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The Rarest Of The Rare


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I know I can't blame you for this DE. You had no say in this. It was RNG, and therefore Nuffle's game. But REALLY!?! A FROST PRIME BLUEPRINT!?! I PARTICIPATED IN YOUR EVENT I DON'T NEED THE FULL BP!!!! WHY IS THIS A THING!?! MY ONE RANK 3 KEY!


Just... ARGH.


Sorry for rage post but...that just bit hard.


EDIT: Just for clarification, I'm not complaining about F Prime Blueprint being a drop. I'm just really annoyed that I spent my level 3 Key on the one Prime gear I didn't need. This mostly intended for you to laugh at my ill fortune, not to start a flamewar on the non-exclusivity of F Prime. That is all. Sorry for anyone who misinterpreted this.

Edited by Thereddic
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It's a thing because not everyone participated in the event? Last time I check, the game wasn't designed around your personal needs.


Have you ever played MMOs before..? People like Event only items, For the fact that they are exclusive. It also rewards players who have been playing longer. It's a standard thing most MMOs do. And it's nice to have something no one else has/not many. Like, The Braton Vandel. Alpha only. Makes it unique and rewarding. And also, They said it would be an event rare.. So.. Don't know what was up with the sudden change.

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Okay, misinterpretation ahoy, I mis-phrased that in exasperation. I am NOT raging about the possibility of a Frost Prime BP dropping (while I'm sad it's not exclusive, the way DE structure the Void means they kind of had to).


THe reason I'm raging is because this strikes me as quite possibly the rarest item to find in the void (hence the title) and it was also the one I didn't need. ANd it's the one I got. Sorry if that came across as entitled, but hey, apparently I'm not allowed to be annoyed when luck burns me really hard. I get that.

Edited by Thereddic
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Wasting our time in that event..now all peeps that dont move a finger in the event can have it.


Or maybe the people who weren't there... 

Or the people who did not even know warframe was a thing.


Why do you people need your "speshul edition" frost so much anyway? There's a lot of wrong things to complain about, complaining about this neglible nimiety only a very vocal and small minority feels wronged about is doing nothing but drown the REAL issues the patch brought.


Was it said it would be "exclusive"? yeah I think so.

Is it kind of a $&*^ move to make an exclusive item available to the public... maybe.


Is it worth getting worked over when the exclusive item is not much more than a re-skinned already existing warframe with a very small stat upgrade? no, not really, if you want to feel special acomplish something special, don't just try to feel special because you knew warframe before someone.


Besides it's not like DE has taken away your power to craft frost prime, they're merely giving him out as what seems to be a rare drop from the highest tier of keys, so in any case the event has saved you the hassle of collecting one part. Look at it like this and it turns this into a silver lining.


Addressing the whole apparent mis-understanding/thread hijacking into my own agenda snuff: The OP seems to be merely commenting on the fact that he used a high tier key to end up getting a copy of a rare item he already had, and which he only needs a single copy of.


Think of it as buying two rare mod pack for 80 platinum each and you get one barrel diffusion from each (not that anyone buys those, but for example sake)

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Okay, misinterpretation ahoy, I mis-phrased that in exasperation. I am NOT raging about the possibility of a Frost Prime BP dropping (while I'm sad it's not exclusive, the way DE structure the Void means they kind of had to).


THe reason I'm raging is because this strikes me as quite possibly the rarest item to find in the void (hence the title) and it was also the one I didn't need. ANd it's the one I got. Sorry if that came across as entitled, but hey, apparently I'm not allowed to be annoyed when luck burns me really hard. I get that.


I got you right, so have many others, the problem is that due to the nature of the forums, people will hijack threads that even mention something they have an issue with (even if their issue and the issue presented in such thread is on a completely different context... making it not the same issue really) it's a truly manipulative thing people have learnt to do to twist things on their favour.


Also : need guide on how to get the actual BB code on these forums... sorry for double post stuff.

Edited by SetAbominae
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Is it kind of a $&*^ move to make an exclusive item available to the public.


Until DE actually says something about it, or until we know that they explicitly deceived us, I wouldn't throw around claims and insults.

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I will never understand the need to have "exclusive" items that no one else can have.


You participated in the event, you got to play maps full of a cool new enemy, got a ton of rubedo resources, farmed credits, mods etc all the usual jazz, and plus you got a reward of 100,000 credits and a frost prime BP.


That means that you basically got a dethcube bp and a frost prime bp for FREE on top of the fun and normal rewards for playing. 


And lets not forget the enjoyment of following along and trying to figure out what the mystery reward was.


To me, any such "rage" from people that don't get to lord it over others who just arbitrarily didn't play the game on a certain date is absolutely juvenile and ridiculous.


It's a game. Have fun with it, and hope that everyone else has as much fun as you do.


Try and rethink your stance on "exclusive" items. You are essentially saying that in order for you to fully enjoy your game you have to know that others are not fully enjoying theirs if they didn't meet some arbitrary requirement that you did.





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Okay, apparently the edit note is not clear enough for you people. Perhaps I should bold it. Or make in the entire post because this idea backfired horrendously. So let me say this for the third time. Maybe it'll be the charm.





Once again




The ENTIRE point of this post was an ill thought out joke where you guys could have a laugh at my expense for getting probably the rarest item in the void when it was the one I started with. Thats IT. I thought it would be a fun way to laugh about bad luck in the void. Apparently that's not allowed though.


Nope, everything has to be me being an entitled brat because I had the audacity to phrase something poorly. I'm so SORRY I offended your oversensitive principles. Now unless you guys feel the need to vent about your annoyance at a falsely perceived entitled brat, lets just let this die, shall we?

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You can say its a joke but we know the truth. Good game.

Very close minded of you. Thanks, really. Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, I'm being honest here? Think about it, why would I be going over the effort of continuing this defense of my original intent if it's a lie? Why would I feel the need to even hide my apathy towards the fact that Frost Prime is no longer exclusive? There are plenty of threads I could be joining in to complain in, and hey, why even be secretive about it in the first place? It's a COMPLAINT. You complain because you have a grievance that you want to be heard. Example? Me right now, complaining about your refusal to believe in my sincere failure of an attempt at a joke.


But as we both know, you aren't going to believe me. Call me Cassandra and show me the fall of Troy, my truths shall not be heard, apparently.

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Okay, apparently the edit note is not clear enough for you people. Perhaps I should bold it. Or make in the entire post because this idea backfired horrendously. So let me say this for the third time. Maybe it'll be the charm.





Once again




The ENTIRE point of this post was an ill thought out joke where you guys could have a laugh at my expense for getting probably the rarest item in the void when it was the one I started with. Thats IT. I thought it would be a fun way to laugh about bad luck in the void. Apparently that's not allowed though.


Nope, everything has to be me being an entitled brat because I had the audacity to phrase something poorly. I'm so SORRY I offended your oversensitive principles. Now unless you guys feel the need to vent about your annoyance at a falsely perceived entitled brat, lets just let this die, shall we?


Hehe, I was just thinking about how everyone seemed to be completely missing your point and LoLing hardcore.


I understand your pain.  Void keys are a pain to aquire and to use up a level 3 just to get rewarded something you already have...well that definately sucks.

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Very close minded of you. Thanks, really. Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, I'm being honest here? Think about it, why would I be going over the effort of continuing this defense of my original intent if it's a lie? Why would I feel the need to even hide my apathy towards the fact that Frost Prime is no longer exclusive? There are plenty of threads I could be joining in to complain in, and hey, why even be secretive about it in the first place? It's a COMPLAINT. You complain because you have a grievance that you want to be heard. Example? Me right now, complaining about your refusal to believe in my sincere failure of an attempt at a joke.


But as we both know, you aren't going to believe me. Call me Cassandra and show me the fall of Troy, my truths shall not be heard, apparently.

If you are complaining about plat prices of keys and rarity here is this informative thread.



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