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Conclave - A Funny, Yet Effective Way To Handle Snow Globe Frost's


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TL:DR included at the bottom

So if you have stepped foot into the Conclave. You probably know how annoying Frost players are. They constantly pop their bubbles and hide, waiting for you to enter their arena of death..

There are a few effective measure, none of which give you good odds of winning.

Currently - you can creep into the globe and hope to gun down the Frost before he gets you.

You can use a power weapon like Galantine or Jat Kittag to ground slam him. If you miss - You're dead.

You can spray bullets at the shield until it drops. Highly ineffective since you are vulnerable and wasting ammo. Plus a lot of Frosts will just plop down another bubble.

Or you could just wait it out.. And let the Frost come to you.

Of all of these tactics, none of them is particularly affective OR fun.

Ladies and Gentlmen.. I introduce to you.. The Frost popper 3000!

The secret is.. Bullet jump! Bullet jump you say? Let me explain myself. In the Conclave, Bullet jump takes 52-65 shield and/or health when you activate it next to a player. Meaning, bullet jump is actually quite affective at close quarters! So here's what you do:

When you encounter a Frost, it will take 4 bullet jumps to take a bubble down. 5 bullet jumps to kill a frost. The glorious part about this is that Frost's are confined to their bubbles! It's literally like shooting fish in a barrel! What you do is you rapidly slide in and out of the Frost's bubble, initiating the bullet jump each time you go in. Doing this both hits the Frost, AND the globe. Just make sure to dodge like hell while doing all of this. Most Frosts will freak out and run when they realize their health and shields are being depleted very rapidly, INSIDE THEIR BUBBLES. On the 4th bullet jump, quickly swing your crosshairs around and start spraying! The bubble pops on the 4th bullet jump and most Frost's aren't expecting it to be down. If the Frost pops another bubble, just quickly bullet jump again, and the 5th bullet jump kills the Frost.

Keep in mind - this method only works if you relentlessly barrage the Frost. You can't let him recharge his shields. You also don't want to waste a minute or more on a single encounter. So the goal is to become efficient at this. I have killed Frost's in 10 seconds using this method. I bullet jump, quickly swing around, lunge forward, slide, bullet jump again, repeat. All while the Frost is playing an epic game of duck hunt and wasting his ammo.

I wish I could post video of this method. It's beyond entertaining, and it's the only full-proof method I've found when it comes to handling Frost.

Now a smart Frost will do his 4th ability to freeze you when he figures out what he is doing.. But keep in mind, this is Frost we are talking about. The odds of a Frost player thinking of this in the moment is very little. Even if they do think if it, will they have the energy to pull it off.

TL:DR - Rapidly bullet jump in and out of their bubble while they try to shoot you. Bullet jump damages both Frost, AND their bubble. 4 bullet jumps pops the bubble. 5 bullet jumps kills the Frost. The whole process takes 10 seconds when you master it, and also significantly increases your odds of winning against Frost. If you want more details and more in-depth on the process, read the post.

Edited by (XB1)G R A V O C
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As a serious suggestion: No.

As a joke suggestion: Meh.

I guess you haven't Conclaved much. There is seriously no effective way to handle a Frost in his bubble, without putting yourself in serious jeopardy of death. If you can think of a better way, than be my guest. But don't throw this method out til you try it. It's highly effective against Frosts, seeing as it takes a whole 10 seconds to strategically place 5 bullet jumps on the Frost. Edited by (XB1)G R A V O C
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I guess you haven't Conclaved much. There is seriously no effective way to handle a Frost in his bubble, without putting yourself in serious jeopardy of death. If you can think of a better way, than be my guest. But don't throw this method out til you try it. Seriously, it's highly addictive against Frosts, seeing as it takes a while 10 seconds to strategically place 5 bullet jumps on the Frost.


I am seriusly gonna try, but i cant find those frosts around. Sad day ;c

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Now this is what skill should really be.

But right now i prefer to massacrate them with my dual ichors with berserk valkyr.


Bahaha that's another method I forgot about! I'm so used to myself and everyone using heavy weapons, that I forgot small and quick weapons were still a thing!

You should give this method a try and see just how fun it is! Never hurts to have a couple effective methods under your belt >:)

I am seriusly gonna try, but i cant find those frosts around. Sad day ;c

Maybe it's because you're on PC :(. Xbox is full of little kids who use cheap tactics in the Conclave in order to win. So meaning - Frosts are everywhere on consoles

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So what happens when you play against a Frost that can actually aim?

Parkour faster and dodge more. While I obviously was joking that "all Frosts suck", that's just not the case. There are players with godly aim, who also happen to use Frost. All I can say is that I've only ever encountered one Frost who was able to shut me down. And by shut me down, I mean 50% kill, 50% death ratio on his bubble. So all in all, even against a skilled Frost, you have better odds of winning this way, rather than confronting a skilled Frost head on.

The issue right now is that when dealing with Frosts, you are forced to engage on their terms, if you want to kill. This method is the only method that strips away the control they have on the battlefield. Cuz currently, you can only damage the Frost, or the bubble. This method allows you to damage both, while also constantly moving to increase your survivability.

Edited by (XB1)G R A V O C
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I am seriusly gonna try, but i cant find those frosts around. Sad day ;c

Bullet jump damage got reduced on PC. It does minimal damage now.

There is seriously no effective way to handle a Frost in his bubble, without putting yourself in serious jeopardy of death. If you can think of a better way, than be my guest.

You didn't like the idea, but just shooting the Snow Globe down is really easy and takes only a few moments. Because of its size, you can hit it while bouncing around or from around corners/through walls, and it doesn't last long under sustained fire. At worst, it's a few seconds, but the Frost often starts panicking, especially if he can't see you.

Once the globe is cracked open, the soft, gooey Frost center is exposed.

Similar to one of your suggestions, you can also ambush the Frost from behind with a hard-hitting gun and aim for the head (would be harder with controller). I often do that to strip his shields and a chunk of health, which makes him flee (shoot him as he runs away) or try to fight (jump up to avoid ground slams or gunfire, shoot him again).

That said, I did use bullet jumps to torment Frosts pre-nerf and still do once the new mods kick in. Be prepared for the bullet jump nerf (distance, range, and damage) whenever you get 17.5.

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Bullet jump damage got reduced on PC. It does minimal damage now.

You didn't like the idea, but just shooting the Snow Globe down is really easy and takes only a few moments. Because of its size, you can hit it while bouncing around or from around corners/through walls, and it doesn't last long under sustained fire. At worst, it's a few seconds, but the Frost often starts panicking, especially if he can't see you.

Once the globe is cracked open, the soft, gooey Frost center is exposed.

Similar to one of your suggestions, you can also ambush the Frost from behind with a hard-hitting gun and aim for the head (would be harder with controller). I often do that to strip his shields and a chunk of health, which makes him flee (shoot him as he runs away) or try to fight (jump up to avoid ground slams or gunfire, shoot him again).

That said, I did use bullet jumps to torment Frosts pre-nerf and still do once the new mods kick in. Be prepared for the bullet jump nerf (distance, range, and damage) whenever you get 17.5.

Ouch.. Thanks for the heads up. I'll get my shares worth of torturing Frosts in now then.

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Bahaha that's another method I forgot about! I'm so used to myself and everyone using heavy weapons, that I forgot small and quick weapons were still a thing!

You should give this method a try and see just how fun it is! Never hurts to have a couple effective methods under your belt >:)

Maybe it's because you're on PC :(. Xbox is full of little kids who use cheap tactics in the Conclave in order to win. So meaning - Frosts are everywhere on consoles


Basically my build with valkyr is the sprint mod for conclave, the hp regen mod and the slide mod, making her insanely fast.


But the downside: No shields, making me squishy as a loki.

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I like this. Currently the only way to do it on PC is to equip a bullet jump mod, have a good bullet jumping frame, and full energy.

Another idea: use Loki or Ash, invis, walk in behind them with a Tigris, duplex shot. Done and done.

Perhaps even a Saryn can 'tox' them out by using Molt inside the snowglobe.

Shoot...thinking about it... Oberon's fluffy carpet or Ember's fire ring could put off a snowglobe.

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