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Please Stop Yelling At Each Other. We Are Better Than That.


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 This is what I'm talking about. The first post in these forums is frequently just an attack against the original post.




There is a difference. Once someone starts attacking someone else, then the debate has ended and it is just mudslinging. We are better than the US senate. We still have humanity and should listen to the other side once in a while.

I get what you're saying though, and I have no problem with anyone feeling strongly about their opinions. The problem only comes from when they either refuse to see the other side, or demonize anyone that isn't on theirs.

Dont worry i feel your pain i wont even bother to make posts here anymore there is no point not with these kind of players.

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It's an open forum now and you can't stop the rain from raining everyone in the parade, it's just natural.

As true as that may be, we can decide to be better. It is natural for a father to want to murder the children of his new wife so she will only pass on his lineage, but that isn't something we condone. Something being natural is rarely a reason to endorse it, unless it helps with the intended design.

Mudslinging does not help a conversation, debate, or even an argument. It distracts from the topic that is being discussed and instead moves it towards name-calling. We can be better than that, and we have the ability to chose that path.

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As true as that may be, we can decide to be better. It is natural for a father to want to murder the children of his new wife so she will only pass on his lineage, but that isn't something we condone. Something being natural is rarely a reason to endorse it, unless it helps with the intended design.

Mudslinging does not help a conversation, debate, or even an argument. It distracts from the topic that is being discussed and instead moves it towards name-calling. We can be better than that, and we have the ability to chose that path.


Yes, but it is the default preconfigured mentality of the mass. And I absolutely agree with you that civil discussion brings clarity to the point made but again don't expect random strangers to be nice and know all the proper conduct of a discussion. It is an accumulated skill that not one formalized education system put an emphasis on in which statistically speaking, people can properly discuss a topic less than they can do simple math.


I'm not endorsing the behaviour, but most of the time, you need to take an interaction in a large system (a forum in this case, where you are but a drop) as it is or make use of it rather than change it. To solve this issue is beyond the capability of a single person, rather an institution would be responsible to encourage and educate the people.


It is again, natural for some members of community to show such caring to this situation, raising the awareness of everyone about it like what you did. But based on the response, the mudslinging culture is irreversible at this point, so better take it as it is.

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Sadly, that must be known to be unacceptable. The only way to see change happen is to be willing to be that change. It won't be easy, there is no illusion of that. It seems "flame-wars" are just accepted in so many facets of the internet that few are willing to approach it as an actual issue.

Yes, humans in a mass will devolve into a more basic state, but that doesn't mean when a single person chooses to post they have to obey that order.

Something as simple as more moderators that are concerned more with how people discuss topics than what they discuss might help.

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As true as that may be, we can decide to be better. It is natural for a father to want to murder the children of his new wife so she will only pass on his lineage, but that isn't something we condone. Something being natural is rarely a reason to endorse it, unless it helps with the intended design.

Mudslinging does not help a conversation, debate, or even an argument. It distracts from the topic that is being discussed and instead moves it towards name-calling. We can be better than that, and we have the ability to chose that path.

Sadly, many don't reach a point of such betterment and don't realize what they do or say. It's a key feature of humanity to misunderstand and jump to conclusions. It's hard not to when our brains are wired for certain responses and follow similar logical paths that go back centuries, millenia, or even millions of years. We are easily distracted, like many animals, and make schema for the world around us and it's concepts; they usually differ from others and many can't separate the objective concepts from the schema to improve empathy with others in a conversation. The problem is exacerbated on textual based communication due to the lack of sensory or contextual feedback or past experience with that persons(s) that strengthen said empathy subconsciously, leading to a deterioration of a conversation as the schema are created for the situation without proper influences and information.

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Every week this forum is loaded with topics that turn into giant flame wars.

Yes, it sucks that small clans that aren't willing to expand can't build a dojo as clans that decided to grow or were massive already.

Yes, it is very bad for business and trust to tell someone you are giving them a gift exclusively and then they turn around and give it to everyone.

Neither of these topics are being dealt with in a mature manner though. Insulting someone else does not make his/her point wrong nor does it make the attacker's point right.

There are two sides to both of these stories, and honestly it should be well within the community's ability to discuss them like mature, rational adults.

Welcome to the internet!

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And can we not choose to be better than the image that is currently conjured with that phrase is presented?

we could, but it would be to noavail. because? because of the other people. humans are conflicted by nature.

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Going to leave for the night by saying that although some have acted exactly as expected, it is lovely to see that there are mature and reasonable people out there.

Thank you for making your presence known, and possibly proving it's possible to have an intelligent discussion.

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Going to leave for the night by saying that although some have acted exactly as expected, it is lovely to see that there are mature and reasonable people out there.

Thank you for making your presence known, and possibly proving it's possible to have an intelligent discussion.

Good to hear and have a good night

And on a unrelated but yet related note


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Here's one more voice agreeing with the OP.  We can choose to be better.


Discussion is not argument.  Discussion is an exchange of ideas between reasonable people; argument is simply, well, arguing.  Shouting back and forth.  Fighting over who's right, not over what's best for all.


Don't let other people decide your actions for you.  Just because someone else is a jerk doesn't mean that you have to be, or get to be, in return.


It's not about YOU.  It's about US.

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I agree with the OP. There are better ways to disagree with people.

Perhaps we should have stricter moderation? No offense to the moderators, of course; simply suggesting that some more direct rules and guidelines be implemented.

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No we aren't.


Clearly someone has never seen the Tribes:Ascend forums post Jackal / Plasma.


Lrn2Internet pls.


You think this post will make people play nice? Ahah.

The real question is: Would you like to see the forums a better place or are you content with them as they are?

One perpetuates the condition he wishes. The state of the community only reflects the desires of its individuals.

Lead by example.

Best Regards,

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I agree with the OP. There are better ways to disagree with people.

Perhaps we should have stricter moderation? No offense to the moderators, of course; simply suggesting that some more direct rules and guidelines be implemented.


Strict moderation is not elegant, even though it stamps out flaming, it creates its own problem in a form of making the place too constricting because of the imminent censorship threat lurking around the corner. You can't have that in an open gaming community, it will create different kinds of butthurt. The people even nominate, unanimously, a label for this (Nazi-Mod).



The real question is: Would you like to see the forums a better place or are you content with them as they are?

One perpetuates the condition he wishes. The state of the community only reflects the desires of its individuals.

Lead by example.

Best Regards,


Leading by example sounds like an intuitive way of learning, and I support the method in notion. Yet, you need to acknowledge what kind of example you set to the public. Take the forum as more akin to a slum now with much mudslinging and gutterspeech. Now see yourself clothed like a spanish Baron with mannerism of someone who should belong in a court. This can only end in your face muddied and wallet stolen. Ridiculement, and they learnt the wrong lesson in that Barons exist to be robbed, not someone that manages royal business.


Example needs to be tailored progressively based on the current state of culture incumbent to the forum community. The example does not need to be a cut-out ideal (the perfect configuration), yet a step by step progression from the one who eats mud pie for breakfast to someone who realizes the importance of proper mannerism in discussion. I don't deny that leading by example, as a token concept, is one of the better and responsible way of mentorship or education, but how it should be conducted is something a lot of people seems to overlook.

Edited by HoLikWong
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Strict moderation is not elegant, even though it stamps out flaming, it creates its own problem in a form of making the place too constricting because of the imminent censorship threat lurking around the corner. You can't have that in an open gaming community, it will create different kinds of butthurt. The people even nominate, unanimously, a label for this (Nazi-Mod).

I agree, but I feel that right now, it isn't quite strict enough. This, of course, is entirely my opinion. Perhaps a set of guidelines and rules that the community itself can agree to? I'm sure most of us know what is a reasonable post and what isn't, even if a large majority of the time people ignore this.

Heh. Community set rules. That might open up a whole new can of worms, actually.

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A common problem on dem interwebs that will NEVER be solved.
though i heard one person saying 'sounds like he never played an mmo before'
this is NOT an mmo.

but yeh, itll never change, not unless ur profile HAS TO state ur name, adress, phonenr etc.
cause that way, kids will not talk tough online for fear of being suckerpunched IRL.

best to just, ignore it, im afraid

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The problem is that DE hasn't stepped in once to say anything.

Just their PRESENCE in a topic would make things calm down.

They like to hold their cards to their chest and tell us things through things like the livestreams (which are great and cool dont get me wrong!).

But the livestreams don't let people know "we hear you" or "we are working on xyz" except once every 2 weeks.

So, we're unable to control ourselves.

Are we little children fighting in schoolyard?

Many posts and topics are passionately started. I know we all love gaming. However, there is problem with passion.

It clouds reason. It makes people see things from one side, their side. It makes people disregard statistics and rely on biased information because it allows them to easily point finger.

DE already done a good job informing us with their livestreams and hot topics. Our turn to govern our passion and opinion and turn it into reason and fact

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