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Older Weapon Restorations / Upgrades Idea


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I remember a lot of awesome weapons from back in the days around U6 that were considered the top of the list in their day, but have fallen into storage collecting dust or just used as toys for nostalgia. Or weapons that were hoped to be good and never turned out that way. I wish for these weapons to make a comeback to shine once again.. Or finally shine for once. If these weapons will not ever get a higher tier version of themselves then would like have a way to upgrade their stats through a restoration / upgrade. make it to where you have to obtain an item in a raid or something and can fuse it to your weapon boosting it's stats. 


- Gram: I still love this weapon, even more than Galantine for some reason. It's one of the older weapons that still can be used in higher leveled places, but just falls quick when the enemies start to get tough. I was able to 40 mins in ODS with no problems really. Tempo Royal can really make almost any heavy weapon it viable. But still really want a higher tier of this weapon to come out.


- Furax: my Favorite weapon with Rhino, how I miss the days before Melee 2.0 when I could charge punch enemies off the map with a blast proc. I know that will never come back, but would love to see a Wraith, Prisma, or Veykor version of this come out.


- Lecta: not so old, came out in U11. But was considered to be undesirable do to its dmg wasn't really that good when not having any slash, puncture, impact dmg nor the electrical & Base dmg to compensate. but damn this weapon is fun. Even more than ever with stance mods. I would love to see this weapon made viable to kill High level mobs with.


- Kraken: I thought this weapon was a beast at first, but then...guh.. for a gun that looks that wicked and kicks like a mega cannon it doesn't do that well at all... Even if you stacked it full with Formas and potato. Veykor Version please!!!!

Edited by PsychoTechARMS
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