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The Shape Shifter Warframe Concept


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my idea around this frame was a warframe that changes shape with each ability returning to a normal look when ability has been used .Im not sure how this would fit lore wise but the more ideas in the pot the better so 


armour :100        health :100       energy:100


ability 1: wasp sting . this ability would shrink the tenno and allow for indetectable movement .the tenno will be able to fly in this mode and 'sting' enemies inflicting poison damage over a period of time . (im still not sure whether this should be toggleable taking energy each second or have a set energy for it but a time limit)


ability 2: ????. this ability pulls the tenno into a ball with a stiff outer shell giving it an armour buff for a short time and able to roll /run over enemies


ability 3: intimadation. drawing enemy fire the tenno creates a target of its self allowing team mates to attack or escape in difficult situations . the tenno would get physically larger its colours and energies would brighten . he/she would also become invulnerable for a short time


ability 4: instict. this ability turns the tenno into a large wolf or kubrow which can deal 2.5x the damage the tenno could do with its melee weapon ,this form also grants increased speed as well as damage buff for squad members



this is a just something i have had in my head and needed to get out .I was not able to think of a name for the second ability and im not sure if the the abilities are reminiscent of any other warframes or if this design has been thought of before. please let me know what you think?


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well the second ability was inspired by armadilos and the third one was inspired by peacocks and cats when trying to intimate other cats i was trying to give it a tactical edge so it does a shape shifter doesnt have to change form entirely like the fourth it can be miner changes like in octopus. Im not going to dispute that it may not fit the themes in warframe as that is a totally subjective argument but i will say that it is a sci fantasy setting so anything can really go and I would imagine that someone at DE looks at these forums to draw inspiration from the community so any idea is a good idea really .Personally i would love the ability to shrink and fly around killing with a sting or mauling people to death. and if you say its ridiculous i say hydriod can literally become water and return i dont see why my idea is so far fetched  

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Ability 3 sounds quite familiar to Rhino's Iron skin, and i think you may need to be neater with the writing a bit. Not to be picky, but capitals and bold separators... But it would be a nice, decent Warfame if it were to be improved. 1 last thing: you forgot to give this bugger a name, which is crucial.

Edited by JDWhaler
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