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300,000 Damage


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I don't have a screenshot, but earlier I was on Earth fighting Hek and managed to one shot him in a team. Everyone threw around a few question marks as to how it all happened. 


Only I saw



The red line of numbers totaling 380k damage...from my Dread bow. That's right, the weapon I called underwhelming slew Vay Hek like he was tissue paper. How could  this happen? I am not sure.


a Vauban laid down a vortex and I shot Hek while he was twisting around like a ragdoll and somehow...by some unspeakable act of RNG...







Maybe no one believes me, I saw what I saw. I saw a BIG, RED, SIX DIGIT number fly into my face like I broke the game or something. 



Has this happened to anyone else? Is this even possible?

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Actually, I've seen some incredible damage happen to Vortex victims. It is likely that bolt weapons hit significantly harder if the enemy is in the Vortex. Needs testing.



 The largest damage number I've seen on a Vortex victim is 1,500. I do not know what dealt the blow.

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Actually, I've seen some incredible damage happen to Vortex victims. It is likely that bolt weapons hit significantly harder if the enemy is in the Vortex. Needs testing.



 The largest damage number I've seen on a Vortex victim is 1,500. I do not know what dealt the blow.

It's probably due to the fact that the arrow technically hits it several times (they're piercing, remember), resulting in cumulative (not to mention ridiculous) damage added up to one number.

Not sure about boltor/tron.

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It's probably due to the fact that the arrow technically hits it several times (they're piercing, remember), resulting in cumulative (not to mention ridiculous) damage added up to one number.

Not sure about boltor/tron.


 Could be a number of things. The 1k+ damage number I saw was visible to me, which means something I did caused it. I'm not using a bolt weapon though. 


 I happen to believe it was an explosive canister that set off. 



 I think Vortex might amplify damage, even if it is accidental.

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is it possible tha vortex 'increased' velocity of the arrow therefore increasing it's 'charge'?


best explanation I can think of, that along with a super-crit, could explain, of course, then again, could be some wierd stealth effect of the dread bow

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Yeah I was in that one with you, it was quite strange wasn't it o.O


On a side note add me if ya want I got 2 new frames from my foundry and like 5 or 6 new weps to level the next few days so hit me up whenever for anything.

Edited by Fireblac
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