr in her hysteria running at you would be to run away screaming... o_O What was wrong with me thinking that!?

I was thinking more "Why is she screaming like that? It looks like she's trying to get stronger or something..... HURRY UP AND KILL IT!"


Not much of a fan of logic in games honestly, find it makes the game less fun most the time, however much sense it might make. Example, when using Hydroid, i'll see a train of enemies coming into a room, I'll head over and use undertow, but after the first few they'll see a couple of their friends fall in and think "yeah i probably don't wanna go in that", effectively making undertow somewhat useless since all it's doing now is denying them entry instead of trapping them. It's a little annoying. 


Besides, making enemies run away from Tenno is what Nekros does.

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I really don't believe this is the type of game that requires particular aggro mechanics other than those few already in the game.


Believe it or not, 'tank' used to mean 'can take a lot of damage' and not necessarily imply mob management as it has since the advent of MMORPGs.  I am under the impression DE's usage of the word 'tank' to be in line with the former meaning and not necessarily with the latter.

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I do. Most of top frames in the game are at the top because they have control over mobs in some way, that or they just nuke them before they're even a problem.


I wasn't implying drawing aggro would make her a 'real' tank, saying she can already it's an ability that she'd be able to handle just fine and would help the team.

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