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/lotus/language/archive (Pre U9 Russian Translation Leaked Data)


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So after spending some time way deep in the Forums, I found this link.

A metric tonne of uninteresting things that have been released ages ago, but one of the things seems unfamiliar: a log for what seems like a [quest]?

It was from before the Warframe Universe was fleshed out. The Grineer were intended to be the salvagers(before the Corpus, I assume). They raided this freighter called the Rodin. It even mentions names I've never heard before: Grace Koan, Jon Morvin, Lord Vetmar, Gript Seev, Ava Izar. Ruk and Vor are mentioned too.

I'll try to include the text, but it's quite a hassle. If you want to read it yourself, it's just below the dozens of alert descriptions.

Distress Transmission Log "Come in, come in. Can anyone hereme?... This is Lord Vetmar. TheRoyal Trade Convoy has beenattacked. It's the Grineer. I don'tknow how this is possible but it's thedamn Grineer. They're attacking uswith our own ships. The Rodin isfiring on us. If you hear this youmust warn the Earth Colonies.They've boarded the flagship butthe bridge is still secure, can't sayfor how long... is anybody gettingthis? Hello? What was that. They'rebreaching. Get on the ..."[transmission ended]

The Grineer are nothing but junkraiders. How is it possible that theywere able to overtake an entirefreighter convoy. I've dealt withthese Grineer before. Little morethan scavengers, subsisting off thespace junk that happens to float bytheir decrepit colonies. They do nothave the soldiers or the ships totake out a freighter like the Rodin.At most they've been able to pull offsmall raids on broken downmerchant vessels. No, this was notthe work of the Grineer. 

Which oneof those treacherous outer colonieshas conspired against us this time?I need answers as soon as possible.The upcoming trade mission to theMartian colonies must go smoothly. Lord Vetmar

Survivor account: Rodin Freighter They struck during the night cycle. Iwoke to hear the massive thunderof one of their anchor mines tearinginto our hull, then screaming. Theytore through our security like theyweren't there. Every one of them asbig as the biggest man I've everseen.  I never seen anything like it. Those of us who survived the initialstrike were captured and taken tothe loading bay. We thought maybethey'll hold us here for ransom. Wewere so naive. That's when he camein. They said his name was CaptainVor, he was even bigger than theothers and even they seemed tofear him. For reasons I will neverknow, he picked me out of thecrowd. I was taken to the commandroom and told to watch. I wasn'tprepared for what came next. They just opened the external baydoors. Everyone single one of thosepeople, hundreds of men, womenand children disappeared in aninstant. Sucked out intonothingness. Then, just as quickly,they took placed me in an escapepod. As they closed the door, Vorlooked me right in the eye and said"The message you will deliver toEarth's colonies is one simple word:'SUBMIT'"

Do you hear that my Tenno? Thesilence of tyrants who fell by yourblade? Your sacrifice is completeand you should rest. The cryo-chamber will wipe away theunpleasantness of what has passed.When you are called to wake, itmust be because the system is onceagain out of balance. Perform yourduties then, as you have now. Until we meet again,Lotus

(the following is logged as 'Fusion Moa')The Prototype It works! They said it could not bedone, that the Void salvage wasonly good for a museum! Now we have functional prototypeof Orokin energy beams installed inour Robotics! While I am horriblyburned and limbless it was worth itin the service of our greatenterprise! Due to the valuable nature of theseRobotics I have added a secondarydefense system that triggers whenthe Moa is critically damaged.

THE TOMB Dad and I picked up a big Rubedoore deposit on scan today so werisked the fuel and touched down onan abandoned Orbiter. I couldn'tbelieve what we found - an oldOrokin Chamber in the ice! Dad wasangry, that the salvage wasprobably worth ten thousand creditsbut we weren't going to touch athing. He made me swear not to tellanyone about what we saw. My Dad said these Chambers arejust tombs for the ancient Tennosoldiers but when I pushed my faceup to the cryo's glass I feltsomething. Some people thinkthey'll come back one day, but Dadsaid that was delusional. Tenno arejust magic and fantasy to him. Itmade him sad to say that though.With the Grineer army uniting thecolonies by force Dad says the onlylight left in his life is me. He's such asap! After what I saw today, count me inwith the delusional ones! I think theTenno are real, alive and I'm goingto keep their secret. I wiped thesalvage coordinates for the log -we'll have to look elsewhere forRubedo. .Grace Koan

My Queens, The strike on the trade convoy wasa success. Our fleet has increasedtwo fold. Our cloning facilities aregrowing soldiers faster than everbefore. These ships will carry thosesoldiers into battle.Earth's colonies grow weak as wegrow strong. Our power is surging.Where will you have us strike first? General Sargas Ruk

Gript Seev , Disposal of the Unfit has becometiresome. The less damaged onescan be used to soften a ship beforea full raid but the truly unfit aregood for little more than targetpractice. We can no longer afford towaste protein on these mistakesand we need more soldiers to fill ournew ships.I am sending you new analysis onOrokin cloning techniques. I expectto see better results from you thanlast time. You are not the onlyGrower in the Grineer army.

General Ruk, We have captured the Rodin.Resistance was pathetic and wemade an example of those too weakto die in battle. The strongestspecimens have been taken to thelab for inclusion in our gene pool.With this new freighter thousandsmore troops can now be carried intobattle and the colonies around earthare one step closer to submission. Captain Vor

TARGET: Ava Izar Ava's political career exploded whenshe launched "Ava's Children", acharity program to feed starving off-world orphans. During the airing ofher (now legendary) "Plea for theForgotten" Ava's tear-duct implantsmalfunctioned. Stunned audiencesmistook this as an emotional displayand the donations poured in. Avawon hearts and minds for theGrineer Empire. Now, under her direct supervision,the charity program produces themajority of Grineer combatmunitions. "Ava's Children" liveshortened lives in orbital laborcamps. "Children are our future."

TARGET: Sargus Ruk Sargas Ruk claims to be a self-mademan. He rose from humblebeginnings as a Grineer Freighterhand to the rank of Fleet Minister.Ruk's appointment was a surprise tothose that knew him. He had littleeducation, a 'denied' reproductionrating, and one of the lowestintellect scores seen in ambulatoryGrineer. Yet, Ruk has an uncannyability to influence those around him- incredible given his speech isnearly incomprehensible (he has anenormous tongue deformity). Perhaps Ruk's inexplicable rise topower has its origins in his humblerdays. He worked Orokin recoverymissions for the fleet. Ruk'sdetractors insist he has Orokintechnology that weakens will. Todate, 100% of these accusationshave been withdrawn.

VERY interesting stuff: Lotus: “It looks like someone beatus to it, as the ship is littered withdead Ravor soldiers and no sign ofthe Technocyte. I hate to say this,but I’m almost certain this is thework of Warframes. Not much of asurprise, as we are aware of theexistence of rogue cells ofopportunistic Tenno. We’ve acquiredcoordinates to a Corpus ship webelieve to have received theTechnocyte.”

A Corpus biomech engineering firmcalled “Substrata” has been at theforefront of these breakthroughs.Their newest venture is anexceptionally lethal quad-robotnicknamed “The Jackal," which hasbecome problematic for our cells inthe field. Infiltrate Subtrata’s manufacturingship and put a halt to production bydestroying the vessel.

Lotus: “It looks like someone beatus to it, as the ship is littered withdead Ravor soldiers and no sign ofthe Technocyte. I hate to say this,but I’m almost certain this is thework of Warframes. Not much of asurprise, as we are aware of theexistence of rogue cells ofopportunistic Tenno. We’ve acquiredcoordinates to a Corpus ship webelieve to have received theTechnocyte.”

(listed as BeamWeapon)THERMA is a short range weaponthat deals a constant stream ofdamage.
(listed asGrenadeBuilderName) Grenade Builder 
MagHoleAbilityDescCreates a whirling mass of energythat violently attracts nearbyenemies, crushing their atoms into atiny spec of matter
(Dangit DE!)LOOT CRATE/Lotus/Language/Dojo/ TnoDojoLootCrateADecoDescUnfortunately you won't actuallyfind any loot in this crate Unfortunately you won't actually find any loot in this crate
/Lotus/Language/Items/ MagHoleAbilityName Vortex 

ScatterGrenadePickup Scatter Grenade 
RobotPoorAimBuffName EMP Aura
Edited by Institute-Marksman
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Apparently, Mag was to receive the Vortex ability, since it was just under the 'MAG' part of the list :0
She also had 'Push' written under the Pull ability
They really did consider grenades, and we were to build them!

There is a thing for an EMP aura, which reduces robotic accuracy!

Edited by Institute-Marksman
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