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Strange Frame Rate Drops


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I have noticed this problem for quite some time - it is, to be honest, nothing critical but it gets slightly annoying.


For most part the game runs perfectly smoothly, reporting between 60 to 120 frames per second. There are, however situations, where frames drop to noticeably annoying levels - sometimes even 20.


Ok, I can understand brief fps drops during flame attacks, as flame effects tend to strain graphic cards and the problem is know for over a decade and was never fixed (hurray for graphic card designers) but there are certain points on maps or certain scripts that seem to be causing the problem.


It is especially apparent in some void missions, like T2 Sabotage - after destroying the void key and returning to tower, the game tends to spam a metric ton of nulifiers and shield drones, causing an fps drop which carries on even if enemies are NOT on screen or are already dead.

I have also noticed that FPS drops are often connected to specific rooms - you just enter a bugged room and corridor and enjoy 20-14fps slideshow until you leave it.


It seems like some particle effects or scripts on some maps are bugged and cause disproportional strain on graphic card - a friend of mine, with completely different, and more powerful rig also experiences this issue - surprisingly, the problem in his case is more severe.


We had this problem before, to be honest - it was related to the body-disappearing effect introduced around Halloween a year ago - it was causing massive fps drops - later on we had a problem with one of the reflection effects that we had to disable in options to prevent fps drops.


Sadly, I've been unable to pinpoint the issue this time...

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if it's dropping then this are the problems that i can think of(if anyone can think of more then good)


1.cpu is overheating

2.too much objects that rendered and the graphics card cant handle

3.virus , malware etc.


Neither of those, I'm afraid - as any of the listed issues would also cause problems in other games and I obviously checked my PC for viruses - Warframe is the only game I play currently having this kind of specific problem. Besides - neither of those explains why my friend also experiences the exact same issues on a PC stronger than mine.


As I mentioned - drops seem to occur in very specific circumstances - my guess is some sort of particle effect or level design element/script is causing the game to use too much resources - in a similar fashion to a glitched "body disappearing" effect from a year ago.


I remember similar problem occurring in couple of old games - certain effects/glitches levels would eat up too much resources NO MATTER how strong your PC is.  

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Monitor cpu usage/gpu usage.


My guess is that your CPU didn't like something and is at near 100% while your gpu drops to 10-20% during these massive fps drops.


I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with my PC - the problem like this does not appear in any other game, as I already mentioned - including the games with MUCH higher requirements than Warframe.

I have not been able to pinpoint what exactly is causing the problem - my guess is it is optimization of some particle effect that uses up too much memory or something like that, the thing is I was unable to tell exactly what exactly causes the problem.


A year ago it was easy - you look at disappearing bodies - you experience a massive fps drop - the problem was so common and severe that the effect was removed from the game.


Another problem that happened a long time ago was an FPS drop caused by Local Reflections - turning it off fixed the issue for good.


However, this time the problem is much harder to pinpoint - so far it was most severe in T2 Sabotage after returning to the tower - in some ROOMS - regardless of number of enemies - I noticed massive fps drops - everything was going back to normal after leaving the room. Interestingly, the same room had NO issues BEFORE closing the portal.

Another thing I noticed was slow down caused by excessive number of nullifiers and shield drones but the problem with them was not consistent - during defence missions there was no considerable slow down at all. During T2 sabotage? Yes.


I noticed that some players have problems with NVidia cards - which could hint something - both me and my friend have NVidia graphic cards...

Edited by HidesHisFace
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I've noticed some large fps drops in some places since the latest patch. Before had I would reliable get 100-120 fps, now in T2 sabotage earlier today I got about 50-70 fps and the other people in my party said they where having the same issues. Even standing in an empty extract tile I was only getting about 80 fps and a few times I even dropped below 50. However for me at least the low fps was constant, both before the portal and after exiting, though on the other side the fps was fine. 

Edited by Stingray97
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Pin pointed one FPS drop culprit and eliminated one suspect:

On Uranus - the places with domes filled with 3-4 dormant tubemen and some strange particle effect - the particle effect causes massive FPS drop when looking at it, especially when aiming down the sights. Noticed drop - 20-30fps. The problem does not happen if I'm not looking directly at dome or once I'm far away.


Eliminated - Shield drones - previously I suspected shield drone effect to be partially responsible - current special allowed me to eliminate this suspicion. No fps drop at all even with a dozen of shield effects around.

Still not sure about nulifier effect - nulifier fields dropped on players from special didn't affect FPS in any way.


@Stingray97 - check your graphic setting - the latest patch restarted/changed some of them on its own in my case, so I had to bring them back to previous settings. Local reflections setting (or something like that) is known to cause massive fps drops on quite a few PCs - maybe it got turned on again after patch.

Edited by HidesHisFace
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I'v also had this issue, though not as severe as you. My PC is WELL above the recommended specs that DE suggested on their steam page, and I get a constant, literal constant 60 FPS at all times, no matter how many things are being rendered on screen. Even in the void where you just stroll into a room and there's an actual army waiting for you, still get 60fps. However, there are some cases where it just tanks down to 45 out of nowhere. Even on an empty map. 

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Comparison between Void - T3 survival and Derelict defence.

Defence - average 90fps, barely any drops, unless there is a ton of Tar Moas - and even than, only when I look directly at the tar effect.


Orokin T3 Survival - 65-70fps on average, no matter the number of enemies. In certain rooms I observed noticeable fps drop that, however, was NOT registered as such on FPS counter - the game became noticeable less responsive and a bit choppy, despite shown 60 frames.

The problem is especially noticeable in a large circular room with a large orokin white tree-thing. Interestingly, the problem is more noticeable on the ground than on balconies. 

Something is definitely messed with void optimization - especially in larger room - I suspect the white trees or a graphical effect that is often around them. 

In small rooms, even with trees, the problem does not happen. Didn't notice slow down in big rooms without trees.


EDIT: My friend noticed an FPS drops in Void, in rooms with this strange hologram thingy.

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  • 2 months later...

I have noticed extreme FPS drops on every mission with lots of spawns I play, I used to have a steady 20-30 FPS on those missions on max graphics but now I drop to like 10 or 5 and I can't find anything to it. My PC can handle the game just fine but now I can't play anything with high spawn count. Interestingly when I play alone I don't have these issues.

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For me it decreases over time. Starts with 60fps and after 15 min is at 40fps, then 30fps after 20 min. Now if I close the client and rejoin my party it will be straight back at 60 and start decreasing again after some time. Oh and while fps decreases my cpu and gpu usage goes down aswell. It was all good before u18.

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I'v also had this issue, though not as severe as you. My PC is WELL above the recommended specs that DE suggested on their steam page, and I get a constant, literal constant 60 FPS at all times, no matter how many things are being rendered on screen. Even in the void where you just stroll into a room and there's an actual army waiting for you, still get 60fps. However, there are some cases where it just tanks down to 45 out of nowhere. Even on an empty map. 

I have the same issue as you, even in the liset/orbiter , my fps sometimes drops to 45 for a second or 2, I always have been able to run on high smoothly, stable 60 fps, I beleive this starter right after the second dream update.

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