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Despair/kunai Reload Loop Needs To Be Prioritized On Hotfix.


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Most of the time it's your lag. All I can say is, higher up performance on your computer and lower your graphics setting as much as possible.

I have reliable fast internet, and my computer is plenty capable of handling high settings. This is broken.

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If you reload before you run out of ammo it will work fine.

    I've noticed this also but it still needs to be fixed. And my computer and connection is also more than capable for this game and this reloading loop happens often.

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You are not alone in this mate. Me and many of my WF friends who got the kunai or the despair (a few of them) are having the same issue. It's not a connection, internet speed or computer performance problem.


Something must be done to fix. I'm sure the DE's are aware of this situation and so all we have to do is wait for it to be fixed and/or send a ticket to support.

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I've also been experiencing this 'kunai reload loop' when there are a lot of enemies/action going on, that this happens. I feel for the people that spent money and/or time farming materials for this awesome weapon.


It is extremely frustrating to be in the middle of a heated battle only to have it reload loop on you and you're forced run for cover after getting staggered while trying to change out to a different weapon! I'm in agreement with Aliothale, this is broken, i'm going to create a ticket.

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