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What I Had To Say To My Clan That I'm Not Happy About At All


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The sweet spot where a clan will start to more easily complete the clan dojo is once it reaches something like 50+ active players. It doesn't matter how big the clan is, just that it has a large enough variety of active players working on the job.


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There are only a few clans that big. Warbros is nowhere near that size, for instance.

Besides - that isn't even the case. It is a horrible exaggeration.

The sweet spot where a clan will start to more easily complete the clan dojo is once it reaches something like 50+ active players. It doesn't matter how big the clan is, just that it has a large enough variety of active players working on the job.


And no one is forcing anyone to do anything.

I also do not understand why people are against growing their clan size, or joining clans.

You can absolutely play solo while in a clan, you can never speak to anyone, you can for all intents and purposed forget they are even there. Then you still reap the reward.

Though I would ask you at least donate to help out, moochers are annoying.

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Almost all the suggestions by the community thus far to 'fix' the situation are exploitable and not even considerable.


When  you make the choice to stay small you accept everything that comes along with it.  The question is, do you value being small over having a dojo; or would you rather join another clan or expand your own and get a dojo?


It's that simple.

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Almost all the suggestions by the community thus far to 'fix' the situation are exploitable and not even considerable.


When  you make the choice to stay small you accept everything that comes along with it.  The question is, do you value being small over having a dojo; or would you rather join another clan or expand your own and get a dojo?


It's that simple.

Very simply put, but very on target.

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moderators... arem doerators.. thats it - not DE employees. They moderate forums.



But on topic...  id want to experience the new content, but i hate massive clans where chat looks like some hacker hacking in CSI. You cant reply or ask or  chat at all.


Then id like to see 2000 players in a dojo... where do they fit?


Small clan to big scaling costs wont work - you make a tiny clan, upgrade everythign then grow.


STO burned with similar system (buildign starbase instead of dojo) - small clans has only slight hope to  catch up if they dump loads of real cash into game. Big clans (at least they have a cap) - SELL access to content (even for real money unofficially).


The dojo is a simple trick for cash - forma, void keys.

Its is extremely unlikely they change anything, regardless of feedback - and it will get only worse  with next updates - until its simply impossible to play without dumping cash into the game all the time.

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moderators... arem doerators.. thats it - not DE employees. They moderate forums.



But on topic...  id want to experience the new content, but i hate massive clans where chat looks like some hacker hacking in CSI. You cant reply or ask or  chat at all.


Then id like to see 2000 players in a dojo... where do they fit?


Small clan to big scaling costs wont work - you make a tiny clan, upgrade everythign then grow.


STO burned with similar system (buildign starbase instead of dojo) - small clans has only slight hope to  catch up if they dump loads of real cash into game. Big clans (at least they have a cap) - SELL access to content (even for real money unofficially).


The dojo is a simple trick for cash - forma, void keys.

Its is extremely unlikely they change anything, regardless of feedback - and it will get only worse  with next updates - until its simply impossible to play without dumping cash into the game all the time.

Here is the problem with that idea. You can have it all with patience. No money needed. Yes they offer convenience for money, just hold out and do not spend your money.

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there is a limit for how large you can make the patience vs cash cap.


Its the lame excuse allthe F2P games make thesedays " but you can have it all for free also" - tho the "have free" can take months vs  just hours or days with cash.

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Moderators have additional authority by dint of the title underneath their name. Perception is reality. I think Blatant's first post comes off as callous at best and it was disappointing to read it.

To the problem at hand: there have been valid concerns raised and excellent ideas contributed by members of this community. Scaling resources with members is not a solution. My favorite is here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/51931-a-proposition-for-the-dojo-costs/

Additionally, it has been stated here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/50567-hotfix-804-hit-me-with-your-best-hotfix/?p=545767 that DE has already acknowledged that the costs are too high.

Edited by Kyrkitao
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Ok the... ferrite etc is not high - its not impossible to actually farm 5000 ferrite/day for one person. Its the 1x drop items - after like 8 hours yday i only had around 12 of one of those special 1x materials.


A expansion fee to increase member capacity is a must - logically, where do all the 2000 warframes fit in the dojo? -_-.


And to not "break" current clans, they can keep the members but cant invite anymore until they have expanded enough to get room beyond current member limit.


Also people who contribute materials (non cash especially) - should get some kind of xx "currency" or credit - as a token for  actually working and contributing - and it would be kept even after they get kicked. What it would be used for .. idk.

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Moderators have additional authority by dint of the title underneath their name. Perception is reality. I think Blatant's first post comes off as callous at best and it was disappointing to read it.

To the problem at hand: there have been valid concerns raised and excellent ideas contributed by members of this community. Scaling resources with members is not a solution. My favorite is here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/51931-a-proposition-for-the-dojo-costs/

Additionally, it has been stated here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/50567-hotfix-804-hit-me-with-your-best-hotfix/?p=545767 that DE has already acknowledged that the costs are too high.


 Certainly more callous then I intended it to read while writing it. I didn't bother editing or changing it because there is no point. Plus plenty of posters who disagreed with me stepped up and made good responses. Good feedback wins out. 

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Certainly more callous then I intended it to read while writing it. I didn't bother editing or changing it because there is no point. Plus plenty of posters who disagreed with me stepped up and made good responses. Good feedback wins out.

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My Clan is a clan of four, consisting of family and friends and have no interest in growing, or joining a 'clan of strangers', however, of the four of us, I'm the only one that's really active: the rest can't play much due to RL, or burn out. I, myself, am starting to feel the burn a bit and can only play for short spurts at a time. With that in mind, we decided to not to bother with the dojo unless the insane prices are adjusted, particularly the forma.

If forma was removed as a resource cost completely, we may consider starting to slowly work on our dojo. Right now though, any forma we get (I only just got my first one the other day) is being prioritized into polarizing our frames and weapons, due to how hard it is to get the darn things (along with void keys). It doesn't help that I refuse to play defense missions (loathe them) unless it's to unlock the next mission (when I do defense, it's only with Clan mates: I don't like playing with PuGs), and the drop rate on forma/void keys is so dismal in the other mission types (spy/raid/capture) that it's frustrating.

I also find it sad that many small clans feel forced to join a mega clan just to get access to new content. I'm big on guild/clan loyalty and have felt that sense of betrayal when people just up and leave a guild/clan for another in other games, especially if it's someone I've gotten to know. I have to ask people like that: where does your loyalty lie? The Clan you played with and gotten to know, or getting access to the 'shiny'?

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For the people saying to scale costs...

How would this solve the problem? How would this not, in fact, be abused by players with even half a brain?

If it costs 1/10th as much to build a clan with 10 members as it does with 300 why on earth would a clan not consider their layout plans, kick down to 10 members, build the dojo and cycle through members, complete the project and re-form the guild to craft the dojo at a fraction of the cost as compared to just building it?

Is it really acceptable to put in an abusable system like this? Also, is it really a positive thing to make bigger clans undesirable to make smaller clans moreso?

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So what your saying is that someone like me who has no friends in this game. My friends are hardcore gamers who like Cod, Planet-side 2 etc. I have to join a bunch of strangers who i don't even know. So i can enjoy everything that this game has to offer ?. I think it's wrong to force players to join clans because i cant make my own with just 1 person just so i can have everything the game has to offer.

It's not like you have to DEAL with anyone or TALK to anyone. The chat is always minimized so you always feel alone. No one forces you do deal with anyone. You just join and shut up. No one expects you to talk or even donate. Just join and pretend NOTHING is any different. 


All you have to do is join, get the weapons(Donate if you want stuff faster), and use them. THATS IT. How is that so hard.


I don't even stare at the Asuro clan chat, only look for void runs and thats it, I remain a lone wolf, I still solo, I still ignore everyone and at the end of the day, i shall claim my RPG, Flamethrower and any energy weapons WITHOUT doing a damn thing!(Well, I always share my void runs with clan members so more voids runs for them and easy void runs for me, ok I'm just using them but so what, better than non clan members). No socializing AT ALL (outside void run matters)! NO dealing with anybody outside clan void runs.


Its that easy and guess what, I am going to be blowing stuff to hell in your face while you're still shooting led. And I shall remain the lone warrior and NOTHING has changed since I joined the clan. Everything s still the same and i speak to no one. SO there.


It's join signing up for twitter to get feeds on Alerts, its NO different. 

Edited by XDeathCoreX
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 It is unreasonable to ask DE to hold the hand of smaller clans. By making it easier for you they devalue the work of thousands of players who are in larger clans.


 Your gameplay experience is not more important then a player in a large clan. If you choose to stick to a small group or not grow into a larger group that is fine, but you better not expect to be able to power through content like a clan who did decide to grow.


 This isn't even a new concept. Guilds/Clans are like this in nearly every game with very few exceptions.

What work?   Most large clans are large because of all the moochers that jumped in just for the perks.


And being large, that means the individual contribution is smaller anyways.

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What work?   Most large clans are large because of all the moochers that jumped in just for the perks.


And being large, that means the individual contribution is smaller anyways.


 Warbros was 1300+ in size for over two months before Update 8. We were already a massive clan. We are smashing through all the material requirements because we can split the work more efficiently since we have 100+ active users online at all hours.


 Just about everyone has contributed. Just helping another clanmate farm is contribution enough for us. It doesn't even matter if the individual donates and dumps materials - they don't have to. All we need is for people to play.


 Clan Dojo - Smashed because of all the help we've had from our members.

 Void missions - Smashed because of all the people working together on it.


 U8 is extremely simple content if you pull up your pants and do it. I've been repeating the idea over and over. If you have anywhere over 30 active users online every day you'll be able to finish the content at a healthy speed.

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 It is unreasonable to ask DE to hold the hand of smaller clans. By making it easier for you they devalue the work of thousands of players who are in larger clans.


 Your gameplay experience is not more important then a player in a large clan. If you choose to stick to a small group or not grow into a larger group that is fine, but you better not expect to be able to power through content like a clan who did decide to grow.


 This isn't even a new concept. Guilds/Clans are like this in nearly every game with very few exceptions.


Well your name saids it all

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To me seems that those questioning Warbross are envious of their success? Try to recruit and help new players and you clan will grow, but just criticizing others because they are successful is just pretty wrong.

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 Warbros was 1300+ in size for over two months before Update 8. We were already a massive clan. We are smashing through all the material requirements because we can split the work more efficiently since we have 100+ active users online at all hours.

Thanks for pretty much proving my point.


There was barely any work for individual members to do because there wasn't much work to be done.  All I'm hearing is "I got mine, you guys are just not working hard enough"

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I have a clan of 5 which consists of friends I work with.  I have no intention of abandoning them to join a large clan.  However, my desire to play this game has reduced to almost nothing due to this new Update.  The costs cater to large groups which is unfair.

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Thanks for pretty much proving my point.


There was barely any work for individual members to do because there wasn't much work to be done.  All I'm hearing is "I got mine, you guys are just not working hard enough"


 And you prove mine by insisting on sticking to this wild exaggeration of your situation in a small clan.


 "DE, hold my hand! This is unfair! Why should my clan need to have 30 people! This content should be possible for one squad!"


 Maybe you missed the part where this was a clan update, not a squad update.


 You are the type of person I was talking about. You'd have them scale everything down to make the smallest clans happy just so you can have the new toys.


 If I'm saying "I've got mine" then all you are saying is "I demand a free ride."

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So what your saying is that someone like me who has no friends in this game. My friends are hardcore gamers who like Cod, Planet-side 2 etc. I have to join a bunch of strangers who i don't even know. So i can enjoy everything that this game has to offer ?. I think it's wrong to force players to join clans because i cant make my own with just 1 person just so i can have everything the game has to offer.

Cod? Planetside 2? Hardcore? jejejejeje


Community Moderator Blatantfool,


I humbly suggest you step off your soap box and re-read your post and examine if anything constructive can be gleaned from your post.


You post here under the badge of some authority, yet talk down to a PAYING contrubutor like he/she were a insolent dog soiling a carpet, demening him for bringing up a very real issue with regards to Dojo construction.


Warframe is going through some growing pains right now, but those pains arent helped any when people like yourself, who should be encouraging the existing players to keep with it, condescend and belittle customers.


We are customers by the way. It's good business sense to not forget where your money comes from.


In at least one MMO I can think of, Guild halls (Dojo Equivalent) come in 3 sizes with 3 different costs to buy and 3 different costs to maintain.

It's a very logical concept, the more people using a facility, the larger it would need to be. the reverse is true for small groups.

How was anything he said demeaning in any way? You sure you're in the right thread? Just seems like people saw your long post and saw the beginning where you try to tell the guy off and just said "Screw it. Have my upboat XD".

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