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Forma - De's Target Audience Seem To Be Whales


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I actually have a suggestion for this, implement a top level boss that has a chance to drop void keys.

Yes it would still be slightly RNG but you could still farm the boss with a good group and through making a more reliable source of keys you make forma easier to get. It would be almost like end game rewards.

The lore would be that the boss is actually a Tenno who went into the void(explaining why they have keys) only to be corrupted, so the boss could be random frame every time which adds variety.

Edited by YourFriendlyNoggin
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They could at least mitigate the issue by making Forma only required for big projects like halls and labs.

Hallways, elevators and probably even the reactor should only require materials.



Forma's plat cost lowered to 10.

Forma BP's have a (10%?) chance to drop from any of the Eris, Pluto, Sedna or Ceres bosses.

Forma's require 10 Morphics, 1000 Alloy Plate, 1500 Rubedo, 5000 Nano Spores.


Even if the cost of construction is insane, the drop rate low and still subject to RNG, it would give players a chance to reliably work towards them. Forma is too widely used to be as rare as potatoes.

Edited by Karko
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Lets consider shall we the Forma, for assumptions and demonstrations lets do some hypothetical math. Lets assume around 10% to get a key from a mission (probably higher actually). Then lets assume that it is 20% that that key is in fact a tier 3(unknown due to many factors). Then let us assume that it is 25% that a Forma or Forma Bp will drop from said tier 3 mission(sadly, this may be lower).

10/100 x 20/100 x 25/100 = 5000/1000000 = 5/000 = 0.5%

That's around the supposed chance of you dying in a freak bicycle accident.

If you buy a key you remove the drop and then add a little more RNG in the process. So about ~30% I guess, since people are mum about this, is the chance that a key in the 5 pack will in fact be a tier 3 and you get 5 so chances of getting a tier 3 key rises. But we will skip that part of the calculation and consider it as a per key basis for this moment.

30/100 x 25/100 = 750/10000 = ~7.5%

Even though there are 5 keys, in a bad statistics comparison, you have 37.5% (7.5 x 5 %) chance of getting 1 Forma for your investment, but your actual chances would be much lower than that. The Bps and parts you get may well make up for the cost, but on a Forma basis, you spent 3.75 Forma in Plat to get a chance to get one :3

But the keys that the package create may have different probabilities assigned to their release to the player, as a key is apparently tied to it's source event(I have observed that a group who has gotten keys will get the same bp in each key's use) Either way, it seems like in the scheme of things, it's sorta evil and a large statistical gap, that is easily traversed if you pay the toll, and more of a punishment or trial to do it for free (and arguably lacking in the fun department)

Don't you love math (though I think my probabilities are a bit off)

Edited by Fjarri
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Lets consider shall we the Forma, for assumptions and demonstrations lets do some hypothetical math. Lets assume around 10% to get a key from a mission (probably higher actually). Then lets assume that it is 20% that that key is in fact a tier 3(unknown due to many factors). Then let us assume that it is 25% that a Forma or Forma Bp will drop from said tier 3 mission(sadly, this may be lower).

10/100 x 20/100 x 25/100 = 5000/1000000 = 5/000 = 0.5%

That's around the supposed chance of you dying in a freak bicycle accident.

If you buy a key you remove the drop and then add a little more RNG in the process. So about ~30% I guess, since people are mum about this, is the chance that a key in the 5 pack will in fact be a tier 3 and you get 5 so chances of getting a tier 3 key rises. But we will skip that part of the calculation and consider it as a per key basis for this moment.

30/100 x 25/100 = 750/10000 = ~7.5%

Even though there are 5 keys, in a bad statistics comparison, you have 37.5% (7.5 x 5 %) chance of getting 1 Forma for your investment, but your actual chances would be much lower than that. The Bps and parts you get may well make up for the cost, but on a Forma basis, you spent 3.75 Forma to get a chance to get one :3

Don't you love math (though I think my probabilities are a bit off)

You're right, it's probably more like .005.

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I think the fact that the majority of people complaining are founders just goes to show that DE have made an error here. The people who have already sunk a lot of money into this "F2P" game and have stuck by DE from the beginning are suddenly up in arms.


There is a reason, DE are starting to "forcefully persuade" us to part with our plat. You already have our money DE! If we want to give you more, we will, don't force us to!!!


Why is forma so rare/expensive?


Why is the void basically behind a paywall?


Why is Frost Prime now available to everyone?


Why is the Stalker set so expensive, yet relatively easy to obtain in game?


Why is everything down to RNG?


Talk to us!

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Have to say I do agree.  It's obviously fair enough to be able to rush things with plat and to be able to buy extra keys and forma if you so desire, but they really should be a bit more accessible via free play.  Obviously they don't have to have a high drop rate, but keys should drop a bit more often and Forma should at least drop in some way in the 'normal' maps.


I've gotten 2 keys from defense missions so far but that's quite a lot of hours playing.  I've not used them yet so can't comment on forma drops, but the whole dojo thing needing a lot of Forma really isn't on IMO.  The way I see F2P working is that you can do it, but it'll take longer, but not an unreasonable amount of time.  Or you can put some cash into it for a shortcut.

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I actually have a suggestion for this, implement a top level boss that has a chance to drop void keys.

Yes it would still be slightly RNG but you could still farm the boss with a good group and through making a more reliable source of keys you make forma easier to get. It would be almost like end game rewards.

The lore would be that the boss is actually a Tenno who went into the void(explaining why they have keys) only to be corrupted, so the boss could be random frame every time which adds variety.

+1, sounds like a great idea to me.

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So basically everyone is saying they want an amazing game and they dont want DE to make any money out of it.


I like how when people talk about more or better Free to Play options, other people always and automatically jump to the far end of the spectrum and say "OH, U WANT ALL FOR FREE AND DE MAKE NO MONIE?"


This community.

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HAHA so I guess DE_Steve was blatantly LYING to us about Frost Prime all along ?


Not only is it now non-exclusive to the players who completed the MOA event, it is also almost impossible to make without either getting very, very lucky or spending alot of $$$ on platinum, and then still grinding without a guaranteed parts drop.


Great job, DESuch a fun game, such a nice concept, look what happened to it....

Edited by Eeshaan
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HAHA so I guess DE_Steve was blatantly LYING to us about Frost Prime all along ?


Not only is it now non-exclusive to the players who completed the MOA event, it is also almost impossible to make without either getting very, very lucky or spending alot of $$$ on platinum, and then still grinding without a guaranteed parts drop.


Great job, DE...


Blatantly lying?


A lie is when someone says something to intentionally decieve you. The MOA event was a little over 2 weeks before Update 8. Prove to me that they actually, truly deceived us and I'll agree that they lied. Until then, until DE actually says something about it, I wouldn't make ignorant claims.


And look at it this way, you did the event and got the Frost Prime Blueprint for free, with incredible ease. Would you rather be stuck farming it like this?

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So to get a forma you roll a dice to know if you get a key, then a dice to know if you get the forma.

Let's do some maths.

If you have 25% chances to get a void key and 25% chances to get a forma BP in the void then the %age to get a forma BP is 25% x 25 % so 0,25 x 0,25 = 0,0625 aka 6,25%. Which means in 100 runs for forma (in fact it would be 200 runs as you need to get first the void key) you would get about 6 forma BP.




Dude, you just find out a new concept...Rng'ception... :D


No jokes, i got 2 forma bp when i ve played around 50 Void mission (thanks to my rich friends). That's still pretty low or i am very unlucky

Edited by Asla
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Blatantly lying?


A lie is when someone says something to intentionally decieve you. The MOA event was a little over 2 weeks before Update 8. Prove to me that they actually, truly deceived us and I'll agree that they lied. Until then, until DE actually says something about it, I wouldn't make ignorant claims.


And look at it this way, you did the event and got the Frost Prime Blueprint for free, with incredible ease. Would you rather be stuck farming it like this?

Apparently it has a pretty high drop rate in the void if you do the right ones. People have got 2 or more of it already. Not exactly difficult to find.

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Blatantly lying?


A lie is when someone says something to intentionally decieve you. The MOA event was a little over 2 weeks before Update 8. Prove to me that they actually, truly deceived us and I'll agree that they lied. Until then, until DE actually says something about it, I wouldn't make ignorant claims.


And look at it this way, you did the event and got the Frost Prime Blueprint for free, with incredible ease. Would you rather be stuck farming it like this?

I think most people are upset over the fact that they said it'd be exclusive, and then they turned right around and released it for everyone.

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I think the fact that the majority of people complaining are founders just goes to show that DE have made an error here. The people who have already sunk a lot of money into this "F2P" game and have stuck by DE from the beginning are suddenly up in arms.


There is a reason, DE are starting to "forcefully persuade" us to part with our plat. You already have our money DE! If we want to give you more, we will, don't force us to!!!


Why is forma so rare/expensive?


Why is the void basically behind a paywall?


Why is Frost Prime now available to everyone?


Why is the Stalker set so expensive, yet relatively easy to obtain in game?


Why is everything down to RNG?


Talk to us!


Why this game has become Pay-to-Play.
I do not think that there are other answers.
Now it depends on us if we continue to spend money or not.
Why now no longer say we're going to play warframe, but they say we're going to spend a little money to warframe?
Sorry but it is not my native language English and I'm using a translator.
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What about when the Forma BP actually does go out on an alert?

When all those clan members then do that alert?


That will be a large amount of Forma's available to the guild then. There are clans out there with hundreds of people in them. When the alerts do go out even a small amount of people using their Formas for the clan will soon have the halls up and running. Not everyone will want to give their Forma to the clan and instead decide to use it on their weapons or frames but the clan hall isnt that important to the game in the long run.


I think that most people seem to forget that content like the Forma are there as a TIME SINK. It is a device intended to extend the time between major patches to give the developers time to create and introduce new content. It encourages grinding (the biggest and most effective form of time sink). Of course there will be people who choose to pay for them but then that option is there for the developers to earn money.

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So you're saying that DE is most likely already too blinded by greed to make the game more fun?


i agree and that's too bad. well i don't plan on spending a penny more on this game, i've already given them 100$ but since then they just seem to be going further and further downhill driven by greed, and this saddens me. The fact that this game is free to play has become nothing more than an illusion.


They'll make more money quick this way, but less in the long run. their game will die much sooner than it should have and they will only get a burst income over a short time rather than steady income over a long time, such is the path DE chose. They are too desperate.

Edited by Rabcor
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So you're saying that DE is most likely already too blinded by greed to make the game more fun?


i agree and that's too bad. well i don't plan on spending a penny more on this game, i've already given them 100$ but since then they just seem to be going further and further downhill driven by greed, and this saddens me. The fact that this game is free to play has become nothing more than an illusion.


They'll make more money quick this way, but less in the long run. their game will die much sooner than it should have and they will only get a burst income over a short time rather than steady income over a long time, such is the path DE chose. They are too desperate.


I used to keyboard warrior my way through the forums, claiming that this is completely f2p as the f2p players whined about slots and colours. I would shout, among other founders, that all they charge for are slots and colours.


First we had Glavie, Alert or Plat (worked out fine).


Then Vauban, Alert or Plat (evenually worked out).


Now we have Forma, only attainable via login lottery or Platinum.


Now we have Void, only accessible by a drop percentage that is pretty much not real, or Platinum.


Now we have Dojo, where Forma prices are sky high.


I'm not liking the trend.

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