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Enough Is Enough. Do Something About Secondary Objectives!


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Seriously, I'm so over this blatantly unfair RNG controlled BS.


I play solo. I can barely find games with anyone any more, even on bloody defense missions with '*icon*5' next to the bloody level.


I was training up my new Nyx. Which I PAID FOR, because the goddamn RNG is such a piece of S#&$ that before I reset my account, I killed the requisite boss at least thirty times and got a total of FOUR blueprint drops from him.


So what happens when I choose to level up my brand new, untested Nyx on a corpus planet? I get punished by the RNG!


I go through the entire level. YAY. I capture the guy I was supposed to capture.


And then, the dreaded soundbyte!


'There's valuable intel on this ship!'






So now, I have to run and collect data packets. Okay, fine. I can handle that. I have my Kunai. They're ridiculously overpowered. I'll be fine.


Cue me being forced to run right the F*** back through the mission to the room one room ahead of the spawn room to pick up goddamn data packets!


And then, I collect them all, what now?




Run right back through the entire level, through all of these lovely enemies, waste every single one of your daily revives trying to get to the extraction room that is exactly two rooms away from the goddamn room where I captured the target!


And what do I get for my trouble? What do I get for having to run through a mission not once, not twice, but three bloody times?


1600 credits. Five redundand-as-all-S#&$ mods.




Do you understand how goddamn detestable secondary objectives are?


That's like picking up a deck of cards, neatly putting them all, IN ORDER, and then some A****** coming along, kicking them right out of your hands and saying now do it again.


And the most insulting thing is that we get absolutely nothing for it.


A ten minute mission turned into a half hour slog through enemies.


And the really great thing? I couldn't even say 'hey, F*** you Lotus! I don't care about your data packets!' and quit, because then I get nothing.


I don't usually pull the 'as a paying customer' card. I don't like to do that.


But as a paying customer I would like to point out that subjecting us to the whims of a goddamn RNG like this, for no bonus and no reason, is simply really, really, really terrible practise.


If we could tell Lotus to go F*** herself, I'd be fine with it.


If we could take all of the mods, and the credits, and just quit, it would be fine.


If we got adequate compensation for doing twice the bloody work, it would be fine.




Warframe is supposed to be fun.


Secondary objectives are not fun.


Make them fun, or make them go away, please.


And yes. I'm mad. So very, very mad.

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Rage Thread after rage thread, what's up with you ppl :D I suggest you a chill pill from my inventory : )



I don't know why are you so mad about secondary missions to the point of rage. Truth is that, they don't give any bonuses but still, there is nothing to rage about ... They are nice : ]



and about RNG ... eh ... RNG was much fixed and it's working a lot better than before ... You're a player that want everything "NOW" and i tell you, it's bad.


If you want something, you have to work hard. I don't have any problems with that, even when i had to farm for 7 days to get Ashe all BPs : )

Edited by Viole
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Rage Thread after rage thread, what's up with you ppl :D I suggest you a chill pill from my inventory : )



I don't know why are you so mad about secondary missions to the point of rage. Truth is that, they don't give any bonuses but still, there is nothing to rage about ... They are nice : ]



and about RNG ... eh ... RNG was much fixed and it's working a lot better than before ... You're player that want everything "NOW" and i tell you, it's bad.


If you want something, you have to work hard. I don't have any problems with that, even when i had to farm for 7 days to get Ashe all BPs : )

The point is, there's NO forgiveness and NO options.


Secondary objective?





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i love secondary objectives.

i get more kills. more chance at drops. more chance at resources. it changes things up. keeps things for becoming routine and automatic.

you sir, need to zen the fudge out.


Rage Thread after rage thread, what's up with you ppl :D I suggest you a chill pill from my inventory : )



I don't know why are you so mad about secondary missions to the point of rage. Truth is that, they don't give any bonuses but still, there is nothing to rage about ... They are nice : ]



and about RNG ... eh ... RNG was much fixed and it's working a lot better than before ... You're a player that want everything "NOW" and i tell you, it's bad.


If you want something, you have to work hard. I don't have any problems with that, even when i had to farm for 7 days to get Ashe all BPs : )


You are blind. Both of you. The blind do not thrive.

Edited by CrazyCanadian24
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Or you could stop whining, and just accept it, when the game actually throws you a little challenge. The game is really easy. I think it's great that missions can be spiced up a little.

Btw, go with a party on a more popular mission like Kappa - Sedna, you'll gain levels faster, and they will revive you.

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Or you could stop whining, and just accept it, when the game actually throws you a little challenge. The game is really easy. I think it's great that missions can be spiced up a little.

Btw, go with a party on a more popular mission like Kappa - Sedna, you'll gain levels faster, and they will revive you.

It's not the fact that it happens, it's the fact that we have no choice in the matter. We get no rewards for doing twice the work, and we have to do it or we forfeit EVERYTHING we got up until that point. Is that really fair?


You try taking a level 3 warframe with 100 health and shields onto a level 15 planet and then calmly take it when you have to run the mission THREE TIMES for no bonus, no reason, and with NO CHOICE.

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im just waiting for lotus to pop up with a secondary objective. "oh by the way, pick up my laundry while your at it"  or "tenno we have a problem, im out of soda, pepsi or coke would do fine"


haha ending quote when mission is finished. "no wrinkels. good work tenno"

Edited by ShockTart
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i don't like rage threads, but you sir have a really valid point and i just can't agree more.


we need real rewards for second objectives or at least, for the love of GOD, please...remove getting the 4 intel from secondary objective list...it's the most annoying... You do your mission and then the second objective takes longer...


logic? anywhere? please?

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So, everyone that has disagreed with the OP thus far happens to be a founder.

Hehe, nice spot. I agree with him, though.

I feel as though the simplest solution would be balance our the mods slightly (As in, make it so that the fact they added in so many more does make everything else lower the chance of everything else being found. Because that's legitimately bad design.), and more importantly add a static reward.

Many other games have a system where, at the end of a mission or instance, you get an option between several rewards and you choose one. Even if these are randomly generated, the psychological factor of psychically choosing your reward is, well, rewarding. It would calm down anyone many who complain, as well as being a nice bonus.

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It'd be nice if they were optional. Players can go do the extra objectives for an additional reward. If they don't, they can just scoot themselves over to the exit.


Emphasis on the "additional reward." As far as I can tell, secondary objectives yield no additional rewards. There's nothing that can be gained from a secondary objective that can't be acquired by simply running the mission again.


You get four rewards from running a mission: credit pickups, mods, affinity, and the mission reward. Let's assume a doing secondary objective yields as many rewards as doing the primary objective.


a) 1 mission + 1 secondary objective = 2x credits, 2x mods, 2x affinity, 1x mission reward


b) 1 mission + 1 mission = 2x credits, 2x mods, 2x affinity, 2x mission reward


a < b



Here's an idea:


1) Wait until the player(s) get to extraction before giving the secondary objective.


2) Instead of immediately ending the mission, bring up the claim/battle menu used in endless defense missions. Players are given the option to vote to stay and complete the secondary objective for the listed reward (which would be drawn from a pool of rare-but-not-too-rare mods), or leave the mission with what they have currently. Maybe throw in a credit bonus, too.


3) Same rules as endless defense votes: players that voted to stay, stay; players that voted to leave, leave. Maybe have a difficulty spike based on the reward offered. Secondary objectives with common mods as a reward would spawn enemies at the same level as the parent mission, while rarer mods and perhaps even blueprints would spawn enemies at higher levels than the parent mission.

Edited by A5PECT
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Every time I get a second objective (and it's ALWAYS data collection, and it's always spread around the entire @(*()&#036; ship), I end up weighing the pros and cons of just aborting the mission and starting over. It wouldn't be so bad if they actually rewarded you for doing the entire second mission.


It's also not very helpful if you only have time for a 10-15 minute quick session, and then, as the OP said, it turns into a 30 minute slogfest.

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i love secondary objectives.

i get more kills. more chance at drops. more chance at resources. it changes things up. keeps things for becoming routine and automatic.

you sir, need to zen the fudge out.

This... however I do think that you should be adequately awarded for the additional objectives completed, to the same amount that completing another mission would bring. That said, I had a rather interesting secondary objective a while back where rather than backtracking through the level, it generated more level in a ninety degree angle to where I already was. So it seemed like I traveled the entire ship to complete my objective (though backtracking through that again for the extraction was hell, three of those "air vent in the closet that leads to a data bank" sections should be a good indicator of how many virtual kilometres I traveled on that mission) which was a good feeling. If you aren't backtracking, and possibly tossing in an environmental hazard or other faction invasion event while it happens, these secondary objectives are quite fun.

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Secondary objectives are frustrating,  but I don't think they warrant this much rage. 


Possible solutions.


1. Make them provide additional rewards. 


2. Give them more variety\make the objectives completely different from standard mission objectives.


It would be nice if secondary objectives had a chance of providing a '?' reward for example, and where accompanied by mini bosses  or cool game play sequences like a ship self destructing. Then instead dreading the lotus announcing a secondary objective, we all get high and giddy with excitement. and they'd be something we looked forward to instead. 

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I think that secondary objectives should be optional, maybe even have a map at the beginning showing the primary and secondary targets. You only need to do the primary obejective to get all the rewards, after which you can just leave, but the more secondary objectives you do the better rewards you get(credits/resources, maybe even some mods).

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If for some reason DE refuses to change secondaries into optionals (I like Story4's idea) then at least let's start with something very simple: Don't put secondary objectives in rooms that've already been visited. That'd remove the backtracking which @(*()&#036; sucks.

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i love secondary objectives.

i get more kills. more chance at drops. more chance at resources. it changes things up. keeps things for becoming routine and automatic.

you sir, need to zen the fudge out.

Even if his post is a bit ragy, he has a point : when the mision net you with more objectives it should also net you with more rewards (be it more mods on successful mission or more credits or a boost to all materials found, etC.)

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While I think you should take a few shots and calm down, I do concur. Secondary objectives should mean more rewards, at the very least. 75-100% increase in credit reward, plus the normal reward for completing this type of objective (a mod, for instance, if the secondary objective is a Raid.)


And yes, my heart used to sink like a lead weight when I got told to hack those @(*()&#036; data terminals. My advice, as a stopgap; Shade is your friend, especially in solo.

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My favorite is doing a rescue mission and then having Lotus tell me that I need to rescue a second one lol!? Having to escort 2 of these #@*&amp;&#036;@s through the whole mission is just cruel Lotus, CRUEL! Maybe you could throw in some ice too! -_-


They definitely should add a small bonus reward for doing these, or at least make it optional with a bonus. Kinda like the choice you get in defense missions, bug out now and head for the extraction or carry on for the secondary.

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My favorite is doing a rescue mission and then having Lotus tell me that I need to rescue a second one lol!? Having to escort 2 of these #@*&$@s through the whole mission is just cruel Lotus, CRUEL! Maybe you could throw in some ice too! -_-


They definitely should add a small bonus reward for doing these, or at least make it optional with a bonus. Kinda like the choice you get in defense missions, bug out now and head for the extraction or carry on for the secondary.

That's got nothing on the 'collect all these data packets' mission, triggering a second mission that wants you to deposit a @(*()$ data packet in the navigation computer.


Now picture you're playing solo. And you've got one data packet in your hand and one on the ground.


And you can only carry one at a time.

Edited by Xianyu
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