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[Suggestion] 1 Platinium A Day Keep The Slot Problem At Bay


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Good idea and the best part, it does not break the game. 

Think about how many people play this game. 1 plat a day is never going to happen. They should just give extra slots every few mastery ranks like others have suggested.

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Umm NO. I don't agree with the OP.

If i play 12 hours a day i want to get slots faster than people who play 30 minutes a day. This would just make me quit more. There are days when i can play a lot and there are days when i can't play at all, being punished for not playing every day is just stupid. It's the same as the stupid alert system.

I really don't see the problem with slots costing 1 mil credits or more, you can get them over time, depending on how much you play, not how much you log in.


No offence,but it sounds like you are oposing that idea due to your personal situation, but in general, you cannot blame someone for playing in moderation (wich is the sane and healthy thing to do honnestly), as for not being able to play everyday, the daily reward system already promotes "daily dedication", i am just suggesting pushing it up a bit, honnestly, i too cannot always login every single day (very few can), we all have lives outside the game too


also if there was an option that would allow to buy slots with credits, we wouldn't be having this topic

Edited by Silox
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Think about how many people play this game. 1 plat a day is never going to happen. They should just give extra slots every few mastery ranks like others have suggested.

See that, is a more balanced non-profit cutting way of handling it. I like the idea of plat-for logging but overall I have to admit it may be unfair to DE in terms of revenue genertation.

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I agree, however I would rather it be an Alert Reward. Even at 1 per day it does cut into DE's profit margins.


People who think like this have no understanding of smart marketing (not directed at you specifically). There are so many companies out there that think like this and will absolutely not throw their potential (or repeat) customers a bone and therefore lose out on this market. I'm sure you've all experienced an example of this at least once in your lives.


Getting people to use your product is generally more beneficial in the long term than instantly receiving income from them (especially when the product costs you nothing to make). In the real world, you have to spend money to do this. In the digital world, there's little effort required.

Therefore, any action or service that achieves the above without significant impact to their bottom line is most likely going to be beneficial.


Now, with a F2P game you have 3 main categories of players. Those who will not pay, no matter what. Those who may pay, depending on how much they enjoy the game (you can split this one but I'll just leave it like this for the sake of simplicity). Those who will pay no matter what (whales). Looking at the OP's suggestion, the trickle rate of 1 plat per day would open up many times more gameplay options (ie, slots) for those in the first 2 categories. This benefits the first category the most, but since you aren't getting any money from them anyway, you are losing NOTHING (except server space for storing their account info). The second category contains both newer and older players. Obviously, some players who would otherwise pay will not spend money if they are able to get slots for free, slowly. The amount of $5 purchases will probably decrease. <-This is what most companies see, and they immediately stop thinking and say "No.". What they don't consider is the intangible value of player loyalty and customer happiness/satisfaction, which links back to the idea of getting people to use your product more. These people who would have spent $5-10 at the beginning less likely pay at the beginning, but are more likely to pay more later on. The likelihood of this conversion is dependent on the attractiveness of the advanced cash shop items, which is for another thread to discuss (hint: it's quite bad).


By far the best part about this idea is that it is slow and reliable. It would take 12 consecutive days after the 7 day ramp up to accrue enough plat for the cheapest plat only item in the game. The plat serves as a continuous reinforcement that the player is able to look forward to each day, without failure.


How much of what Warframe rewards you is reliable? How much happier would the majority of players be if they saw this message when they logged in:

"Hey, we see that you've been playing for a week, here's some plat. You can't really buy anything with 7 plat, but if you play another week, you'll be able to grab a pair of weapon slots off the marketplace for 12 plat. Have fun and see you later :D "

You can probably see that this change won't affect my wallet (look << way), or anyone else who's spent $50+ on the game. But it will affect everyone's attitude and satisfaction, which is far more important and effective than trying squeezing out the last cent from your customers.

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What? Why do people always want free plat? Its the real money currency. There is not a single reason to give it away for free.

You will most likely get slots for progression. There shouldnt be free plat since this game already gives you almost every item by simply playing this game. So no thanks.

Because the game is marketed as free to play and they said you can do anything for free like players that pay. I support this because i have friends that don't have money that much to spend. They quit because they have to stick with the same old weapons.

1 plat a day won't affect you, won't affect that much DE (decrease in profit? 1 platinum? really?). Slots should be accessible for free to play players. I know for a fact that if i didn't have ANY plat at the beginning, i wouldn't have played this game at all. Not to mention buy the Grand Master pack.

Yes. I'm a grand master even tho my Forum Badge says otherwise... :(

Edited by Torguish
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People who think like this have no understanding of smart marketing (not directed at you specifically). There are so many companies out there that think like this and will absolutely not throw their potential (or repeat) customers a bone and therefore lose out on this market. I'm sure you've all experienced an example of this at least once in your lives.


Getting people to use your product is generally more beneficial in the long term than instantly receiving income from them (especially when the product costs you nothing to make). In the real world, you have to spend money to do this. In the digital world, there's little effort required.

Therefore, any action or service that achieves the above without significant impact to their bottom line is most likely going to be beneficial.


Now, with a F2P game you have 3 main categories of players. Those who will not pay, no matter what. Those who may pay, depending on how much they enjoy the game (you can split this one but I'll just leave it like this for the sake of simplicity). Those who will pay no matter what (whales). Looking at the OP's suggestion, the trickle rate of 1 plat per day would open up many times more gameplay options (ie, slots) for those in the first 2 categories. This benefits the first category the most, but since you aren't getting any money from them anyway, you are losing NOTHING (except server space for storing their account info). The second category contains both newer and older players. Obviously, some players who would otherwise pay will not spend money if they are able to get slots for free, slowly. The amount of $5 purchases will probably decrease. <-This is what most companies see, and they immediately stop thinking and say "No.". What they don't consider is the intangible value of player loyalty and customer happiness/satisfaction, which links back to the idea of getting people to use your product more. These people who would have spent $5-10 at the beginning less likely pay at the beginning, but are more likely to pay more later on. The likelihood of this conversion is dependent on the attractiveness of the advanced cash shop items, which is for another thread to discuss (hint: it's quite bad).


By far the best part about this idea is that it is slow and reliable. It would take 12 consecutive days after the 7 day ramp up to accrue enough plat for the cheapest plat only item in the game. The plat serves as a continuous reinforcement that the player is able to look forward to each day, without failure.


How much of what Warframe rewards you is reliable? How much happier would the majority of players be if they saw this message when they logged in:

"Hey, we see that you've been playing for a week, here's some plat. You can't really buy anything with 7 plat, but if you play another week, you'll be able to grab a pair of weapon slots off the marketplace for 12 plat. Have fun and see you later :D "

You can probably see that this change won't affect my wallet (look << way), or anyone else who's spent $50+ on the game. But it will affect everyone's attitude and satisfaction, which is far more important and effective than trying squeezing out the last cent from your customers.

This text... it's beautiful..

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How about, a daily mission that you complete for a daily item. Collect 7 of them(one week), and you can exchange them for a warframe slot/weapon slot.


well in a previous response i have suggested a somewhat similar proposition, that instead of platinium another currency would be offered that people could use to purchase several items, (slots and maybe some other cheap boosts like Orokin reactors/catalysts to make up those missed alert missions, or simply mod packs for those who already payed for slots to get a lil something to spend those currencies on) to avoid the risk of exploit, the notion of a 3rd alternative currency is also an idea to dig in

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And it ever you are still worried, how about to offer instead of Platinium, a 3rd Currency that would only affect slots and a couple other items, like potatoes, and maybe helmets

Why? I mean. You can already get potatoes/helmets. Why should they give people even more for actually not paying. Just because its F2P doesnt makes it into a present. They have to make money with it. otherwise the project will die. And srly. Slots/potatoes are the most bought things with plat since they are cheap and extremely wanted. Making them optainable with ingame currency, doesnt matter of what kind, is simply a bad idea.


besides that. This whole plat for a day thing will completely be exploited. Create a new acc, play a mission, get your plat. Log into another acc, repeat. With clan trading, this system will be so exploitable, I cant even describe how bad this will become...

Edited by Venarge
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People who think like this have no understanding of smart marketing (not directed at you specifically). There are so many companies out there that think like this and will absolutely not throw their potential (or repeat) customers a bone and therefore lose out on this market. I'm sure you've all experienced an example of this at least once in your lives.


Getting people to use your product is generally more beneficial in the long term than instantly receiving income from them (especially when the product costs you nothing to make). In the real world, you have to spend money to do this. In the digital world, there's little effort required.

Therefore, any action or service that achieves the above without significant impact to their bottom line is most likely going to be beneficial.


Now, with a F2P game you have 3 main categories of players. Those who will not pay, no matter what. Those who may pay, depending on how much they enjoy the game (you can split this one but I'll just leave it like this for the sake of simplicity). Those who will pay no matter what (whales). Looking at the OP's suggestion, the trickle rate of 1 plat per day would open up many times more gameplay options (ie, slots) for those in the first 2 categories. This benefits the first category the most, but since you aren't getting any money from them anyway, you are losing NOTHING (except server space for storing their account info). The second category contains both newer and older players. Obviously, some players who would otherwise pay will not spend money if they are able to get slots for free, slowly. The amount of $5 purchases will probably decrease. <-This is what most companies see, and they immediately stop thinking and say "No.". What they don't consider is the intangible value of player loyalty and customer happiness/satisfaction, which links back to the idea of getting people to use your product more. These people who would have spent $5-10 at the beginning less likely pay at the beginning, but are more likely to pay more later on. The likelihood of this conversion is dependent on the attractiveness of the advanced cash shop items, which is for another thread to discuss (hint: it's quite bad).


By far the best part about this idea is that it is slow and reliable. It would take 12 consecutive days after the 7 day ramp up to accrue enough plat for the cheapest plat only item in the game. The plat serves as a continuous reinforcement that the player is able to look forward to each day, without failure.


How much of what Warframe rewards you is reliable? How much happier would the majority of players be if they saw this message when they logged in:

"Hey, we see that you've been playing for a week, here's some plat. You can't really buy anything with 7 plat, but if you play another week, you'll be able to grab a pair of weapon slots off the marketplace for 12 plat. Have fun and see you later :D "

You can probably see that this change won't affect my wallet (look << way), or anyone else who's spent $50+ on the game. But it will affect everyone's attitude and satisfaction, which is far more important and effective than trying squeezing out the last cent from your customers.

No offense taken, I am new to many things and being told what is what by someone who knows more than I is an opportynity to learn. Not spurn the comment.


Reading your comment this rings remarkably true of another game I play, unfortunately they have been "thorwing bones" but directed only at part of the playerbase and it's causing rifts. You overall poing is quite poignant though and I agree with it, funny how I had thought that but not knew how to put it in words.


My respaose on the cutting into margine was indeed a "bare-bones" approach but in reality those $5 purchases mean very little overall. You want customers to be making those $20+ ones which really show on the radar. You can buy 170 platinum for $10, so do you want to wait 170 days for that 1 item? Perhaps 75 just to buy the cheapest Warframe? I remake my stance, 1p a day is NOT game breaking and it actually will build customer satisfaction knowing you get things over time just by logggin in daily.

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What? Why do people always want free plat? Its the real money currency. There is not a single reason to give it away for free.

You will most likely get slots for progression. There shouldnt be free plat since this game already gives you almost every item by simply playing this game. So no thanks.


There are actually plenty of reasons why DE would want to give plat away for free, and they already do. Every account gets 50 plat to start. This is common in online games to get the player to start spending this real world cash equivalent (RWC). Many of those games also give players more of that RWC to keep them sporadically spending that money. It's also not so precious that the free player decides not to spend it ever.


DE could do way more to get players to spend, and part of that is giving some plat for free (let's not forget I've already paid $100 so I'm not averse to paying nor do I ask for handouts, so let's get past that). Some players need a taste of spending to keep spending.


If you think giving plat away would cut into DE's profits, it won't; in fact it would easily boost profits. I have enough contacts in the F2P game dev world to understand how giving some money away makes even more money as a return (note: I'm a dev on another game so I talk to people face to face quite often about these things). It's also part of why prices in F2P games tend to seem pretty outrageous ($25 for one warframe?? It actually makes sense, but that's another topic).


So to the OP's idea, it's pretty good, and would be good for DE. I'd tweak it a little as some suggested by making it only pay out if you finish your first mission, and maybe even then only if you have logged in for 7 days straight. Just have it pop up at the end of the first mission as a "7-day log-in mission bonus." You can have that grayed out for everyone who did not log in for 7 days straight, as a reminder that hey, you get a reward for logging in daily and playing.


If you're still scared, DE could max this out to 5 per week or 10 per month, but that starts to get even more convoluted and every player actually needs to understand how it works in order for these things to predictably generate profit. On top of that, as you may understand by now, the more consistently DE gives away plat, the better it is to get people spending. If you know you have a flow of plat incoming, you will be more likely to spend it as a paying player, and maybe a free player might spend some real money too.


DE said they are not looking to any games directly, since their game is different and what works for one may not work for Warframe. That's true, however many games give away their RWC, and I think DE giving away a small amount of the RWC would really help them. They just need to tread carefully, and not be afraid to change it if need be.

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Perhaps a better way to accomplish the OP's goal is tie some bonus frame/weapon slots to account mastery. Say a frame slot every two or three mastery levels and a weapon slot every level. That is not enough freebie slots to avoid having to ever buy slots, but does give some incentive to leveling mastery as well.

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