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Take Scorpion Out Of Solo


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I think maybe if we removed bullets and sharp objects that we could really enjoy this game.


So you're strawmanning 'don't take away agency' into 'remove all sources of harm from the game because clearly you can't simultaneously think the game shouldn't be made less difficult but fake difficulty mechanics such as commonplace agency removal should be removed'? Is this where we're at? Because I want to know if explaining how 'deal with this perfectly and also have eyes in the back of your head or have no fun for half a minute' is a bad mechanic that adds bulls**t 'difficulty' to the game which is not at all fun and making the game more challenging without giving everyone and their mother crowd control abilities with no counters is totally acceptable...


Or if you're just going to endlessly create strawmen because you can't accept that people don't think videogames they spend money on should be fun all the time.

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Guys, the new enemy I'm not used to kill me. We should do something about that. 


There isn't an issue. It's just new and you're not used to it. It's the same with rollers. I've seen so many complain, and so many reply with "Yes, I was annoyed at first to but I do X, Y, Z and don't have an issue. Maybe you should try doing something different?"




Scorpions are fine, EXCEPT:


1). They need Line of Sight for their rope hook ability. This only makes sense. How do you throw a rope through a wall/barrel/crate/whatever?

2). They need a maximum range, again, makes sense. They're throwing a rope with a hook at you. 15 meters seems fair.

3). You need to be able to shoot your pistol while being dragged. Again, makes sense, you need SOME sort of defense in a 3-5 second "stun".

On the other hand is all valid criticism. If it's going through a wall then that's a little silly.
If it happens to overlap a small obstacle then that's just something that will have to be worked out as the physics evolve (as in you *were* in the line of sight, but when you fell it looks like you weren't).
15 meters seems fair? Not really. It's a high power grappling hook. It's not like she's using a lasso. 15 meters isn't as far at all. 
The pistol is actually incredibly valid. It's not that you should have some defence because you're stunned. If you're helpless you're helpless. The reason I find it silly is that if you're **dying** on the floor you can still shoot your sidearm. 
Edited by HailCreation
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What I want to know is exactly how the F*** the Scorpion is even managing to drag our bodies across the floor so hard that we can't do anything about it in the first place.


I mean, it's kinda hard to feel like a space ninja badass when someone who, if I had to hazard a guess, seems to have 2/3s the mass of an Excalibur warframe while wearing no exoskeleton is able to not only just stun me, but is able to drag me across the room with that hook of hers.


And it gets really confusing when the Grineer in actual power armour can, at best, just stagger me.


EDIT: In fact, this is my general problem with the Rollers too.


I mean, it would be one thing if the things that could knock my &#! looked like this:


But as is, the two things in the Grineer arsenal most likely to be able to stun a Tenno is a lightly armoured Grineer and a fast moving metal ball.


Like...come on DE. Games like Metal Gear Rising do this sort of thing right where the things that can kick my &#! if I'm not careful are giant frickin' robots or other various stuff that I'm perfectly willing to accept is capable of kicking my &#! if I screw up my timing.

Edited by RealityMachina
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Scorpions are fine, EXCEPT:


1). They need Line of Sight for their rope hook ability. This only makes sense. How do you throw a rope through a wall/barrel/crate/whatever?

2). They need a maximum range, again, makes sense. They're throwing a rope with a hook at you. 15 meters seems fair.

3). You need to be able to shoot your pistol while being dragged. Again, makes sense, you need SOME sort of defense in a 3-5 second "stun".

what he said..

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Just being able to fire my weapon would solve most of my problems with Scorpions.

You know, the weapon in my hands. The hands which have nothing stopping them from using said weapon. Getting dragged along the floor must be quite traumatic for Tenno since it paralyzes their trigger fingers.

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Personally, I love difficult games. I ended up writing a 14 page paper once on just why Dark Souls' difficulty makes it so good. But the key in that is fair, well thought out gameplay.

I was about to mention Dark Souls, and want to add Devil May Cry to the list.

I LOVE challenging games.  I LOVE a game that demands something of the player and kicks you in the &#! when you screw up - something that demands skill.  There's a reason I've got two and a half hours clocked on Super Hexagon.

Unavoidable stunlock is not challenging.  Unavoidable stunlock is just stupid.

If there's some kind of windup - a telegraph that you can see, then a margin (if narrow) to dodge the attack, then it's challenge.  If it hits you out of nowhere, like the Scorpion's grapple, offering no chance to evade or defend, then it's just difficulty for difficulty's sake, and that is no fun.

Yes.  Add challenge.  Add all the challenge.  Get rid of idiotic stunlock.

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Alright, I havn't fought the Scorpions yet, but I assume they work -sort of like- the rollers that would latch to you, and stun you forever until an ally saved you? Those things were removed from Solo-player for the obvious reason. I'm fairly certain they were removed all together in the end, but that's beside the point. Keep Scorpions, they sound really cool. Either just remove them from solo-play only, or give a way to fight back.


To me, they seem almost like the smokers from L4D. Again, this is coming without any experience with Scorpions. The difference between this, and L4d is that in L4D you've always got team-mates. Having certain enemies that are in Co-op, but not in solo would also give the feel that Co-op is generally better, and more difficult. Along with having more enemy variety.

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Alright, I havn't fought the Scorpions yet, but I assume they work -sort of like- the rollers that would latch to you, and stun you forever until an ally saved you? Those things were removed from Solo-player for the obvious reason. I'm fairly certain they were removed all together in the end, but that's beside the point. Keep Scorpions, they sound really cool. Either just remove them from solo-play only, or give a way to fight back.


To me, they seem almost like the smokers from L4D. Again, this is coming without any experience with Scorpions. The difference between this, and L4d is that in L4D you've always got team-mates. Having certain enemies that are in Co-op, but not in solo would also give the feel that Co-op is generally better, and more difficult. Along with having more enemy variety.


The scorpions don't latch you forever, just for a few seconds. It drops you onto the ground as if you got by a shockwave, which basically freezes your controls until you get up. A single one isn't much of a problem, it's just if more than one shows up (say, 3), they can stunlock you for a pretty long time.


You have a point about the co-op vs. solo thing. It would be better to have the scorpion simply changed to be more fair than just taking it out of solo entirely.


I can't really say much about rollers since I haven't really "fought" one since I crafted Ember, since I can just cast 3 or 4 and all of the rollers die.

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There's too much contrast for the scorpions to seem reasonable.

Just give everything cluster homing railguns, then scorpions won't be any more stupid than anything else!


Difficult enemies require strategy and tactics to defeat. That involves them being possible to defeat in the worst starting situations.

It's no longer anything as good as a game when your opponent slaps you with the chess board.


How about being able to melee? Chop away to get free.

That then takes into account your melee weapon's effectiveness.

Edited by Denninja
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