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No Difference In Nvidia Physx O.o


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about a year ago ( ♫♪A year ago♫♪ ) i found this awesome game called WF , i didnt really like FPS that much , but something felt special about this game , I had a stupid laptop that would overheat after playing 20 rounds of T1 defence .

3 months ago , i got myself a newer computer with better "stuff" 

 And i was able to run the game at very high graphics smoothly . And about a week ago ( ♫♪ a week ago ♪♫ ) i found a video comparing Nvidia PhysX on and off . 

So i tried to enable my Nvidia PhysX , i spent few hours researching , since mine was on but the results isnt as in the video ( the video was from 2015 , not the early trailer ) .

So i want to know , because to me there is no difference whatsoever and im kind of dissapointed :x 

I have the Nvidia PhysX on in game options and in the launcher i have directX ticked too .

So is there a solution? :'( i want to see dem swirling particles :C

Am i doing something wrong? please help your fabulous brother out

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I think my drivers are up-to-date . 

The issue is that there are NO differences between activating Nvidia PhysX and not activating it . i just want to know if im trippin' or if its bugged , or if i need to do certain stuff to get it to work

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A quick way to see some of physx particles are the capture targets.  When capturing there are particles that spawn from the target and swirl up and around as you finish the capture.  I don't play with physx very often, as you say, the benefits are not so obvious sometimes.  But this is one situation that shows them prominently.

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Do you have Volt? At least his Noble stance idle animation in the Liset produces an absurd amount of PhysX particles right now. Generally, though, PhysX isn't as noticeable as it used to be, because the effects got toned down. Probably to improve visibility and to make room for effects that everyone- and not just NVidia users - can see.

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This is what capture looks like to me with physx enabled.  It's only 720p as I don't play on a 1080p monitor, only take this as an example of the presence of the particles themselves.



Woah what, mine looks nowhere near that high quality. Mine looks like its that cheap "flow" particles they added, but I have PhysX on :/

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