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14+ Warframe, 70+ Weapons, Yet, 2 Warframe Slots, 8 Weapons Slots.

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Aware of the situation that if you want to comfortably juggle several warframes and a dozen weapons you have to actually support them?


I hate repeating myself, but the topic at hand has been mentioned in so many threads already with valid suggestions on how to properly deal with the issue and I'm sure DE has been taking notes from them. And we just have to be patient, as they just came off from a big update with many bugs to fix as higher priority.


On the other hand, threads like these with daily arrival is starting to look like a broken record - contributing nothing to the discussion.

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they could have implanted it  weeks ago its not that hard too give < rank a slot 


Actually Steve mentioned a month or so ago, that the current reward system is not linked with the database and is more complex than an easy fix.

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All you people saying that the OP is just whining for more free stuff: He's a GRAND MASTER. In other words, he donated $250 dollars to the devs already. This thread isn't about whining that he can't get more free stuff, he clearly has enough money to put into this game and the willingness to do it; it's about how the game's image is harmed by the sheer dissonance between the number of slots given to free players and the number of content currently in the game. Yeah, newbies get 50 plat. What does that give you? 2 extra warframe slots or 8 weapon slots, which combined with the starting slots is not even one third of currently existing content, much less future content. When new players look at the slot system, they're going to think Warframe is another fake f2p game that is actually p2p at its core due to the highly limited content they can enjoy without having to repeatedly trash the equipment that they spent a lot of time and effort into leveling to swap it for something that they don't even know is whether better or not, especially with the constant and random nerfs going around.

This isn't about whining for more free stuff. It's simply about keeping Warframe a good free2play game that appeals to new potential players.

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I hate repeating myself, but the topic at hand has been mentioned in so many threads already with valid suggestions on how to properly deal with the issue and I'm sure DE has been taking notes from them. And we just have to be patient, as they just came off from a big update with many bugs to fix as higher priority.


On the other hand, threads like these with daily arrival is starting to look like a broken record - contributing nothing to the discussion.

What issue?


You can hold a reasonable number of items with your starting plat and slots, if you really must max everything without playing then get happy on that sell button.


If you want a Warframe and weapon for every mission type with every enemy type, what do you honestly expect?


And you seriously can't say this game is pay to win. You can quite comfortably go through the entirety of the game with a single Warframe and one set of weapons, and the base is double that plus whatever you want to spend your plat on.

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Title says it all.

Not to mention more warframe and weapon is coming.

Resolution to this so far is: Pay up, or shut up.

Correct on the pay-up front at least. This ratio is there specifically to convince players to stump up a little cash to help the game and keep it alive. You actually only need 1 frame slot and 3 weapon slots to see everything there is to see in the game, so you can beat the game inside out, for FREE. Pretty amazing really, that no content whatsoever is locked away from free-players. Compared to most free-to-play games, this one is extremely generous - you get access to everything, no questions asked.

The only thing the game does to free-players to make it a little inconvenient for them to play LONG TERM (very long term I might add); imagine if it locked them out of content as well or instead!! I mean it has to do one or the other, right?

Edited by GhostlightX
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Yeah, newbies get 50 plat. What does that give you? 2 extra warframe slots or 8 weapon slots, which combined with the starting slots is not even one third of currently existing content, much less future content. When new players look at the slot system, they're going to think Warframe is another fake f2p game that is actually p2p at its core due to the highly limited content they can enjoy without having to repeatedly trash the equipment that they spent a lot of time and effort into leveling to swap it for something that they don't even know is whether better or not, especially with the constant and random nerfs going around.

This isn't about whining for more free stuff. It's simply about keeping Warframe a good free2play game that appeals to new potential players.

Okay, for one, you can still experience every weapon and Warframe, you just have to sell them on again. Let's be honest, if you REALLY want to go back to a weapon you discarded it's not difficult to level it back to 30. It's not forcing you to sell your mods too.


Secondly, I was happy as a newbie with the number of slots I was afforded. It allowed me to have a "base" set of equipment that I can fall back to, and an experimental set for trying out new stuff. When factored with the starting platinum, you've got a bit of room.


Devs gotta make money somehow, if everything is free why would anyone pay? With nobody paying, we get no game =/


EDIT: And what's to stop free players making more accounts? That way they can keep their old stuff while trying out new stuff. Again, if they want it all on the one account that's what buying platinum is for. 75 is enough for loads more slots.

Edited by Deadly-Bagel
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For the very low price of $50 USD, you too can have three video game guns! Get the "What Stalker?" pack today!


What's with all of the poor people on these forums? If you think $50 is anything but asswiping money, you should probably be looking for a job and getting an education instead of playing video games.

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Well to be more specific you don't HAVE to farm it. You can cut grass for it, flip burgers for it. (prepared this statment earlier, still, i said farming.)


Funny how 3-4 hours of ingame repetition is acceptable, but you mention real work and people seem less receptive.

And cue a bunch of fibbers telling us they cannot physically buy platinum because their evil step-mother has locked them in a basement without a credit card, and only bread and water. [Can't help wondering why these evil parents are OK with buying their kids PCs and supplying them with electricity and internet connections for months, but won't them let them spend 5 bucks on a game. They must be deranged!]

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What issue?


You can hold a reasonable number of items with your starting plat and slots, if you really must max everything without playing then get happy on that sell button.


If you want a Warframe and weapon for every mission type with every enemy type, what do you honestly expect?


And you seriously can't say this game is pay to win. You can quite comfortably go through the entirety of the game with a single Warframe and one set of weapons, and the base is double that plus whatever you want to spend your plat on.


FYI, they already acknowledge it as an issue but don't have a fast and easy fix for it.


I agree that DE has to make money in order to keep the game alive, but do you realise how bad design it is by forcing people to choose between ignoring the awesome new weapon and just suck it, or to trash one of your cool swords that you like in order to experience that new awesome weapon?


What would free players say to their friends when they try to bring them in? "Oh yea, Warframe is completely awesome dude, but it limits you in progression! You have to pay every time you want to play with new weapons or trash your progression."


On the other hand, DE should come up with a compromise in where both free players and paying players feel satisfied. If they give free players a taste of the honey, they might even turn into loyal customers instead of having the feeling to be "forced" to pay in order to successfully progress. This would also have a positive effect on the word of mouth.


So now the recommendation would look akin to this. "Oh yea, Warframe is completely awesome dude, although I can't have everything at the same time. That doesn't matter because the game feels fair and I can keep my progression, in which I have even thought of buying one of their plat packages!"


DE can easily make money from other things (e.g. cosmetics) than just the slots, it would be very naive to think otherwise. 

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So there is much discussion about slot here. If slots truly stop players from playing, that that is truly sad. The game gives hoarders the ability to hoard as many weapons because they are lazy to sell or buy it or craft it again.


Are you a hoarder? Do you want more slots because you are lazy to sell, because you are greedy and want all features since it is called F2P? Is slots even a form that provides players more "win" situations or does it make them more lazy? Really there is absolutely no point in arguing for slots because you still have to get weapons all over again to rank up, and if you don't want to throw away that weapon, stop leveling, stop being greedy overall.


Players who makes the most noise are those who already know how progress is limited, compared to those who are ignorant about it and adapt because they know nothing more. Like they say ignorance is bliss.

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What's with all of the poor people on these forums? If you think $50 is anything but asswiping money, you should probably be looking for a job and getting an education instead of playing video games.

wow. just wow.

You know, people play games from all around the world, different social levels, age and countries. Saying something like that is not only dumb and wrong, but downright insulting to many people.


Even to me, living in central europe, 50bucks is alot of money. It's about what i get left weekly from my part-time job after paying rent (and i dont even live alone),car,food. 

Edited by Egioh
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14+ Warframe, 70+ Weapons, Yet, 2 Warframe Slots, 8 Weapons Slots.

Title says it all.

Not to mention more warframe and weapon is coming.

Resolution to this so far is: Pay up, or shut up.


said a guy with grandmaster package

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I have not played the in about a month because I hit level 30 on my final warframe


I still have alerts up so I can get blueprints I'm missing, but really there's no insentive to keep playing if I cannot get access to all my hard work


Now; insult to injury, all those level 30 guns I've destroyed because I didn't have room had a chance to become quite good overtime


It all leaves quite a bad taste in the mouth

If you are going to split the community at the very least could you allow me to rebuy my old gun at level 30?


Or is it hopeless now because of that old stats database crash a while ago (if anyone remembers that)

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