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Why Smaller Clans Have To Suffer


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If each member got 1 key a week you could complete 1-2 rooms a week depending on the room, most requiring only 5 keys. With only 7 members as in your post.


The keys are not what let you build the rooms. They are the things that give you a chance at getting the payonium you need to build the room. It's not even sure that you won't just get your 8th Latron Prime Stock.

Edited by TheChaffeemancer
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I would be happy with the mega corps having different tile sets that cost more and were more grandeur.

I just want the functionality for my little squad of merry men.

Yes, this is the solution I was thinking of.  We should have different tiers of the same rooms.  Basic functionality should be attainable by small clans building tiny, leaky, cheap, duct taped rooms, while larger clans can get glitzy, gold guilded, expensive, sparkly rooms.  Adding granularity by having the choice of different tiered rooms can be great for the architecture scene of the game and can add a lot of personality to the clan halls. 

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Yes, this is the solution I was thinking of.  We should have different tiers of the same rooms.  Basic functionality should be attainable by small clans building tiny, leaky, cheap, duct taped rooms, while larger clans can get glitzy, gold guilded, expensive, sparkly rooms.  Adding granularity by having the choice of different tiered rooms can be great for the architecture scene of the game and can add a lot of personality to the clan halls. 

Lol at the way you said it, "leaky, cheap, duct taped rooms". I'd have to say that will not work even though it is a nice idea. As a company that is a responsible for making a game, you cannot give differences to player/clans because they are different. Its kind of like racism, think about it. Now unless i read that incorrectly, if the "poor" smaller clan can obtain those luxurious rooms, then all is fine, disregard what i said and i'll start anew.

I agree with that idea.

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I play nonstop with my guild of 7 or so members, and yet only one other active member, so its just us two. hopefully when I see the prices for myself they wont be too jacked up for my price range. already saved up a cool half mil. in credits and 10,000 in most resources, but I fear that's only enough for one room.

Edited by Masque
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I play nonstop with my guild of 7 or so members, and yet only one other active member, so its just us two. hopefully when I see the prices for myself they wont be too jacked up for my price range. already saved up a cool half mil. in credits and 10,000 in most resources, but I fear that's only enough for one room.

Why are you even in that guild? There is a friend list for a reason. You see, people that play online don't seem to understand a point.

When you play with friends/members that is less then, say, 10 people and don't plan on expanding unless its more friends, you're really suppose to use the friends list. Now if you had more then 10 friends/members and plan on expanding, then that is when you use the clan. That is what a clan is for, a -> big <- group of players.

 You see, if you have such a small amount of friends, why not just have them all join the same clan that is a little bigger and a little more active then your 7 member clan?

You can have those 7 member clan join a bigger clan and wa-bam, you can play with your 7 member and with more people.

It is killing two birds with one big f-ing stone.

Then again, i never understand why those small tight knit friend clans exist, you don't get anywhere, literally don't do jack squat.

Usually they are the ones that complain about content being harder for smaller clans.

*ahem* clan is not a friends list. Friends list is a friends list. Clan is to meet new friends/play with friends + more. Just saying.

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Why are you even in that guild? There is a friend list for a reason. You see, people that play online don't seem to understand a point.

When you play with friends/members that is less then, say, 10 people and don't plan on expanding unless its more friends, you're really suppose to use the friends list. Now if you had more then 10 friends/members and plan on expanding, then that is when you use the clan. That is what a clan is for, a -> big <- group of players.

 You see, if you have such a small amount of friends, why not just have them all join the same clan that is a little bigger and a little more active then your 7 member clan?

You can have those 7 member clan join a bigger clan and wa-bam, you can play with your 7 member and with more people.

It is killing two birds with one big f-ing stone.

Then again, i never understand why those small tight knit friend clans exist, you don't get anywhere, literally don't do jack squat.

Usually they are the ones that complain about content being harder for smaller clans.

*ahem* clan is not a friends list. Friends list is a friends list. Clan is to meet new friends/play with friends + more. Just saying.

Are you me?


Then I can make a clan for whomever I want.  Even if its just myself ;)

(Some people have clans that have traveled together with them for 10+ years from game to game as a group of solidary players.  They aren't going to just "let people in" who have nothing to do with them because only 4 of the 50 members play warframe and 4 players isn't "enough" to match your "quotas")

Edited by TraumaHunter
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Are you me?


Then I can make a clan for whomever I want.  Even if its just myself ;)

(Some people have clans that have traveled together with them for 10+ years from game to game as a group of solidary players.  They aren't going to just "let people in" who have nothing to do with them because only 4 of the 50 members play warframe and 4 players isn't "enough" to match your "quotas")


Sure you are. But others are also free to do what they want, you know, the efficient way of going at it by pooling resources together to achieve a goal quicker and share the fruit of the labor.


But of course, here you are, crying about the other guy's shiny new dojo. And how it is unfair that you didn't get one handed to you and that your choice to deny any outside help should be respected as you didn't want their help, you wanted to keep your clan exclusive for your friends and your friends only.

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Sure you are. But others are also free to do what they want, you know, the efficient way of going at it by pooling resources together to achieve a goal quicker and share the fruit of the labor.


But of course, here you are, crying about the other guy's shiny new dojo. And how it is unfair that you didn't get one handed to you and that your choice to deny any outside help should be respected as you didn't want their help, you wanted to keep your clan exclusive for your friends and your friends only.


Exactly what Derpius said, you chose to play in that tight knit clan: selfish, don't want to give a chance to meet new people ONLINE game.

There is absolutely no right for that person/clan to complain about the big community clan's progression speed. It just boggles my mind how they can even complain.

P.S. If you think i'm playing in a big clan, you are very f-ing wrong. I play in a small clan, in-fact my clan atm is literally at most 8 players.

And i still support everything i have said within this topic. I stand strong on my points and my debates. You don't see me or my clan complaining about the dojo being hard. We chose to play in a small clan, so we will play it as a small clan, so f-ing be it. Work harder? Then freaken work harder. Don't like it? Join a bigger clan, Not hard, so many are advertised.

Sometimes kids gotta learn to not complain about every little thing because they cant get it easily like others. The world doesn't rotate around you/people with you, unfortunately.

Edited by Wabbie
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I love that there are actually people in this thread defending mandatory clan-zerging. Great job, guys.


I love how that you group all clans with a reasonable amount of members together into one big group and label it as the root of all evil. Seriously, don't join a big clan, it'll wipe out your identity and you won't get to be a special snowflake anymore. Screw the big clans, small clan for life! Am i rite guise? XD

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I love how that you group all clans with a reasonable amount of members together into one big group and label it as the root of all evil. Seriously, don't join a big clan, it'll wipe out your identity and you won't get to be a special snowflake anymore. Screw the big clans, small clan for life! Am i rite guise? XD

There honestly isn't a difference if you play in a big clan. Within big clans, there are always a small group that plays together and sometimes add a random clan mate for a filler.

Don't know why people wont just tell all their small amount of friends to join a big clan and just play amongst your tight knit friend group but still have the benefit of a big clan?

Holy S#&$su, did i just solve the issue for the small clans?! I'm a genius i tell you, i bet they never thought about that.

*edit* Oh and if you don't like how you get everything without working for it because the big clan got it all...

Then stfu and work for it with your tight knit clan. Holy jebus. -_-;'' People these days.

Edited by Wabbie
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If each member got 1 key a week you could complete 1-2 rooms a week depending on the room, most requiring only 5 keys. With only 7 members as in your post.

i have 7 members but only 2-3 are active at a time that timezones or our daily life abstracts that part , so no it would take much much longer

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This is the attitude that I have distaste for. You have no respect for what a small clan means to some people. No respect for the social structures that some people are comfortable, and for that I find your posts easily dismissive and contribute nothing to an issue that Warframe is facing in regards to small clans.

The small clans are for people who prefer to actually know each other, who are truly willing to be friends with each other and help anyone within their small group. Those of us who want to be in small clans do so because we do not like what we see when we look at large clans. What large clans do is their business, but do not come into these threads and say irritating things like "just join a larger clan lolz" or "Why are you even in that clan? It's nothing more than a friends list!"

Maybe you don't understand what the title of being a Clan mate or Guildie is to us, which is fine. If you don't then you will never comprehend it and you may as well not bother responding to this post.

Edited by GhostinDuhBox
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Yes, this is the solution I was thinking of.  We should have different tiers of the same rooms.  Basic functionality should be attainable by small clans building tiny, leaky, cheap, duct taped rooms, while larger clans can get glitzy, gold guilded, expensive, sparkly rooms.  Adding granularity by having the choice of different tiered rooms can be great for the architecture scene of the game and can add a lot of personality to the clan halls. 


I like this idea, a lot. Especially if you can build a level one tier room for example and upgrade it later to the next tier and so on. Big and small clans alike could build their entire layout in level one tier for "cheap" and then upgrade to the tier they want as they go. Makes the special rooms accessible to everyone faster, while giving hard working groups something to achieve at the same time with some variety. Some may even like the "broken down not so shiny" low level builds and not even want to upgrade. More options, and I think a pretty decent solution to "clan feature balancing". It may not be all shiny and pretty for everyone, but noone can say they're left out of the functionality.

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Warbros is currently #1 on the leaderboard again for building the dojo.


Not sure why 10-man clans think they could somehow be competitive at this.


I don't think small clans want to compete with bigger clans, that's not only ridiculous,but also point- and fruitless. I am also in small clan, and to be honest, the amount of materials you need (credits aren't much of a problem) is simply...overwhelming. Everyone wants a piece of the cake, so why not at least making it a tad bit easier to obtain one? Heck, you could even tier the structures, and depending on what tier it is, more models will be added to it (for instance, take the Dueling Room: Tier 1 rooms consist of a small pad, tier 2 adds a bigger pad + a bench, blahblah). Even small businesses got their rooms, they just don't look that glamorous as the big companies are.


No one is saying to tone it drastically down, just make it, at least in the beginning, easier to get rooms - I mean, really: an elbow corridor needs roughly the same amount of materials as an Dueling Room does? B****, please.

Edited by InfinitexL
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Warbros is currently #1 on the leaderboard again for building the dojo.


Not sure why 10-man clans think they could somehow be competitive at this.

Do you REALLY think we want to be competitive with you?  We could give a rat's hiney about you or how tricked up your pad is.

We just don't like the idea we are locked out of major content such as weapons unless we join "Clans" like yours.

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Do you REALLY think we want to be competitive with you?  We could give a rat's hiney about you or how tricked up your pad is.

We just don't like the idea we are locked out of major content such as weapons unless we join "Clans" like yours.


Except they spent tons of plat on it so it's the same idea as weapons, warframe slots, and pretty much everything in the market. You can farm some of the stuff, wait on alerts, or just pay plat like they did.

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So me and my buddy planned on making our dojo. I saw the costs. 120,000 Nano Spores for a hallway. I've played 160 Hours. I have every warframe except Vauban, and most of the weapons. I have 71,000 Nano Spores. He has 80,000. Between us, we can make a hallway from all of our countless hours of play.

If one chunk of hallway equals 250 hours of gameplay (rough math), then I'm not really feeling this whole dojo thing. That means that a clan that has 50 members would still take five hours of consistent play to make a hallway. That's just the nano spores, too.

I was in the Goons. One of the biggest online communities existent, and they rarely had 50 players online at any given time. The prices are too high. Period.

Keep in mind that these numbers are calculated with a "fresh start" in mind. All of these people that stockpiled the last month or two have an obvious speed advantage that will dissipate in time.

Edited by Arsonide
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So me and my buddy planned on making our dojo. I saw the costs. 120,000 Nano Spores for a hallway. I've played 160 Hours. I have every warframe except Vauban, and most of the weapons. I have 71,000 Nano Spores. He has 80,000. Between us, we can make a hallway from all of our countless hours of play.

If one chunk of hallway equals 250 hours of gameplay (rough math), then I'm not really feeling this whole dojo thing. That means that a clan that has 50 members would still take five hours of consistent play to make a hallway. That's just the nano spores, too.

I was in the Goons. One of the biggest online communities existent, and they rarely had 50 players online at any given time. The prices are too high. Period.

Keep in mind that these numbers are calculated with a "fresh start" in mind. All of these people that stockpiled the last month or two have an obvious speed advantage that will dissipate in time.

We had 190 online trying to get into the dojo to throw resources at it. Feels good man.

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We had 190 online trying to get into the dojo to throw resources at it. Feels good man.

I had to leave before they added Invite Only mode, cause Goons kept joining my private games without asking. I might return at some point, depending on how this dojo business goes.

Also: 190 people, and their first room is barely complete. Seriously, that's ridiculous.

Edited by Arsonide
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I had to leave before they added Invite Only mode, cause Goons kept joining my private games without asking. I might return at some point, depending on how this dojo business goes.

Also: 190 people, and their first room is barely complete. Seriously, that's ridiculous.

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500 or 1000 Fieldron samples/detonite ampules required for research ?

Are they for real ?

I was planning to upgrade to Master after update 8. **** that. Not anymore. They won't get a single dime out of me until they fix it.

There's basically no point unless you're in a huge clan. That's beyond ridiculous. Who thought it was a good idea ?

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