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Cloth Clipping Issues/weapons Stabbing Through Warframes~


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Here's the first one:



When you X out the "Visible when holstered" for the Paris Prime (regardless of skin I've noticed), the quiver(?) ends up...looking like that.

Though to note: in an actual mission, the quiver(?), gets placed in the correct spot. Only happens in the Liset (Not sure about Relays, there's a possibiliy).


EDIT: It can still happen within regular missions under certain circumstances. Example: when you go from Valkyr's Hysteria and back to normal, the quiver(?) will go through you again for the rest of the mission~











Though, more prevalent with some of the new Syndanas':



This I believe started happening after U17. And I think it's just that there is no collision with his pelt, so it will just clip through it, until it rests on the actual model, under the pelt.

This only applies to his Agile animation stance, though it still happens regardless when you're normally running missions when the Syndana(s)' are being moved around and such, no matter the animation stance.



I wasn't sure if these were mentioned, but I decided to post anyway just in-case!


Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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