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Reward Drop Issue - Daily Dose Of Rng-Related Issues And Rage


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Now let me just say that I am a player who likes to earn my stuff without spending plat on them. I hardly buy plats and even rarely go to the trading chat to do business. But the last couple of months have been atrocious and after playing over 20-35 Orokin Derelict Survival for over 45 mins (average) per key, I'm finally at my sanity's end.

Yes a game is making me lose my mind, why ? Because the RNG system is so garbage that it decides to reward me with low-tier void keys instead of the Burston Prime Barrel or the Nova Prime Systems Blueprint that I am farming for the last F&*#ING month.

Why are we getting Void keys from a tileset that it supposed to be forgotten Orokin Ships in the first place ? They're supposed to contain older Prime Warframes and Weapons, forgotten with the passage of time. And why am I getting a Void Key on the 20th minute, I'm guaranteed a Prime item, am I not? Instead of saturating the Void with new weapons and primes, why not pay attention the other Void which aesthetically more beautiful than the normal Gold-printed Void ?

The moot of this post:

1. Saturate the Derelict Drop table with actual Prime items not Tier 1 and Tier 2 void keys, nobody likes getting rewarded T1 Mobile Defense for fighting level 100 Ancient Healers with an agenda.

2. FIX THE RNG, seriously. Playing the same damn mission over and over again for 8 hours isn't fun and even more so when you're not getting that LAST GODDAMNED BLUEPRINT THAT HAS A 0.0675213% DROP CHANCE.

3. Focus on the Derelict, it's a second Void waiting for improvements. PLEASE GIVE THE DERELICT SOME LOVE.

Now I'll go back and waste another hour or two trying to farm the most elusive Nova Prime Systems Blueprint.

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I have a few things to say about this. First of all being that the Burston Prime Barrel drops easier in T3 capture than anywhere else. Secondly, in a game with a system like warframe's, the RNG has to be hell at times because otherwise you'd stop playing; not from RNG but from lack of content. Thirdly, the Derelict should be worked on, sure, but not focused on. If anything we need more Corrupted Mods to make farming them more worthwhile.

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1-yeah. Take all those junk prime parts (siccarus, burstron, [ak]broncho I'm look at you guys!) and move them there; the derelict is an abandoned orokin ship so it'd make sense that there'd be the less-desired parts there. But above all else REMOVE KEYS! Really, after forma, keys are the bane of the existance of every player in this game about grinding.


2-Again yeah! I can't prove it, but I swear the newer something is, the lower by intent the drop rate is. Didn't they say that they didn't want this game to feel like a grindwall once? Well wading through a sea of junk parts that you can't even sell to get that one thing feels pretty grindy.


3-Derelict needs more to it than "like the void, but for infested". Like pretty much every other map, there needs to be a reason for players to actually explore, instead of rushing through to the objective as quickly as possible (less quickly now). Derelicts need a feature and some love, instead of closed off game modes like archwing.

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