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Rhino Charge Idea If He Is Reworked. If He Gets One.


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So my idea to make it feel like a real rhino charging is this.


Rhino Charge: Can only be activated while in motion. Any motion halted and the ability wears off. While active you here a thumping sound. If an enemy is infront of you they get trampled and squished. Enemies off to the side get smashed away from you and they impact a wall. The shorter the distance to you and the wall the more it hurts since there momentum would slow down. Speed and power is taken into account so the faster he is the more he hurts when he impacts people.


I dunno how iron skin could synergize with this ability but maybe add an augment that makes him regain stacks on charge kills?


I always wanted his charge to make you feel like this powerhouse that you would not want to stand in front of and his current charge feels underwhelming to me.


Its just my opinion and a what if thing IF DE decides to rework him i hope they take this idea into consideration. Again its IF they rework. He is fine as is but you never know what will happen. COuld put that vanguard helmet and speed arcanes to good use with him and volts speed buff!

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Another great idea is that you gradually Pick up speed and as soon as you hit 150% of your modded Sprint speed you while ragdoll all enemies in your wake. This caps at 200%. If you turn you loose speed and you cant use your guns while Charging. Would be like draining x energy per second.


Note that this Idea is not mine and was suggested in another meaning but I think it would fit more to His 1

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rhino "charge" would be copying destiny's "titans" charge... not exactly original..

If you're talking about that one running perk titans get once they run around for long enough, that is just a much smaller, single-target version of the current rhino charge.


The idea proposed in the OP isn't the same since, while Rhino is "charging", he can knock down any enemy in his way while moving and continue on his merry way for however long the ability is determined to last.


I've always liked that idea, so upboat.

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one of the things i love about warframe is all the different frames and what the different frames are able to do.. i'm not going to bother with all their abilities but say they are all unique.. thats what makes warframe far superior and fun.. being conscious of that, i would always be weary of anything that even sounds familiar with the obvious competitor and to remake rhino which really is fine the way he is would be kind of a waste especially when theres so many other things in this game that needs addressing. dont get me wrong i'm not shooting down anybodys ideas. talking about the game is good and healthy. thats why we're here.. enjoy your day

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rhino "charge" would be copying destiny's "titans" charge... not exactly original..

but it looks like you put some thought into it, so thats cool...

i'm sure theres others way to mimic a rhino mangling a enemy..

I never played Destiny. Had no interest. I was thinking back to the Juggernaut from X-men and the Rhino from Spiderman. You see these guys pick up speed and power but they can't turn or stop easily so it would kinda make sense for a strong 1 with upsides to downsides.

Edited by Lancars
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