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14+ Warframe, 70+ Weapons, Yet, 2 Warframe Slots, 8 Weapons Slots.

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I agree that DE has to make money in order to keep the game alive, but do you realise how bad design it is by forcing people to choose between ignoring the awesome new weapon and just suck it, or to trash one of your cool swords that you like in order to experience that new awesome weapon?


What would free players say to their friends when they try to bring them in? "Oh yea, Warframe is completely awesome dude, but it limits you in progression! You have to pay every time you want to play with new weapons or trash your progression."


On the other hand, DE should come up with a compromise in where both free players and paying players feel satisfied. If they give free players a taste of the honey, they might even turn into loyal customers instead of having the feeling to be "forced" to pay in order to successfully progress. This would also have a positive effect on the word of mouth.


So now the recommendation would look akin to this. "Oh yea, Warframe is completely awesome dude, although I can't have everything at the same time. That doesn't matter because the game feels fair and I can keep my progression, in which I have even thought of buying one of their plat packages!"


DE can easily make money from other things (e.g. cosmetics) than just the slots, it would be very naive to think otherwise. 

It's not forcing them to do anything, like I said you have room for six weapons by default, plus whatever you buy with your 50 plat. I'd recommend another four slots plus one Warframe slot, which is enough for three entirely separate sets of gear, plus one additional weapon (from memory you start with 6 slots?). So you get to keep your favourite two of every type of equipment, and have a bunch to play around with new stuff. Seriously, what more do you want??


And not having hundreds of slots does not limit you in progression. Ideally you would settle on a combination that suits you and work on refining the mods. Like I said, you can have up to three sets of gear as a free player.


I was satisfied as a free player. I'm satisfied now that I have Smoke and Saturated. I've bought additional slots but am yet to actually fill them with anything. Either way I'm enjoying this game.


It seems you're linking "progression" with "owning all weapons and Warframes". Name any one free game with paid addons in which you can do this.


And I get that they make money through cosmetic effects but the players happy to pay for expensive colours are far fewer than those wanting a bigger inventory. I only bought the colours because the Disciple pack practically halved the cost.

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IMO the things that make an F2P game successful are (based on my experience with games like LoL and planetside 2, to a lesser degree hawken, MWO)


1: Everything functional is completely available with sufficient time to any player, paid or otherwise.

2: the gameplay is fun or interesting of in own accord, not just with the promise of in game reward.


From my (free player) perspective, WF has neither. I'll probably be done take a break or quit completely in 3 weeks or so when I get board of hoping the RNG will roll me something decent. 

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I just dislike that I have to waste platinum on slots when I would have gladly used it on colors. I bought four extra slots and I've only used one. I feel kinda dumb seeing as how the first two slots have the only Warframes I enjoy playing as. I'm not spending anymore more cash on slots. So much for DE's plan to get me to keep spending money on slots.


It's also funny how I have 70 plat left. There's absolutely nothing worth spending on left. Maybe they should have rethought out their money plans because I don't really find the stuff their selling that appealing besides the colors.

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yeah kinda sucks but oh well.  I mean, the rest of the game is nice and all but it stinks that you have only 2 slots (technicaly one since your default excaliber takes up a spot).   I think they should have had people have a default of 4 (including excaliber) so that way people could have a chance of getting "The main four" (rhino, excal, loki, mag)  or whoever they choose.

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Alright, let me re-iterate on my previous post.




5$ for the lowest plat package compared to a coffee or beer in downtown is almost equal in price and not that much, if you have a stable income.


BUT, with the current trend of DE pushing out new warframes and weapons every Friday or two, you end up with a huge pile of content that is simply not available if you don't buy any slots and the pile only gets bigger. Do you see where this is going, if there is no "fair solution" and instead the shop always poke you to pay for the experience?


And as with every F2P titles, the majority of the playerbase are free players who is constantly in the "should I pour money into this game or not?" dilemma, and inevitably of course other will simply never pay any cent, but that's what you always expect from a F2P title anyway.


So again, the points here are, convince the free players to spend on the game by making them feel they have a choice rather than "force" to spend in order to experience the content.

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IMO the things that make an F2P game successful are (based on my experience with games like LoL and planetside 2, to a lesser degree hawken, MWO)


1: Everything functional is completely available with sufficient time to any player, paid or otherwise.

2: the gameplay is fun or interesting of in own accord, not just with the promise of in game reward.


From my (free player) perspective, WF has neither. I'll probably be done take a break or quit completely in 3 weeks or so when I get board of hoping the RNG will roll me something decent. 

graphics is very good if you play solo... and that it. only braindead trolls can say WF is f2p. lol you get a F*** nothing without cash. its new diablo3 with a tons of scam and they haven't even dedicated servers for online play... oh dear.

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Spend a little money to support the game and get all the slots you need?


In some games with a monthly sub you get a set number of slots and have to pay as much as $5 per each additional. Here it cost you almost nothing per slot on top of no recurring sub fee and you can buy frame or weapon slots as you need them. so if you don't play for the next three months you don't have to maintain or spend a dime. I think it's pretty fair rather then having to pay up front for a base game which you might not even like.

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This is a F2P game, you're not charged anything to download, install and play the game. You're not charged a monthly sub to play the game. The devs have to make money somehow. Development is still going on, content is still being written. We've just had update 8 with new maps, gear, etc. Who do you think makes that content? Do you think those people will work for free? Would you?


Slots for weapons & warframes are cheap. Potatoes are cheap. I bet some of you who are moaning about paying anything for a game have put 100's of hours into Warframe. If you were buying a new game for your XBox/PS3 etc you'd pay what, £40? $60? €50? So make a choice - either you decide to pay nothing for Warframe, or you can pay a sum pretty much of your own choosing and unlock some extra weapon & frame slots, or buy some colours, etc.


However, if you do decide that you don't want to or can't afford to pay anything for the 100's of hours of gaming you're getting then be a grown-up about it and accept that it's a choice you've made and stop moaning about it.

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I am fine with them selling potatoes and cosmetic stuff like collors. But by making you buy a slot they are making you buy the warframe, so what does that mean? It means that no matter what weapons and warframes are not free even though you already grinded for the damn thing

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This is a F2P game, you're not charged anything to download, install and play the game. You're not charged a monthly sub to play the game. The devs have to make money somehow. Development is still going on, content is still being written. We've just had update 8 with new maps, gear, etc. Who do you think makes that content? Do you think those people will work for free? Would you?


Slots for weapons & warframes are cheap. Potatoes are cheap. I bet some of you who are moaning about paying anything for a game have put 100's of hours into Warframe. If you were buying a new game for your XBox/PS3 etc you'd pay what, £40? $60? €50? So make a choice - either you decide to pay nothing for Warframe, or you can pay a sum pretty much of your own choosing and unlock some extra weapon & frame slots, or buy some colours, etc.


However, if you do decide that you don't want to or can't afford to pay anything for the 100's of hours of gaming you're getting then be a grown-up about it and accept that it's a choice you've made and stop moaning about it.

This i agree, not to mention those on the Xbox still pay subscription fees for online

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How many more weapons do you need than 8? Your 7 faves and 1 that you up and sell. You can use your starting plat to get a few more slots if you want, but really, you'll develop favorites. I know I want to sell a few of the weps I have because I'll never use them again after they reach 30. Also, most games limit your inventory space, even your "bank" has a limit in many games, the difference here is you have 8 slots for under a hundred weps, as opposed to a hundred slots for thousands of weps in other online games. Proportionally it's really well off.


As for warframes, think of them like character slots, many online games limit the number of characters you can have, the only difference in this is the class/character is an equitable item.

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How many more weapons do you need than 8? Your 7 faves and 1 that you up and sell. You can use your starting plat to get a few more slots if you want, but really, you'll develop favorites. I know I want to sell a few of the weps I have because I'll never use them again after they reach 30. Also, most games limit your inventory space, even your "bank" has a limit in many games, the difference here is you have 8 slots for under a hundred weps, as opposed to a hundred slots for thousands of weps in other online games. Proportionally it's really well off.


As for warframes, think of them like character slots, many online games limit the number of characters you can have, the only difference in this is the class/character is an equitable item.


How do you know which ones are your favorites if you don't try them all, or most of them?  And, where do you put them all while making the comparison?

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You can also sell those weapons to free up your slots once you've ranked them up to 30 for mastery points. Unless you're the OC completionist type.


So yeah, I really don't see the issue here.


Delete your time and progress, pay money or make no progress.


Great options, fantastic design.

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What's with all of the poor people on these forums? If you think $50 is anything but asswiping money, you should probably be looking for a job and getting an education instead of playing video games.


Whoa there kid, no need to start calling out people as "poor" and "non-poor".   I am lucky to ahve a credit card, but I always am cautious in using it because what if DE gets hacked and they don't do crap to fix it?  Well, there goes my credit card information and then Ill have a ton of work to do in attempts to fix it.   Also, some people ahve the money, but don't choose to spend it on virtual items for a game since there are other things in life to spend money on.  Also, some people here DO have a job and ARE getting an education, but some jobs ain't paying that well, and getting an education is NOT cheap at all (atleast in the USA it isn't), so thats why I rather put my money on my college degree, rather than a game. 



Now, with that said, yes I am a disciple, but I did that just because i had a paycheck and saw that I could afford it and figured, "hey, why not?" so I did it.  Also, I make sure to keep tabs on my history so that way I budget my money better.

Edited by Law_Abiding_Engineer
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You can sell old equipment you know. Or pay for commodity if you want to amass every weapon in the game.


1: Everything functional is completely available with sufficient time to any player, paid or otherwise.


But that is the case bar the mediocre Excal Prime and his two prime weps.


How do slots prevent you from obtaining any weapon in the game? Slots aren't permanently used when a weapon is added to your inventory, you can sell stuff.


I don't see any gameplay elements being pay only in this game yet.

Edited by Caernarvon
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Paying for slots is stupid. That's the total depth of this issue. Anyone who is defending DE on this point should re-examine their life choices.

The slot limits are a holdover from early development when there weren't that many things to monetize. Now that DE has really got their GIVE US MONEY model off the ground (whether you agree with how they're implementing it or not, it's much more robust now), paying for slots on top of all the other things DE wants you to pay for is indefensible.

It's beyond nickel and diming at this point.

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Right now, what we've got is a progression system that relies on equipment. That equipment relies on inventory. Our options with this system are to pay money, keep your items and never progress through ranks or delete your items. (If you didn't know, deleting your items means you're deleting your time, money and progress)


That's not good design and you're either kidding yourself or incredibly clueless if you think it is.


Copy/pasting this.


"If they were to allow us to obtain slots for free, some people would still pay for them because humans are impatient. Acquiring them through Ranks would require time and for you to play the game. People will still spend money to bypass the time like they do now, so there isn't a loss in profit. The rest will feel that the game is fair and will be more willing to spend money, or more money, in the first place, so there could likely be an increase in profit. They would feel that the game is more fair and giving them an even chance, so they could feel more comfortable playing and more confident investing money.


If we had a method that required effort, perseverance and required us to play the game, then it's available to everyone, regardless of how their lives are. This is ideal.


Annoying your players into spending money, encouraging them to pay out of necessity and splitting your community are things you should never, ever do.


"If you make a Free to Play game, then you actually have to be okay with people playing for free."


We need things to do. New objectives, new game modes, new bosses, new events. Come on, let's come up with some ideas to make this game more fun and enjoyable for everyone instead of pushing each other apart and spitting on each other.


"Players are content" and we need to play together.


Do you know why I bought my Founder Packages? I played the game for free for a while and it turned out that I absolutely loved it. I enjoyed playing, I felt good while playing. I bought a Disciple and then a Master because I genuinely wanted to, not because I felt like I had to. And it wasn't because I wanted the Platinum, the items or the badge, it was because the Developers earned my respect and I wanted to support them.


I've played many kinds of games for many years, including lots of online games. I can assure you, when players start to feel like they're being annoyed into paying or paying out of necessity, they will pay less. Sometimes, when people don't like to spend money on something, they won't spend money. Crazy, huh?"


This might seem a bit jumbled or unorganized, I just took bits and pieces from other posts I've made over the past few weeks, so forgive me.

Edited by FatalX7
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Right now, what we've got is a progression system that relies on equipment. That equipment relies on inventory. Our options with this system are to pay money, keep your items and never progress through ranks or delete your items. (If you didn't know, deleting your items means you're deleting your time, money and progress)


That's not good design and you're either kidding yourself or incredibly clueless if you think it is.



You dont delete your progress, mastery doesnt disappear when you delete the item. You can get to any rank in the game with the slots you get at the start but, of course, you wont be able to keep all your weapons all the time.


Keeping your weapons and frames all the time is a choice you make all on your own becasue the game does not require you to have all weapons and frames all at the same time.


Folks that dont pay have ALWAYS been restricted to what they can do, this isnt anything new and im sure this isnt something that is going to change any time soon.

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