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Idea For A Quest (Possibly Cinematic)


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Hi there, just wanted to share an idea me and my friend had. Ever since we heard of the moon and warframes first cinematic quest we had an idea which would provide us with lore and more. Heres the theme.


You must have completed the Natah quest for you to get this quest, as you need to know the (some) of the backstory of the Lotus for this quest to make sense.


Getting the quest:


'You are on the moon, hunting through the orokin moonbase when you find something that seems out of place. Your screen flashes gold. It's a door. You go to open it but suddenly your screen blacks out. When your vision re-appears the door is gone, as though it was never there, even though you know it was. Finish the mission and at the end you will receive the quest"


Starting the quest:


'You are in your liset when Lotus contacts you. "Tenno, I have analysed the door you found, when I found traces of something I thought I would never see again. It seems you found one of the original labs, where the first warframes were created. It seemed there was a being in there. Blocking you from entering, Tenno, you must find this room again and get inside". Go to the moon and do a special mission (possibly a MD)."


First lore drop in the questline:


'You are in your liset when Lotus contacts you once more. "Tenno I know what this warframe this is. It's name is Primum (or some take on that, as it is Latin for The First one)(Post your own idea for names and powers in the comments). He was the first ever warframe created, a prototype to test how much energy the suits could take without endangering the user. Once better, more faster and better looking warframes were created for the Tenno, Primus was abandoned in the lab he was created. You must find him and take him down before he could harm anyone else"'. 


Second, third and fourth mission in the questline:


'Go to the moon and find Primus. (This is an assassination mission). The first time he flees at 75% health, leaving behind the blueprint for his Helmet. The next time you fight him, his helmet seems broken. The second time he flees at 50% health. He drops the blueprint for his Chassis. The final time in this sequence you fight him his chassis looks broken. This time he flees at 25% health, leaving behind a blueprint for his systems. (Note. Each time he flees the next fight he gets stronger).


Final Mission in the questline:


'Confront Primus one final time. Find him on the moon and end him. This time he doesnt flee. His suit this time isn't the same as before. He has gold etchings and different designs on his suit. (possibly hinting a prime version, or just an alternate skin). When he dies his warframe blueprint drops, as well as a log. Get to extraction to listen to the log.


Hear the log and make Primus:


(I couldn't really think of what the log would exactly say but I have a vague idea of it). First you hear humans, pure bred humans talking about the Tenno in front of them. You hear a clinking of metal and the first part of the log ends. Next you hear a voice. "Show us how well the suit works Tenno, show us your powers. You hear a power being use and screams, the second log ends. The third one is mainly static, but interrupted by fragments of speech. "What use am I?" "They think the new frames are better" "They will never be better" "I am Primus" "I am the Void incarnated" "I am THE Tenno" and the final log ends with screaming and the sounds of a power being used. Then there is nothing more. The Lotus then contacts you. "Tenno, I am sorry that you had to hear that. Build the suit Primus used. Prove to people he wasn't evil. I have made slight changes to the suit as to give you greater protection, mobility and put safeguards in place incase your powers backfire." (basically shields, and stuff to make it seem more ninja like).


Please like if you think this would be cool. Share if you can and if you disagree please comment why and how you would change it. Please comment if you had any ideas of what his powers could be (or maybe whatever ability he used [up to the 3rd ability] is a random ability from another warframe) The ult should have some kind of teleport into the nearest group of enemies and an explosion of pure void energy damages all enemies nearby, any it doesnt kill it turns them to your side for 30 seconds, then the dissipate.


Thanks, Flare325

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At first it was good, but when I read about Primus/Primum being the First, I stopped reading.


"We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend. Excalibur was the first."


Cool idea but I think you better change it a bit​ lot​.




EDIT: After reading the whole thing I noticed that you can't change it a bit. It really is a cool idea, but alas, it contradicts with the lore. Excalibur truly is the first, this is just how DE wants it to be.

Edited by secret9005
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Something along the line of Black Hawk Down movie

it started as a (Capture) mission, but you need to clear the route of enemies, (Exterminate) 
after capturing the target, you run for evacuation. But one of the ship crashed and you need to save the pilot (Rescue)
who is stranded behind enemy line.

ends up you need to defend the evacuation zone for 30 waves of enemies while keeping the VIP alive
until reinforcement arrive.

Enemy cuts life support and blow up your share of transport while the VIP is safe, now you have to fight to survive (Survival) 
while securing the radio tower to radio for evacuation (Interception during Survival)

Radio indicates enemy base operational with vehicle for evacuation (Sabotage + Hijack)


All in 1 mission.


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Hmm the moon? Interesting. I'd like to see the Tenno travelling beyond the Outer Terminus and unlocking more planets and systems (e.g. Alpha Centauri). And no, Primum is a bit too much of a stretch.

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At first it was good, but when I read about Primus/Primum being the First, I stopped reading.


"We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend. Excalibur was the first."


Cool idea but I think you better change it a bit​ lot​.




EDIT: After reading the whole thing I noticed that you can't change it a bit. It really is a cool idea, but alas, it contradicts with the lore. Excalibur truly is the first, this is just how DE wants it to be.

Oh S#&$, I didnt realise, but maybe this could be the prototype which came before excalibur, The first actual warframe?

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Cheer for the efforts, but.

Immature storytelling, mediocre ideas.

I wouldn't go so much deep into trying to define the game lore this way. What's the point?

The effect you're trying to achieve, ends up becoming the opposite, giving an unpleasant and embarassing mood.

Also, more than in Feedback section it should go into Fan Concepts.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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