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Fixing Melee Will Eliminate A Lot Of The Boring Repetition -- Here's How To Do It


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But an open forum, particularly one that hides Mastery Rank and bumps threads which demand freebies or when people argue vs bad suggestions... isn't a great way to do this at all.

Just throwing in on this particular point re: Advanced Feedback (which I would definitely sign up for):


One thing the forum does right is hide MR. We already have enough elitism without throwing that in, and anyway, it's just a collector's badge. You see great ideas from people with two digit post counts and trash from people with thousands much of the time, so the same thing applies to in-game rank. No, ideas should be evaluated purely on their own merit - but yes, there should be somewhere they can be discussed without the salt and pettiness.


On the main subject of melee: I still fail to see why people think a limit on blocking time is necessary. Infinite blocking of all FRONTAL damage is not overpowered - you can make yourself invincible, but only until you have your back to a wall and letting go would get you killed instantly anyway. Same goes for wall latch, which shouldn't even have a timer, because generally speaking enemies can still shoot or grapple you off a wall.


What I liked in past threads when it came to the blocking issue: The suggestion to give different weapon classes different block radius. That would make them feel different. I would like to add to that, assuming a limitless version of old blocking: Counter window. Different weapons would have a more or less generous window, and do more or less damage on counter - daggers could really shine as counter weapons. More could be added, too, like bullet reflection effectiveness per category (channel effect?)


Stances need a second pass, especially bad ones like Crossing Snakes. Combos are either too sparse (like with polearms/staves) or too redundant/unwieldy (I think Gnashing Payara is like this?) half the time, for very little benefit except in some outlier cases like Crimson Dervish and the surprisingly excellent Pointed Wind.


Overall, OP points are great - but I would argue that Melee does indeed need a rework. Not directly because of the weakness, but because it lacks variety - it feels samey, with everything boiling down to mashing E with slightly different range and speed values. Things like unique class-specific maneuvers would make things way more fun.

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There are many top tier weapons eg Dragon Nikana, Dual Ichor, Orthos Prime that are all roughly as good as each other.  But the same mission using only such a weapon vs using solely a top tier gun will take around 50% longer.  That's one reason to buff melee damage.


Here's another: melee damage is always higher in games because you have to expose yourself to risk.  Why would you expose yourself to risk if the damage isn't better than ranged?


Here's another: shooting things requires almost no skill.  Melee actually requires quite a lot of skill at the higher levels.  That should be rewarded.  It also encourages players to learn a more difficult but more enjoyable part of the game that will make Warframe a lot more interesting for them.


There's 3 reasons why melee damage should be significantly buffed.  I'm happy to hear your counterarguments.

Wow I came here to discuss constructively and here's what, a forum guy looking for an argument fight. This way you're gonna sink your own thread.


Edited by Burnthesteak87
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