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Sobek Builds Or Any Shotguns.

(XBOX)Fusion Fires


13 answers to this question

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If you don't mind formaing it a few times, try this:

1. (primed) point blank

2. Hell's Chamber

3. Seeking Fury (The punch through's neat)

4. Shattering Justice

5. Shotgun Spazz (rev up dat dps!)

6-8. Element (preferably dual stat mods for its status chance, or if you're the pure damage sort of guy just go with the normal ones)

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If you don't mind formaing it a few times, try this:

1. (primed) point blank

2. Hell's Chamber

3. Seeking Fury (The punch through's neat)

4. Shattering Justice

5. Shotgun Spazz (rev up dat dps!)

6-8. Element (preferably dual stat mods for its status chance, or if you're the pure damage sort of guy just go with the normal ones)

How does one build Boar Prime then? 

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How does one build Boar Prime then?

Well I haven't updated my Boar Prime build in a while, but it'd more or less be:

1. (Primed) Point Blank

2. Hell's Chamber

3. Seeking Fury

4. Shotgun Spazz/Accelerated Blast/Dat +120% impact mod i forgot its name

5-8. Dual stats Corrosive+Blast

The blast proc is superb that I'd call it Bombard Karma build >:D

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...is shotgun spazz that rare...? I have like 23 spares. I used to have 29 but i got 60 plat(10 each!) for them...

Anyway, the Sobek has a Steel Meridian mod so use that. Might recommend the reload speed mod for Sobek, that reload time is god awful.

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Drop the Sobek and use Strun Wraith.

I have found that the Strun Wraith is way more powerful and it has a faster reload time... after the 4 or 5 formas

Edited by orvos
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I find the Boar Prime is a good alternative. Replace the Point Blank with the primed version, I don't have the primed one yet. Also my tainted Shell is not yet maxed. I keep the Electric separate (Have it be the last mods) to give a 100% stun proc. I'm sure people will criticize it.




Here is the final (with the Primed Mod and Maxed) on Warframe Builder It needs 4 Forma and has a 100% status (I'm not sure why the builder says 95%)


If Fire Rate is to low you can have a lower ranked Tainted Shell (since I haven't tested it at max I cannot say) I have it on there to treat it more like a rifle and conserve ammo. Swap it with something else like Vicious Spread to increase damage.

Edited by Lightsmith
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Hek all the way!


Here is my build:

- (Primed) Point Blank

- Hell's Chamber

- Vicious Spread

- Shattered Justice

- Contagious Spread

- Frigid Blast

- Blaze

- Shell Shock


You can replace the dual stat mods with pure elementals, but I like that almost 100% status chance.

It's my Void Bombard annihilation boomstick.

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