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Closed Beta = Unlimited Access?


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Hi, Let me start by saying that I think WarFrame is a great game and its going to rock when its released . . . with that said:

We are in closed beta, but what is exactly our obligation? what is it that we are to test exactly? maps? AI? Balance?

All the characters created are going to be deleted anyway, so why do we have to go trough the motions of "buying" some items? and the limtations on getting premium skill points . . . absurd, how can we test the fourth powers and give ideas on it, if we dont have access to it. It doesnt make sense.

This is an RPG, so even having access to all items and WARFRAMES wont break the balance because everyone has to level up to properly use that item, and this is why we are here. We are not here to have "fun" - although we are having a lot of that :D - we are here to test and find bugs, maybe for the first couple of days everyone will play as ASH, but after the third and fourth day people will want to test the other warframes and the other guns as well. Maybe there are skills that break the game? My Fire Blast caused one of the players to get so much lag, he had to disconnect, now if I havent had that how could we have found about it?

So this is my suggestion: Its closed beta so everyone expects to have their profiles Wiped. why not give:

Warframes: All of warframes unlocked.

Skill points: All premium skills unlocked - but people still have to level up to get them.

Items: No need to unlock the weapons, they are already cheap enough if the WarFrames are unlocked.

Do it for the sake of testing, you then can enforce the current laws again when open beta comes. Because then you only want to stress test the system.

What do you think admin? Is that possible? or did I got it all wrong.

:D <-- smily face to point out that I am not in a bad mood - just happy and trying to be constructive :)

Edited by TheNexusCloud
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You are really greedy man, everyting right now? it's a beta they don't have the obligation of giving us everyting in the game, that would be really stupid

You are right, forgive me, perhaps I should have toned down the "compadre" style and pointed out only facts. Not too late I hope. Hopefully the Admin is reading this as well.

I am a test engineer that have performed several tests, from PreAlpha to Alpha, PreBeta, Private Beta, Beta, PreRelease . .. you name it. Our dear friend The-Event-Horizon has mistaken the purpose of this test. A game that performs Closed Beta already should have implemented those features and I know they have because we saw some of them in the video. Also if you remember we shared a game today, the one which was hosted by the Digital Extremes Representative, she was using what appeared to be the fourth tier power of Trinity - I told that to you, but unfortunately you chose to ignore it.

When I was trying show the bugs to our dear DE staff representative, showing her the bugs in the game, and telling her why this and that is not working and giving her ideas along the way, you were angry with me, because you wanted to finish the match - as if having fun and finishing the game is the sole purpose of playing the closed beta. No my friend, you are given a responsibility, a duty to test this game - if anything bad happens to the game and a bug goes unnoticed it is not DigitalExtremes fault, it is OUR fault that we didn't see it, that we didn't report it. We may not be bound by contract, but we are bound by our morality, our dignity.

In software engineering we had a famous saying that if a bug is not prevented in the early stages of developement then in latter stages it would cost 100 times more to fix the same bug. Do you think that conceptual bugs are not bugs at all? if the game is released and some famous reviewer says:

"that WarFrame is awesome but it doesnt have the details such as skill descriptions or interactive environment which will result in a good but not perfect game"

Whose fault is that? Is it DE's fault? No my dear, it is our fault - we had an obligation and we failed by not exposing that which had to exposed. Instead of reporting bugs we spent time leveling up our various characters and having "fun". I want to help this game, because as I said to dear Meredith, me and my network believe DE to be amongst the best developers in the gaming industry, because they learn . . . because they listen. I trust them, and they trust me - but how can I or any of us live with ourselves knowing that by neglegance we have betrayed that trust.

Digital Extremes will not sue you, nor will he ever balme you - because they are kind heartd people and would only blame themselves if anything (God forbids) goes wrong.

Betraying their trust would be sad, it would be sad in deed. I will continue to post what I have to, and I do it from the bottom of my heart not just from the sense of duty and obligation. I only made this post so you too perhaps can understand too and help DE make a game that if done right can beat Mass Effect on any given day - and that is my vision, even though I dont work for DE (yet), I believe that this game will be a stuff of legends. What I do is not out of greed, it is out of love and respect.

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You are really greedy man, everyting right now? it's a beta they don't have the obligation of giving us everyting in the game, that would be really stupid

If they want everything tested, they should unlock it. You do realize that all of your progression will be erased and you really weren't given access just for marketing's sake? You are a Beta Tester and that title actually means something.

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If they want everything tested, they should unlock it. You do realize that all of your progression will be erased and you really weren't given access just for marketing's sake? You are a Beta Tester and that title actually means something.

The very fact that we can be part of such great game which I predict will make a noise so Huge, EA will think twice before releasing Mass Effect 4. And he will terminate any upcomming DLCs planed for the series. To be a part of that, to be part of such weapon that will change the game industry AS WE KNOW IT. It is honor enough.

You might think Im crazy and might think that this game is good but not that good. But I have worked as a game developer for 4 years now, and the fludity of the game in THIS STAGE meaning beta is astonishing - and knowing that this is only a fraction makes me shake with joy. This is the one! It will change Action RPGs as we know it. It will be THE STANDARD. but only if WE as tester can help these amazing people find that path. If I lived anywhere near DigitalExtremes I would have applies to it 1000 times, so many great people, a real family.

This game has potential and if guided to the right path it can change the entire course of how games are developed, similar to how Mass Effect set that standard, now WarFrame will increase it to a new height.

So yeah, being a beta tester means everything. Only a blind man can ignore seeing the potential that lies in this game.

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Hey I like the idea of the open skill tree and not having to unlock pro (Since I have frames and weapons at 15+ and nothing more to do with them)... But I also think they're trying to figure out the progression rates, and for that reason, I'm fine with starting a warframe at zero upgrades or skills, and building from there. If they gave everyone all the frames and skills, I bet that over half of the players wouldn't be back after a week. I know that I wouldn't. Playing for skills and upgrades is part of the appeal... But yeah, unlock the whole pro tree for beta at least, I wan't something to do after level 15

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Hey I like the idea of the open skill tree and not having to unlock pro (Since I have frames and weapons at 15+ and nothing more to do with them)... But I also think they're trying to figure out the progression rates, and for that reason, I'm fine with starting a warframe at zero upgrades or skills, and building from there. If they gave everyone all the frames and skills, I bet that over half of the players wouldn't be back after a week. I know that I wouldn't. Playing for skills and upgrades is part of the appeal... But yeah, unlock the whole pro tree for beta at least, I wan't something to do after level 15

Perhaps thats where the misunderstanding came. No worries, I will quite myself from the first post I made:

Skill points: All premium skills unlocked - but people still have to level up to get them.

I also agree that there has to be a level up. I actually only need the premium skills, not anythng else. The money is easy to come by. Took me one day to get them all.

That is the whole point of RPG, without the skills, I'm out. Not even in one week. Linear games should be avoided and games like these must be promoted so people understand the concept of replayability.

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