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Two Elephants In The Room.


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This tilting randomly happens all the time, can be looking forward to the horizon or upwards or whatever direction you choose. I only looked at that exact angle while taking the gif because it is the most reliable way to reproduce the bug.


No it doesn't. You specifically aimed at the floor in that gif the entire time, and while you say it's 'the most reliable way to reproduce the bug', I still don't buy that it's buggy in that instance.


I've played with the game for about 6 hours now since the update and I haven't noticed any glitchy-ness with the Parkour system thus far on my end.

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Are you serious?! Yeah, I'll pass.

Actually no, that's a lie.

It takes 48 Forma for 24 frames, but it takes 2 Forma, 1 Argon and 1 Orokin Cell to make a Exilus Adapter.


It's just been blown out of proportion, Exilus slots are there if you want to use them, most if not frames are still functional without it.



Edited by Hisophonic
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1st - Why is everyone praising parkour 2.0 like it was the most refined movement system ever and completely ignoring the fact that the main movement for the entire thing (bullet jump) is completely bugged to hell and increasingly tilts to the right as it gathers momentum?


2nd - Why is everyone complaining about the grind to get Equinox when it is merely 2 to 3 hours of farming followed by a mere week of waiting while the utility slot system brought levels of grind that are exponentially bigger than that? It takes 48 forma to craft one exilus thing per warframe (there are 24 warframes in the game not counting prime/umbra variants) and then it takes another 48 forma to open up mod point room for you to actually slot a utility mod in there.


Now come on folks, stop pretending the emperor has clothes on him.


EDIT: Here is proof that bullet jump is bugged:




1. Because 2.0 is fun? its actually fun to do! Is it buggy? a few times yes it is, can it be refined? Ofc...but is it actually that bad? No! That's why you have people giving praise. Because 2.0 is FUN! and combined with no stamina is even more FUN. Sweet jesuz it hasn't even been around for 48hrs and people are already trying to crucify it. 


2. I actually agree with you on this one...I finished it up in a couple hrs tbh compared to my grind for the likes of trinity that took a 2 days. But maybe people wanna try out content that doesnt take 3 times as long depending on what parts you get. idk...


I find it far more useful. I aim upwards to get to high places, forwards to travel further than coptering did.


Just no....sweet jesuz people need to stop it. Just stop it. 2.0 is NOT will NOT and will NEVER BE faster then copter. EVER! you can compared a billion vids and it will NEVER be as fast. If you honestly even slightly believe that then you were never doing copter right to begin with or was never using the right melee's.


Forma is cheap.

Why you guys acting like its a big deal ?

Are you the same guys who are complaining that they got 100 formas and no prime drops ? :)


Sweet jesuz....BP! Not formas...FORMA BP is what people have a lot of. THAT is what people are complaining about with the slot. That you will have to make two forma using 2 forma BP'S. Which takes essentially 2 days for 1 slot. Granted it's not that bad since not many if anybody actually uses ALL frames. 20p for a slot and you can get that with a quick stroll through a few missions.





But in all honesty I hope they don't change it. It's a whole new slot that isn't even needed, required or was really necessary to put in game. Sure speed is nice but without the copter there is not the biggest need "to go fast" as it once was and without stamina to slow you down even more so. Plus for those that managed to fit mods like marathon and if you were really serious about going fast as long as possible "quick rest" you just got 1 or 2 whole slots back! Making this new open slot just icing on the cake. The truth is people just love to complain....it's just that simple or are just impatient....which I can't believe i'm saying. Considering this whole game is a game of patience. 

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Bulletjump is indeed bugged.

In my experience however, its not related to how much momentum you carry, its about where you're aiming at the time

If you're running and bullet jump while aiming slightly downwards, your bullet jump will tilt, as is shown in the gif OP posted

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Bulletjump is indeed bugged.

In my experience however, its not related to how much momentum you carry, its about where you're aiming at the time

If you're running and bullet jump while aiming slightly downwards, your bullet jump will tilt, as is shown in the gif OP posted

Half say it's bugged and half say it isn't.

I've encountered no problems with it so far, this maybe different for others.

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The issue with it seeming slower than coptering is that everyone used coptering as a crutch. If coptering had NEVER been a thing in the first place, people wouldn't be moaning and whining and crying at the new bullet jump being slow. I made a point to generally avoid the weapons that were ridiculous for coptering and honestly? I'm enjoying bullet jump. Needs a bit more refinement? Maybe, but this is DE. EVERYTHING needs refinement.


Certain weapons were completely insane in terms of copter speed. I think DE really dug themselves into a hole by not nipping coptering in the bud back when it was first discovered. It's like the stereotypical "new player with Rhino Prime" story where they can't survive endgame content because they also needed a crutch, except in that case it was Iron Skin rather than coptering.


And yeah, Sharking feels weird. My biggest issue is just how slow it feels. I can understand the why (primarily what the canon explanation would be - that we're in water rather than empty space), but I still don't like it. Every other instance of Archwing has been more fast-paced - faster movement and larger maps to support it. I can understand not being able to support such movement inside the Sealabs, but honestly I think DE could have done it a bit better. Perhaps alternating segments of normal and Archwing so that they could recreate the feel of the Corpus Archwing tileset, perhaps.

Edited by Samoth95
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That is slow as hell.

However, that wasn't as slow as I feared it'd be.

May I ask if you used any particular mods? (Sprint, Maglev, w/e the hell those new 2.0 ones are).


My Frost is making adequate distances all day today.

Slow? Yes. Compared to coptering, it'll forever be 10kph to 1000kph.

But it's enough to blaze pass through the 99% of worthless content that stands in the way of mediocre rewards.

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1st - Why is everyone praising parkour 2.0 like it was the most refined movement system ever and completely ignoring the fact that the main movement for the entire thing (bullet jump) is completely bugged to hell and increasingly tilts to the right as it gathers momentum?


2nd - Why is everyone complaining about the grind to get Equinox when it is merely 2 to 3 hours of farming followed by a mere week of waiting while the utility slot system brought levels of grind that are exponentially bigger than that? It takes 48 forma to craft one exilus thing per warframe (there are 24 warframes in the game not counting prime/umbra variants) and then it takes another 48 forma to open up mod point room for you to actually slot a utility mod in there.


Now come on folks, stop pretending the emperor has clothes on him.


EDIT: Here is proof that bullet jump is bugged:



you are moving to the right because you are aiming down-right, look straight and you will jump straight. next time when you say something is bugged, you need to do extensive testing to be absolutely positive its bugged

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That is slow as hell.

However, that wasn't as slow as I feared it'd be.

May I ask if you used any particular mods? (Sprint, Maglev, w/e the hell those new 2.0 ones are).


My Frost is making adequate distances all day today.

Slow? Yes. Compared to coptering, it'll forever be 10kph to 1000kph.

But it's enough to blaze pass through the 99% of worthless content that stands in the way of mediocre rewards.


Rush, Sprint Boost, Mobilize. However, I can also make this jump with Excalibur Prime with only Mobilize. It's more about the timing of the aimglides if you're going for distance. Mobilize is what makes it reliable, and one mod is preferable to being tied to a few melee weapons.


I find alternating slide or dodge roll (dodge roll is extremely fast once you've performed a bullet jump to build momentum) and bullet jump is best for maintaining speed, while aimglide+doublejump+aimglide is best for distance.

Edited by NovusNiveus
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2nd - Why is everyone complaining about the grind to get Equinox when it is merely 2 to 3 hours of farming followed by a mere week of waiting while the utility slot system brought levels of grind that are exponentially bigger than that? It takes 48 forma to craft one exilus thing per warframe (there are 24 warframes in the game not counting prime/umbra variants) and then it takes another 48 forma to open up mod point room for you to actually slot a utility mod in there.




Good for you, having completed only in a few hours. Others are unfortunate enough not having all, despite playing the whole day

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Bro, why didn't you just report the bug instead of dissing the entire movement system? The movement system that came with a update that had to be rushed to try and meet the deadline (and didn't, sadly)... Of course it's gonna ship with a bug or two, for that is the nature of software development: new features will have bugs. Oh, and let's not mention the irony that you complain about a bug on bullet jump, which replaced coptering, which was in itself a bug that DE decided not to fix... But yeah, this bug will likely be squashed soon (if it's a bug at all...), and maybe if you just reported the bug instead of complaining in general discussion, that process may have been expedited.


Parkour 2.0 as a whole still works. I personally had trouble with it at first, and had some of the same thoughts you had (that it was slow and clunky and stuff). But then I began to master it. I feel that I can still clear a room pretty quickly, and I don't even use Rush or any other of those utility mods on my Warframes. I feel that I have more control over my movement too, which was one of the main goals of Parkour 2.0 anyway. So, for me, the praise for Parkour 2.0 is well-deserved. Maybe when you've gotten a firmer grip on the new system, you'll be able to appreciate it and see what everyone else is talking about.


By the way, the devs themselves said that Parkour 2.0 is a bit slower than coptering, so that's a bit irrelevant...


And about your second comment, it's very misleading, as other posters have mentioned. If it's just two formas per Warframe, it's actually not all that bad. Take two days to make the formas, make the Exilus slot for your Warframe, make another forma the same day you make the new Exilus slot, repeat. After the first day, you can make a new slot every day. Will still take three weeks? Yes. But you are getting a whole new mod slot, so I think that the wait isn't too bad, especially since most players don't even have all the frames anyway. Plus, no one said you had to get an Exilus slot for every single frame. Just do it for four or five of the frames you think need the slot the most. That should cover all the frames you use most often.

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1st - Why is everyone praising parkour 2.0 like it was the most refined movement system ever and completely ignoring the fact that the main movement for the entire thing (bullet jump) is completely bugged to hell and increasingly tilts to the right as it gathers momentum?


2nd - Why is everyone complaining about the grind to get Equinox when it is merely 2 to 3 hours of farming followed by a mere week of waiting while the utility slot system brought levels of grind that are exponentially bigger than that? It takes 48 forma to craft one exilus thing per warframe (there are 24 warframes in the game not counting prime/umbra variants) and then it takes another 48 forma to open up mod point room for you to actually slot a utility mod in there.


Now come on folks, stop pretending the emperor has clothes on him.


EDIT: Here is proof that bullet jump is bugged:



I havent noticed any bugs either. 


Once again, another pointless thread about someone complaining about something that needed to be changed.

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Challenge accepted!


Aimglide did most of the work for me in this clip, I admit, but there it is.


Comparing your video to Lowsodium's coptor video, it's obvious that Parkour 2.0 is slower than coptor, so coptor wins.  Factor in that the new Parkour 2.0 mods take up a slot, it's a loss.  The new exilus mod slot doesn't make up for that because it and the new mods give us back through a grind wall what was taken from us.  So, Parkour 2.0 doesn't seem like it's about game play at all.  It looks like it's about chopping the game up into pieces to be placed behind a grind wall.

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