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Tonkor Damage Bug Against Certain Enemies


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I've been playing with the tonkor for quite some time now, and I've found it invaluable in defense and survival missions. However, against two specific enemies I've noticed that the tonkor is not as effective, namely Corrupted MOAs and Ancient Disruptors.


Even lower level Corrupted MOAs took more than one shot to be killed from my fully modded Tonkor (with over 5k damage) and when I started noticing it not taking out Ancient Disruptors in one hit, I started to look at the damage numbers.


What I noticed was the damage output from my tonkor was severely lessened to a fraction of what it should've been.




Based on the stats of the weapon, the tonkor should've done significantly more damage. When it dealt crits of 24k+ to the rest of the infested enemies, here I was seeing damage reduced to less than an eighth in comparison.


I don't have any images of damage against corrupted MOAs but I feel like that might happen with them as well, based on my experience using the tonkor against them in the Void missions.

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Corrupted Moas have a very large gun on top which receives reduced damage from incoming fire (like 50%). Chances are you are hitting that, which is what has been happening to me lately when I use Simulor.


Ancient Disruptors make all nearby Infested take reduced damage from aoe sources. Explosions and some abilities are affected.

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@Mechagent Ancient Healers took the normal amount of damage. Even when around hoards of other infested everything died in a single shot while grinding in Sechura in the first wave that had them.


@Vyrnaazus Thanks for reminding me about the Ancient Disruptor's stupid aura, but even when hitting Corrupted MOAs in the legs or whatnot often times did not kill them


I just realized I can go test this in the simulacrum

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After playing around in the Simulacrum, I found that the Ancient Disruptors still didn't take as much damage but that can be attributed to the aura I guess.


However, the Corrupted MOAs had an interesting reaction. When I spawned them at the level that the piercing damage from the grenades hitting them wouldn't kill them, the explosion would occasionally leave Corrupted MOAs with what appeared to be no health but still alive. 

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