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New Quest Idea. "the Explorer Captain"


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"A Grineer Captain has found a weapon of immeasurable power. Find him and take him down"


Inbox cutscene


Lotus: Tenno, as you know The corpus and Grineer both go to the void to find a new super weapon to kill the other. This time the grineer have found one. A Grineer Captain by the name of Sokih Atar has uncovered a new weapon of high power. We cant allow this, kill him and bring the sword to the resarch labs.


Mission 1: "Find out what the captain did in the void"


This takes the form of a capture mission in the void. During the chase, the Lotus will have a conversation with the target. Upon being captured, the target will scream "you'll never stop him!" Upon completing the level, you will get an inbox message saying that the captain didn't go to the void towers; he went to a derelict ship. The lotus will also say that a shard of bark from a tree on a derelict ship was found in the targets pocket so the using a nav co ordinate, it would be possible to find the ship.


Mission 2: Find out what the Captain took from the derelict

This is a spy mission in the derelict (I know they dont exist yet) where there are 3 vaults, as always. Upon taking the first vault, the lotus will say that i doesnt have any relevant data. The second vault has some more data indicating the weapon is a blade type weapon. The third vault will have conclusive proof that the sword he has is almost too powerful to fight against.  Upon returning to the liset, you will be give a parry mod to help you in the next mission


Mission 3: Kill the Grineer Captain

This is an assassination mission on a grineer galleon. Upon reaching the boss arena, the Captain will spawn, he is equipped with his new weapon. Im going to hell for this idea but i think the weapon should be a lightsaber like weapon. His attacks do 300 damage a hit. He is very vunreble to finishers (Hence the mod). Upon killing him and getting back to the liset, you get a blueprint of the sword,  and it's very expensive by the way.

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Give it more time, sometimes it takes a while for people to start posting in the thread with idea.


Now my opinion: while idea is really interesting, there are parts of that dont really make sense, for example why melee weapon is considred a super weapon, no matter how great it is a cutting stuff it will never be a super weapon(unless it has some amazing powers that let it cut whole space ships or planet...) , the problem is that owner of this weapon still could be easily killed with long range weapon, at best only tenno have skills necessary to be able to use this weapon to kill everything on any ship but since grineer and corpus lack such skills, in their hands its normal weapon.

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Ok, change it so that the grineer are experimenting on it so that they can see if they can make it even more powerful, and they are close to succeeding by reacting it with tellurium and unstable compounds of einsteinium. The captain is over seeing the project and frequently tests the sword to see if it improves. Is that better? 

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Your idea is very interesting, though (obvoiusly) i prefer mine.


Also, in regards to the question "Why is this melee weapon supposedly a superweapon if it doesn't do anything notable except get hyped by the lotus?" I say this; Dude, it is a lightsabery thing. Of course that thing's going to be OP. Also above is my alternate explanation

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Your idea is very interesting, though (obvoiusly) i prefer mine.


Also, in regards to the question "Why is this melee weapon supposedly a superweapon if it doesn't do anything notable except get hyped by the lotus?" I say this; Dude, it is a lightsabery thing. Of course that thing's going to be OP. Also above is my alternate explanation


I understand that you want it to be OP, and I think it would be interesting fight with guy so so strong but the problem is that, there are pretty easy ways to kill grineer wielding it without fighting him directly, yes I know that tenno would fight him directly but corpus for example could attack ship that grineer is on with their ship and after destruction of grineer ship claim weapon for themselves.


Also weapon cant be too powerful if you want us to get it at the end otherwise game will become unbalanced, unless you want to give player, inferior/broken version that is much less powerful

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not to be harsh... Simply there isn't anything special, the title is bad, also the script is pretty... naive.

You should start from an interesting concept, then you should focus more on something to capture other's attention, a nice writing, some art.
Elseway people won't get hooked by it.

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  • 3 months later...

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