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Exterminate And Sabotage - Easy, Quick, Needed Fox


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The below is NOT an end all solution for these missions. What follows is a quick fix that DE could implement with their current tech, that would make these missions more rewarding and us more likely to, you know, actually run them.  


How to fix Exterminate and Sabotage - the Quick Fix:


-Enable between 1-3 Caches in EVERY Exterminate, everywhere:


Will this mean players receive more rewards per mission? Sure. But those same players will just skip Exterminate now, and go to Draco or Survival missions. Which means they will receive still MORE rewards than this now anyway. So why not make Exterminate more lucrative where loot is concerned?


-Double Affinity for ALL kills, in BOTH mission types:


Right now players just go to Interception and Survival missions, and receive exponentially more Affinity per mission, than running Exterminate or Sabotage will give them. So lets make the non-endless missions more rewarding in terms of XP and let players choose to run whatever missions they want in  order to level. And lets do it WITHOUT increasing the amount of affinity needed to level ANYTHING.



-Rare Containers - 75-90% chance to spawn - Exterminate & Sabotage:


Again, players will just go run more lucrative missions anyway. So why not let some rare stuff drop on these missions with high regularity? If you DONT do it, players will just to the places where these things DO drop and get them there. Again, player choice.



-Mini Bosses on both missions (Optional):


Highly dangerous but rewarding optional fight on each of these missions. Defeating it means a 10,000 affinity bonus, 10,000 credit bonus and a guaranteed Rare reward based on the rank of the mission. 


If you DONT do it, players will go to areas and missions where these sorts of things WILL drop. So why not let them drop here and let us pick the missions we want to run?



These are all pretty easy. Minus the boss fight, these should be hot-fix levels of easy to implement. So please, DE - you're taking Survival away from low ranking and solo players. Give us back something, like the ability to actually receive rewards from the missions we WANT to run.

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Rare crates should be extremely rare. A 75-90% chance of them appearing is kind of ridiculous, it would take all the awe out of them. Raids have a 100% chance of having at least 1 if I recall correctly, and as the closest thing resembling an end game it is something you have to work toward. Seriously, an extermination mission is one of the first nodes a new player unlocks, with sabotage not far behind it. Since most of the drops from rare crates aren't something you need dozens of, being able to farm them in large quantities is just a bad move. DE would never support it, since you can get half hour affinity/credit boosters, and it would take a lot less than half an hour to find one, making free boosters way too practical for Warframe's F2P model to work.


Finally, after doing too many sabotage missions, finding caches is just frustrating and a lot of players (myself included). We don't need to just take parts of missions that work and copy/paste them into other mission types. Sabotage missions are amazing because they are such a nice change of pace. If extermination missions got them, that verity would be lost. Plus, not everyone likes searching the map to hunt for caches.


I would support an optional mini-boss in extermination missions if implemented properly. It would need to be less intense than an assassination mission, and for the sake of realism not available on every node every time. Sometimes a Grineer squad doesn't have a secret miniboss that you can kill.


Affinity boosts for kills in these mission types would be great. They are nowhere close to practical for leveling gear in their current state.

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Rare crates should be extremely rare. A 75-90% chance of them appearing is kind of ridiculous, it would take all the awe out of them. Raids have a 100% chance of having at least 1 if I recall correctly, and as the closest thing resembling an end game it is something you have to work toward. Seriously, an extermination mission is one of the first nodes a new player unlocks, with sabotage not far behind it. Since most of the drops from rare crates aren't something you need dozens of, being able to farm them in large quantities is just a bad move. DE would never support it, since you can get half hour affinity/credit boosters, and it would take a lot less than half an hour to find one, making free boosters way too practical for Warframe's F2P model to work.


Finally, after doing too many sabotage missions, finding caches is just frustrating and a lot of players (myself included). We don't need to just take parts of missions that work and copy/paste them into other mission types. Sabotage missions are amazing because they are such a nice change of pace. If extermination missions got them, that verity would be lost. Plus, not everyone likes searching the map to hunt for caches.


I would support an optional mini-boss in extermination missions if implemented properly. It would need to be less intense than an assassination mission, and for the sake of realism not available on every node every time. Sometimes a Grineer squad doesn't have a secret miniboss that you can kill.


Affinity boosts for kills in these mission types would be great. They are nowhere close to practical for leveling gear in their current state.


Good points all. 


Perhaps instead of the genuinely "rare" crates Raids and other missions sometimes feature, DE could simply add better loot or more loot drops to the non-endless missions. It was never my intent to endorse super rare items on each of these; I should have been far more clear than I was there. 


What I would like to see is roughly this: Running 4-5 Sabotage/Exterminate missions should net me roughly the same affinity and opportunities for loot that I find on one 4-round Interception of a 20 minute survival. 


Obviously, spawn counts on Sabotage and Exterminate will never rival those on Endless missions. Instead, I would recommend DE increase the odds of loot drops on these missions. Enemies on a Sabotage mission should have an additional 20% chance to drop loot and enemies and on Exterminate missions should have roughly a 35-50% chance - at least - to drop loot (other than ammo, energy and health orbs). 


If we couple greatly increased drop chances with double affinity I feel these changes alone would be sufficient to see more people run them.


As for the mini boss, I wholly agree: Not on every mission, every time. That is one thing that should be an RNG, with one condition: When it does happen, it provides additional, guaranteed rewards, up to and including rare stuff like good mods, frame BP, weapon BP, etc. As for the chances of the mini boss or "elite squad" I am thinking...20-25% chance. Frequent enough its worth running and not often enough that it happens every other run. 


An alternative way to handle mini bosses on Exterminate: 50% chance of spawning until it does so. After that, 20% chance and then, finally, a 10% chance for the third one and beyond. The chance could reset with Daily resets, and the declining chances simulate greater precautions taken by the enemy after losing an Elite squad or unit. 

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