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Telekinetic Warframe Kerr


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(if something is not clear - sorry ... Google translator such Translator))))


Hello dear team games Warframe. My name is Vitaliy,  from RF, I'm 35, I've been playing your game that I really like. I also like science fiction. I would like to offer you a new frame for your game, it just might fit into the current theme Echoes owning Mind.

Telekinetic warframe Kerr (from Carrie Steven K.))
It has a high amount of energy, medium armor, small health and large shields.
All are based on the ability of Kerry using telekinetic powers of the mind.
The following abilities can be applied Kerr:

Strangulation: (a our friend Sith did it with the officer who decided that the Force is not exist))
Select a target, and after activation ability aim is suspended in the air and loses health for some time. Alternatively, you can add a small radius of destruction or the ability to move the target along the floor. Minor ability. Strive for damage.

Levitation: Streaming. Karr can take off and drive at low speed (standard running or walking) in the air, until they run out of energy and will not be used again this ability. Minor ability.

Force Sphere: Streaming. Carr raises his left hand up and creates a protective sphere around himself a certain radius - for properties similar to shield of Volt, but does not increase the damage. Ability lasts until the end of the energy or will not be used again. During the duration of the Kerr can move at the speed of the standard running or walking (not sprint), and use secondary weapon. Inside the sphere can also move the allies, along with Carrie receiving shelter from enemy gunfire. - It seems the ability to possess the Arctic eximus. Average ability.

Force Wave: The Impact damage in a wide cone forward, knocks down targets (like the first frame capacity Mag, but enemies are not attracted to and repelled by the frame). Higher ability.

You can of course change the power capacity if you thing that the balance wrong.

I would also like to suggest ways of helmets for Karr who will not use a physical form, and will be in the form of energy flows, pulsating or swirling around the head. There may be a pulsating light waves in all directions, or bleed from the surface of the head and flow out of the back like a long braid.

I, frankly, did not have the talent of the artist, so did not result in illustration and try to describe the look of the frame.

Kerr - male frame. Vaguely reminiscent of the fighting monks of China. The upper part - his torso covered with tight-fitting armor as chitin carapace with the following link (the default skin resembles frame Nova on his stomach) such a surface on the head, neck, chest, upper abdomen, arms, shoulders; color gray. On the back are located along the spine like protrusions dark frame Loki Prime with the largest projection between the shoulder blades. From spine protrusions on the surface of the body - (neck, head, shoulders and chest) are slightly on the surface of the protruding strands that mimic the swollen blood vessels - blue. On the forehead, temples, neck, arranged round a glowing blue energy output chain and go to the vertebral column at the back. Also, the energy output is on the palms on both sides. On the forearms - dark brown thickening resembling leather armor with spikes. The belt - protruding pattern resembling a belt. Hips - thickened compared with human proportions, reminiscent of the frame legs Loki - stylized oriental baggy trousers monks light brown. The surface of the frame and below the knee to the end - stylized wrapping bandages, light gray. There are also outputs energy on the bottom side of the foot. It would be nice to add more small details like tattoos, piercings, or beard, or occipital crest like a Minbari of the series Babylon 5.

Thank you to read my letter, I hope, the idea of a frame you like, and it become a reality in your game. You can make any changes in the ability and appearance of the frame.

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Nice to meet you Vitaliy, my name is Michael. You don't need to say your name or age here in a forum, but if you feel like I won't say anything.


My main problem with your concept is that there is already a "telekinetic" frame in the game, her name is Mag. It's a little hard to say because Mag's theme is magnetic energy, but if you look at her abilitys, it's telekinetic to me.


But you know what, lets at least try:

When I hear "telekinetic warframe", I think he should focus around moving enemies and objects from one place to another (crowd control, or CC for short), Deflect and stop projectiles as protection, supporting team mates.


1st ability is nice, I don't think you should change something.

2nd ability can also work, but I have a problem with functionality: I levitate, but what do I get from it? I see reduced movement, but nothing else? It will probably cause my death. "will not be used again" - At least I won't kill myself twice.

3rd is a protective ability, nice.

4th is besicly a "reversed pull", I push enemies away from me. As the ultimate, it dosn't seems strong enough. I think that give it a 360 degrees AOE and a smaller radius will work better.

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