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De On Fp Bp: "we Never Meant To Imply It Was Exclusive" Wait, What?


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From the fact they advertise it on the official forums, and post a recording on their official youtube? Those may not be held on the official forums, but they still advertise and notify you of it on the official forums. I haven't seen any DE posts about there being a Raptr Q and A session, and I don't go to Reddit so I've only seen one reddit post by DE_Steve saying he didn't like the alert system, and that was only because it was posted here. It would just make more sense for them to respond to the community on their own OFFICIAL forums.





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Twitch isn't the Warframe website either. It's another gaming community, another auxilliary service that DE is free to use.


if someone doesn't see the Twitch Stream or a topic about it, how would they have heard these responses? That already happens.


For every livestream so far, they have put it up on YT. That's where I watch them, since I'm usually occupied at the time they start the broadcasting.

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How the hell is getting the Frost Prime BP from the MOA event "A great head start?" we couldn't start crafting it earlier, the parts weren't in the game back then. It's not easier to get the parts, that depends solely on the RNG and the Frame BP is far more common than the part BPs.

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My friend totally thought it was exclusive and laughed at my other friend when she didn't make it. But when he heard it was available from the void he... well... did this;




I can't say I blame him. From the evidence the thread creator gave, it's clear they mislead us to some degree. But I'd rather they mislead us and we still get the item, than it be cash only. So I think we should count ourselves lucky or at least those who don't/can't cash.

Edited by Uyie
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To the Op yes they have a communication problem, in fact it is probably several layers deep they probably have problems communicating between teams, between us and them, and themselves on the same team. In fact Communication is the main problem in every business and relationship since well forever.


They have only recently gone into open beta and gotten onto steam and are not used to having ever word they say dissected by 10 thousand fans. My guess is we will see less communication but more solid information when they do communicate. More official statements and less banter which is a shame but with our outrage on every subject there aren't many options left to them.

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They didn't make a news topic so I didn't see anything. Point still stands they should communicate more on the official forums however.


They should.


And I'm sure they will. When people finally, hopefully, calm down during/after the live stream so they can actually talk to us with some effeciency.


You've seen this forum. You've seen this community. If someone even catches one whiff of Steve's pink shorts, or if Rebecca tries to do her job and moderate this mess, they'll be flooded with replies and insults like no tomorrow. That's not an effective way to communicate, believe it or not.


To be perfectly honest, I think it's smart that they're staying away from this cesspit of a forum for now.

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They won't be able to avoid it tomorrow during their livestream.


Give them time to prepare against the onslaught of Hyperbole Warriors and Exaggeration Knights.




Edit: Not to mention the savage Butt-Hurt Barbarians and RNG Renegades...




(All in good fun, take a break and smile everyone, it's a computer game)

Edited by Archistopheles
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Just stahp Fatal. =.='

There is nothing "smart" about not talking to your paying customers.  Just saying "we hear you" would have pacified SOO many topics filled with tears...


Stop what? Stop discussing my own view and opinion? Why? Because you don't like it? Because you don't agree with it? Or because I'm not constructive and calm 100% of that time? That doesn't matter.


If I recall, Rebecca did try to say "We hear you". She responded in a few threads, where I'm sure she was then bombarded with rage.


DE is on eggshells as it is, molten eggshells at that. Throwing themselves into a situation like this does no good for anyone. If the community wants them to talk, the community has to be willing to shut up and listen.

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They won't be able to avoid it tomorrow during their livestream.


Give them time to prepare against the onslaught of Hyperbole Warriors and Exaggeration Knights.




Edit: Not to mention the savage Butt-Hurt Barbarians and RNG Renegades...




(All in good fun, take a break and smile everyone, it's a computer game)

Hyperbole Warriors, Exaggeration Knights, Butt-Hurt Barbarians and RNG Renegades... You've given a name to the great majority of characters in these forums. Kudos to you.

May I add to the group: Principal Paladins, Nerf Naggers, and Aggravated Ambivalent?

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Hyperbole Warriors, Exaggeration Knights, Butt-Hurt Barbarians and RNG Renegades... You've given a name to the great majority of characters in these forums. Kudos to you.

May I add to the group: Principal Paladins, Nerf Naggers, and Aggravated Ambivalent?

Of course, it's impossible for anyone on these forums to have any legitimate concerns right?

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From the Raptr Q&A we have the following qyestion about the Frost Prime:


"Question 1:about the MOA extermination event u guys had not to long the prize or reward so to speak was the *exclusive* frost prime blueprint any reason to why its now a void drop?and maybe an explanation to why the decision was made? i myself am not really bother buy it but decent portion of my gaming community are bit upset about it "



And in reply from from David Kudirka: "It is a very rare item, the event was a great head start for players to get their hands on the BP. We never meant to imply it was exclusive. "


When I read this it just stunned me. DE never meant to imply the Frost Prime blueprint was exclusive.  If they did not mean to imply it was exclusive, then how did people get the idea it was exclusive?  Lets take a look:


First is the live stream at bit after 25:40:


We have "I suppose this operation sets their expectations for the future - only a hundred thousand credits and only an exclusive, like, prime blueprint"


I suppose mistakes can be made once, time to look for more comments about the FP blueprint.


Here is a post by DE_Steve about reactions to the MOA operation:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/39923-de-about-the-extermination-operation/#entry381690



Well, what do you know.  The operation reward has been refered to as exclusive again.


Can we go three for three?  Why yes we can:




As you can see, DE has used exlusive to describe rewards from the MOA operation.  Now they are saying they "never meant to imply" the reward was exlusive.


So DE didn't mean to imply that something they called an exclusive reward was exclusive.  Excuse me?  How does that work?



If you don't want people to think something is exclusive, then DON"T DESCRIBE IT AS EXCLUSIVE.



What could have been done different?

All DE had to do was describe the Frost Prime blueprint as very rare drop.  Something like "enjoy the extremely rare reward."  That would tell people the reward was not exclusive to the event and could eventially be found in game.


DE, please work on better communication.  Just the small change I suggested above could have prevented the current situation of people feeling like they were decieved.



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Of course, it's impossible for anyone on these forums to have any legitimate concerns right?

Well yes and no Avenwing. If there's anything I know for sure about the community is that DE has done a great job at making us all care about this game. In that regard they're hugely successful, for if we all didn't give a damn we wouldn't be here. I'm pretty sure Acristopheles and I were both clowning around a bit with our posts here.

Apologies, if it's a little too much silly for your tastes.


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The overall tone of these responses seem more likely to me to discourage the devs from posting more than is absolutely necessary rather than encourage, and yet they still contain requests for better communication? Silence from DE (such as not even talking about the Frost Prime blueprint in the first place) would have probably prevented this scenario more efficiently than better communication.

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The overall tone of these responses seem more likely to me to discourage the devs from posting more than is absolutely necessary rather than encourage, and yet they still contain requests for better communication? Silence from DE (such as not even talking about the Frost Prime blueprint in the first place) would have probably prevented this scenario more efficiently than better communication.

I don't disagree that this might discourage future communication, but what alternative do we have when we have negative feedback? Silence would have resulted in less anger about this particular problem, but silence has lead to plenty of other problems for them, and has been specifically complained about (See: Rhino Iron Skin changes).
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I don't disagree that this might discourage future communication, but what alternative do we have when we have negative feedback? Silence would have resulted in less anger about this particular problem, but silence has lead to plenty of other problems for them, and has been specifically complained about (See: Rhino Iron Skin changes).


I thought Rhino has been addressed already.

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As the top-scoring player in the Operation...

I worked harder than any other player toward the goal of unlocking Frost Prime, but I don't mind that anyone can get it.


Exclusivity is a matter of vanity. I care little for vanity. If you're upset that someone else can enjoy something you do, take a hike. You aren't contributing to the happiness of others, but are instead actively seeking to crush it. Shame on you.

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