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(Closed For Now)The Vanguard Order, Friendly/social, 600+ Members, Beautiful Dojo, All Research, Teamspeak3, Casual Gamer


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IGN: Mos-Eisley

MR: 9


I am interested in joining Vanguard Order. I've not been playing Warframe all that long, I started just prior to the release of movement 2.0. I am looking for a home, and the responses from people in this thread are very encouraging. 


Thank You for your consideration. 

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Though I've only been in this clan a VERY short time, I am already encouraged by my reception. Clan chat is active, members are helping each other, and I have seen no less than 30 people online at any one time. I look forward to my time in the Vanguard Order, and plan to stay. 

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I love how there's practically no requirements in order to be part of the group and have fun.

Nothing about being above MR-X or active once a week or anything besides having a friendly attitude.


It's great to type in chat asking for help on something and almost always get a response from someone.

The clan is so big with more than 500 members worldwide you are bound to find many people online.

Intraclan events with prizes from admins.

Raids everyday that anyone in clan can join.


But the absolute best thing in the clan are the members. Having discussions about anything from game lore to favourite pet. Members are carefree and friendly it feels like i'm sitting among friends i never met.

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Favorite frame: Rhino prime
I had a storm clan with 80 of my buddies but after a year or so of playing we all got bored of it and we all branched off into different games....recently ive been getting back into it and I would love a clan that is active and has a lot of people I can play with at any time.

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New players will receive there invites today! Welcome to The Vanguard Order =)

I left the clan cause I was promised I wouldn't be an initiate rank and someone downgraded me to that. Left as in rage quit

I was going to rank you up myself today, also you've only been with us 24 hours days lol. I have no idea why you would leave after that long, i doubt very few clans would promote THAT fast.

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Hello, Vanist:
Now that I came back to Warframe, I've been looking forward to joining a moon clan. 

It appears yours is the best one I've found for a casual gamer like me :)

I'd seriously appreciate if you could send me an invite.



(IGN: Hulkdk18)

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Hey guys! I like the sound of this clan. I haven't played the game in about a year and a half and so much has changed that it would be cool to have other people to run stuff with and learn about new features from. So many of the lower level planets have nobody playing and solo is just no fun. Shoot me an invite sometime if you'd like. 


IGN: Varkinias

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