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T3 Void Missions Are The Most Fun Ive Ever Had In This Game


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And do you know why? Because they are the hardest content in the game(and not nearly hard enough so that you have to think while playing instead of just running ahead not using cover etc, etc.) and cant be steamrolled by a squad of geared players.

Every time i play with my clanmates we just steamroll everything because we all have good gear and experience with the game, and whenever we play together i just dont feel like shooting stuff, because theres no point. We just make a race of whos gonna get the most kills faster, because mobs die just when you look at them.


On T3 void though its an entirely diff situation. Some mobs require more than 1 hek shot(just as an example), and heavy greneer are actually almost a challenge and can easily kill you if youre alone and just try to outtank them. On T3 you no longer have to rush just to get a kill and have fun with the game because the mobs cant be killed by sneezing at them and even if youre slower there will always be stuff to kill when you get to the party.


Now combining the difficulty of T3 missions with a good AI overhaul will bring that satisfying and rewarding gameplay that so many of us miss here.


And please DE i beg you give us more content as fun as T3(Still has to be harder) But please  dont make it accessible only through some special drops or platinum. I dont want to have to farm missions where im having zero fun for hours or pay just so i can get 10 minutes of fun and challenging gameplay.




My best suggestion for that(even though its only a temporary solution) would be to match  the difficulty of Pluto to T3 void, add a 3rd branch to the map with grineer levels and change it so that every mission in pluto rewards different resources(in higher quantities than low lvl missions ofcourse) and like this make pluto the place where high lvl players can play/farm all resources while still getting actually having fun, instead of just the mindless steam rolling we have to do now on low lvl planets to get many of the materials.


P.S.: Aaand ofcourse im sure theres no way this will ever happen, but I can atleast dream of it :\



EDIT: What many of you who commented here dont comprehend is that there are many players who want harder content, I am not the only one. If you just want the enemies to die by you sneezing on them, be my guest and dont insist on harder content and if that is implemented dont play it, its as easy as that. And the rest of us who would actually like some challenge, not so we can show off leet skills, but just because what we have now is, even the hardest missions, borderline easy mode should also be able to enjoy the game, no? Hard games have their fanbase and in a game like warframe that offers modal difficulty i see no reason why there shouldnt be choice for ppl who like the challenge. Again, if you do not enjoy the challenge, just play the easier stuff and let us "mad skillzzz" players get something fun to do aswell.

Edited by overdosed
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I played Tower III  with 2 firends   ( not even full cell )   and it felt even easier than pluto.  

Can't see how you enjoyed it that much.  We were depressed when we found out T3  is max for now... 


I like those lasers and moving walls and secret rooms, tho.    But please moooore difficult ! 

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I played Tower III  with 2 firends   ( not even full cell )   and it felt even easier than pluto.  

Can't see how you enjoyed it that much.  We were depressed when we found out T3  is max for now... 


I like those lasers and moving walls and secret rooms, tho.    But please moooore difficult ! 


Nah its not easier than pluto. Atleast most stuff have more health, and the laser traps are also a real danger. Heavy gunners were like lvl 72 and everything else is above 50-60  as well i think. But yeah it can get even harder. Hard is fun, easy is not... xD

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See the thing about all these "nerf it !" threads is that the players calling for it do not seem to understand that with a reactor and at max level with good mods, these items are end game gear. They actually have the ability to scale down the item's effectiveness simply by not gearing it as if they are going to be playing vs level 60+ mobs and instead mod them to fit the difficulty for whatever mobs they will be fighting.

The thing is, I feel that there is very little incentive to go to pluto other than farming certain resources or the credit rewards because the reward chances for modules and other items such as void keys are pretty much the same as jupiter, for instance.

Adding a lot more content for "maxed out" characters with appropiate rewards and adding elements of risk will put an end to these "nerf it !" threads and instead promote threads that have great feedback towards improving and adding on to the game as far as the warframes, weapons, and abilities themselves.

I'd like to fully gear out and have items in my inventory prepared to fight my way to hell and back with mobs that give a challenge. Borderlands and Borderlands 2 were able to accomplish this. However, once the final boss was beaten, once the last ultra rare piece of gear was collected, the game had nothing more to offer. I see warframe headed in the same direction, so I definitely see a need for dynamic content and a good place to start is expanding the game beyond SOL to other systems in the galaxy.

In order for that to happen, Warframe needs a storyline and a plot instead of "you are this and your enemies are this , this and this and you fight them for this reason. Now go farm."

A good storyline should never be underestimated, a good storyline can motivate a player to keep going not just for improving their gear and warframe, but to see the next development in the storyline. The game is a grindfest right now and those of us that haven't already, are headed towards burnout pretty quick.

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See the thing about all these "nerf it !" threads is that the players calling for it do not seem to understand that with a reactor and at max level with good mods, these items are end game gear. They actually have the ability to scale down the item's effectiveness simply by not gearing it as if they are going to be playing vs level 60+ mobs and instead mod them to fit the difficulty for whatever mobs they will be fighting.


Yeah thats the real problem, there is no content geared toward engame gear so everyone is forced to play low lvl stuff with their maxed weapons and frames which in turn leads to newbies(like ppl new to the game) and noobs(just plain old noobs) to scream for unneeded nerfs.

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TBH tower 3 is really easy, unless you run in guns blazing all the time.

You need to watch your shields and number of enemies in the room, take cover to regen etc. Feels like you need to act tactical, and not run, sound quake, collect orbs, rinse and repeat.

That's standard for most other games,...


I just wish the only not-brainded content of the game wasn't behind paywalls....take away the rare drops if you need , but lemme play  more of it >:(

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TBH tower 3 is really easy, unless you run in guns blazing all the time.

You need to watch your shields and number of enemies in the room, take cover to regen etc. Feels like you need to act tactical, and not run, sound quake, collect orbs, rinse and repeat.

That's standard for most other games,...


I just wish the only not-brainded content of the game wasn't behind pay/farm walls :\


I didnt say its really hard, but that its somewhat challenging and its not mega easy like all other content.

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...didnt even notice they die any slower than other mob. If the mob lvl was around 100 then it might actually start to survive more than a second and actually be fun.

In the meantime you could always start putting lower powered modules or outright removing 1 or 3 to simulate the challenge of them being more fun.

Who knows, you might have to actually start purchasing and using ammo boxes to accomodate your newfound challenge.


Posts like this are what inspire so many "nerf it !" threads. smh

Edit: Maybe I'm being a little bit too cynical, but I just don't get how people think it is too easy when they're running around with reactored gear and mods that took them hundreds of thousands of credits to max out (not to mention the time gathering the mods to do it) and not try to do it with gear that IS NOT reactored and polarized to the nth degree.

There needs to definitely be areas and content that are focused towards that, with appropiate rewards to create incentive to play that content other than novelty. It will motivate people to max out their gear and stop calling for nerfs because content and rewards will exist that make that level of gear the minimum requirement.

Until that happens, I would strongly recommend to those people that call it too "easy" to try doing it in non reactored gear or reactored gear being unavoidable, restrict their mod slot usage to the 30 slots that would have been available had it not been reactored. I believe in this way they can have the challenge and fun they want until content is available that makes their fullest potential necessary.

Edited by Jeraggerjack
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...didnt even notice they die any slower than other mob. If the mob lvl was around 100 then it might actually start to survive more than a second and actually be fun.


Yes because lvl 72 heavy grineer die like flies... Maxed potatoed hek cant kill em with 6 shots, but you didnt notice this? Its really hard for me to believe that :P


Until that happens, I would strongly recommend to those people that call it too "easy" to try doing it in non reactored gear or reactored gear being unavoidable, restrict their mod slot usage to the 30 slots that would have been available had it not been reactored. I believe in this way they can have the challenge and fun they want until content is available that makes their fullest potential necessary.


Yeah ill just start playing without a shield mod and only use the weakest skills of all my frames, and only put 3 mods max in all my potatoed weapons(on which ive spent money) just so i can feel like i just started playing the game again, and create a false feeling of difficulty which would still be nothing like real difficulty. I dont think you realise that this is not a solution, even be it a temporary one.


And even disregarding that im ready to wait for more difficult content but DE are not really doing anything about that and this has been a big gripe for players for a long time.

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It's not a gripe for me. I put hours into making my frames the way they are now, damn right things better be feeling a little easier.

and it would not be a false sense of difficulty, since raising the level of the mobs would be doing the exact same thing as playing as things are now with only 30 mod slots on your gear instead of 60 + forma polarization.

I don't think you understand the concept of entailment and therefore cannot realize that in my posts, I am saying and providing far more information than just the words you are reading.

Let me dumb it down for you once again. Restricting yourself to 30 slots on whatever your particular frame is... basically simulating that it does not have a potato in it, is exactly the same as doubling the level of all the mobs in the void missions. You have half the effectiveness you do now so mobs are not dropping "in a couple of seconds" and you don't have 600-700 shields separating you from a pride obliterating down because you just walk forward and shoot everything while tanking damage.

Try doing a T3 void run with your gear capped at 30 slots (not counting polarizations). Then the challenge is there. If you can beat a T3 void run like that, then you beat it due to skill, not because you're using maxed out mods and gear. That's what people are wanting, right? For skill to matter?

Don't know about you, but if I want to feel skilled, I go play counter strike or starcraft II or Eve online/Dust 514. I don't play this game to feel skilled, I play it to have FUN with my friends going around being a wrecking ball. I am not looking for balance. I am looking for FUN. I am also looking for what DE's actual idea of this game is supposed to be.

There are far, far more MMOs that are competitive, balanced, and provide a return of actual value for time invested.

This is not one of them. Becoming the best at this game doesn't make you a rock star. Saying you're in the top 10 in warframe doesn't have the same impact as saying you compete in ESEA or you used to be CAL-M / CPL or Grandmaster in Starcraft 2 or you were Code A or S in brood war.

Those that want to turn this into a balanced on a knife's edge ultra competitive game are in the wrong place. The second I see it moving in that direction is the second I uninstall it and move on. It's not what I'm here for and it's not what attracted me to the game.

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I'm not sure what to think.  I always found the void missions to be extremely difficult, and it is infuriating when you are unable to beat a certain mob because it can heal faster than you can damage it.  The auto healing that all corrupted enemies seem to have is really annoying.  I play the void missions solo by the way.


However, the void is the endgame.  They should be the most difficult "dungeon" in the game, and should only be possible if someone has a fully leveled frame and fully leveled weapons all of which are appropriately modded.  I have had a lot of fun in the void missions, and I'm glad that you do not lose the void key if you fail the mission.  They should be missions that require multiple attempts.


That being said, the loot from the void missions are disappointing.  All I get is a ton of credits and a blueprint or a piece of a prime weapon.  This means that I have to run through many void missions, and if they are as hard as I discribed them, then the inevitable grinding would be a real pain.  While Warframe was always a grindfest, I feel that struggling to make it through multiple difficult missions to get a weapon that only does five more points of damage than a normal weapon is not worth it.

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T3's are fun, although I do hope they put higher tier more difficult maps in (although I also hope they're not RNG locked....). It's not just the mobs though, its the traps, the obstacle courses, the puzzle rooms, the hidden mini vaults, ect. This is the kind of crap I want to see in every tile set going forward. It's so much better than blitzing raid or sabotage yawn-missions.

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T3 is the only place in the game were I almost ran out of Latron bullets. A combination of low ammo drops and high HP enemies was nice for a change. I wouldn't say it was really challenging, but it was more dangerous than Pluto. You'd have to do more than just buff numbers to make Warframe hard. Doubly so for players with Reactors and Forma on everything.

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In the last livestream, they said they're going to try to slow down players in a fun way. They won't be arbitrarily punishing players who like to run, but it's their admittedly own fault to allow players to run past with a horde of NPCs unable to catch up to the player.


My most fun in Warframe is when I solo, even though I love playing with my clan of friends. Depending on the frame itself, and frame/weapon rank/mods, Many missions can be quite tough, requiring some stepping to the side into cover for a brief moment for shields to heal. No, I don't think WF should turn into Gears of War pop-a-mole, but it's some of the most fun I have in WF to feel like I have to use a bit of tactics to beat the enemy, and not just run through 20 enemies with my eyes closed. Yeah, we're badass ninjas, but not having danger isn't actually what makes games fun. That's why the game is filled with knockdowns and stuns/staggers. DE couldn't think of a better way to hurt or slow down a crazy ninja. (Although I like the more level designed things like the cold areas in the void that slow you down should you decide to step into them.)


As long as DE stays away from the worst balancing in game design by not just amping up enemy HP and damage and calling it a day. I suggest they look at how Left 4 Dead's AI "director" managed game flow. If the game seems too easy, the director adds more enemies or throws in tougher, smarter enemies like the special infected, or even a tank. If the game is too hard and the director senses the player having a really tough time, they may back off the enemy spawns a little, or give them a little tighter cone of vision (to a degree, can't just make Pluto feel like Mercury just to help the player)... It may seem like you don't want to be patronized in this way, but really it's a matter of creating an enjoyable and challenging experience for players, without them really noticing.

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I dont think you realise that this is not a solution, even be it a temporary one.

Gamers have been setting challenges for themselves like this since games were invented. If you really think the game is too easy now, you can either wait until they add more difficulty, or do something like this and take out all the things that make the game easy for you.

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Trinity here. I Steamrolled through a teir 3. Surprising? Maybe, but it was just me and my friend who was a frost who stayed back the entire time. 


I used link, energy vampire, link, energy vampire, and so on... I ended up using 100+ abilities that one game. 


I personally hate difficulty. It's nice to have every now and again but you can easily make a fun game that doesn't revolve around difficulty. Kirby's epic yarn was a fantastic game and that was the easiest game I've ever played in my life! You couldn't even take damage in that game!

Edited by theharddrinkingapplejack
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I agree and have posted a few times saying the same things. I have very good gear and the game is too easy. Supporting the game by buying platinum makes this problem worse because now you can afford potatoes and formas for all your gear. The game was too easy (relative to the gear they allow you to have) before forma's even came out, now it's just getting worse. And aside from forma's I saw a post where a guy had 2 rank 10 serrations, one for him and one for his sentinel. I'm close to this, I have rank 10 serration and hornet strike and a rank 7 on my sentinel. With formas peoples sentinels are going to be able to solo most of the content in this game.


Hopefully they add difficulty settings, or something. Other than T3 voids or wave 15+ defense I don't even use energy in the game. There's no reason to, except when I'm leveling new weapons for mastery I'll use iron skin so I can just stand there shooting during the whole mobile defense map.


Even just allowing us to skip to a defense wave that we've already made it to would be nice. Playing wave 35+ defense can be fun with a group with good gear, but spending all the time getting there is annoying. And I'm not talking about trinity hacks either.. I've 2 manned xini wave 20, solo'd xini wave 16, 3 manned Paimon wave 35 during the moa event - all without formas or trinities or ammo boxes etc... Yea some of this is bragging, but look, this game has very little content for those of us who enjoy playing it so much that we have the gear, skills, and know-how to win easily. And the longer this game is out the more of these posts you will see unless they offer something for us.

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Until that happens, I would strongly recommend to those people that call it too "easy" to try doing it in non reactored gear or reactored gear being unavoidable, restrict their mod slot usage to the 30 slots that would have been available had it not been reactored. I believe in this way they can have the challenge and fun they want until content is available that makes their fullest potential necessary.


I've done this. And I've leveled up all but 1 or 2 non-melee weapons in the game, most of them without reactors. Yes I had fun doing it, and it's fun to actually use strategy instead of just steam rolling everything.


But, DE allows us to have good gear (reactors, formas, rank 10 serrations), but they don't give us content that uses this gear, which is all we are asking for. Also you are suggesting that if we want to have fun then we shouldn't support the game and spend money on it, because spending money on the game = reactors/catalysts/formas, which we are supposed to de-equip if we want to have fun in the game.

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Trinity here. I Steamrolled through a teir 3. Surprising? Maybe, but it was just me and my friend who was a frost who stayed back the entire time. 


I used link, energy vampire, link, energy vampire, and so on... I ended up using 100+ abilities that one game. 


I personally hate difficulty. It's nice to have every now and again but you can easily make a fun game that doesn't revolve around difficulty. Kirby's epic yarn was a fantastic game and that was the easiest game I've ever played in my life! You couldn't even take damage in that game!


Dont like difficult games? Just dont play the difficult content if any is introduced. Easy, no?



I agree and have posted a few times saying the same things. I have very good gear and the game is too easy. Supporting the game by buying platinum makes this problem worse because now you can afford potatoes and formas for all your gear. The game was too easy (relative to the gear they allow you to have) before forma's even came out, now it's just getting worse. And aside from forma's I saw a post where a guy had 2 rank 10 serrations, one for him and one for his sentinel. I'm close to this, I have rank 10 serration and hornet strike and a rank 7 on my sentinel. With formas peoples sentinels are going to be able to solo most of the content in this game.



Yeah, thats also a big gripe for me. Why give us things that make us more powerful when theres no point in them, and they even strip a big part of the fun from the game. They are giving us potatoes, forma and op mods and dont give us content for them. They are constantly adding new content, supposedly endgame content in the vise of more farming, but they are not fixing existing issues like $&*&*#(%& enemy AI with mobs rushing me with rifles and then running circles around me, and difficulty that no matter how much content they introduce gets dull and uninteresting after only a shortwhile.


De if you want real endgame content provide extremely tough bosses and levels that offer big rewards. Things that would make players want to max out their gear, potatoe and forma weapons and frames and maximize their potential. Something that would require some thinking before going into, something that cant be roflstomped by 1 guy, let alone a full team of geared players - this is real endgame. The space farming simulator that we have right now is just ridiculous without even providing a challenge to farming. Wheres the fun of doing countless Elion runs with any of my maxed and potatoed stuff just so i can farm ferrite?! People that want a challenge or want to get mats faster should have the option of difficult content, that is not locked behind a gimmick like the void keys.(not that T3 is really difficult, its just the most difficult thing in the game, except the immensely boring endless defense missions)

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Dont like difficult games? Just dont play the difficult content if any is introduced. Easy, no?



Here's the thing... I would but it has content EXCLUSIVE TO THE DIFFICULTY. It's very simple. I want the blade and receiver but I can't unless I play teir 3. Also I never said I hate difficult games, I said I hate difficulty. There's a difference. I hate it because people like to believe just to make a game fun, it almost always has to be hard. When in fact it doesn't.


I enjoyed dark souls, I beat serious sam 3 on serious mode, I used to play halo on heroic and from all of that I will say this games difficulty sucks.


The AI is the same, all that changes is they do more damage and take more hits. Have they not learned from borderlands? Bullet spongey enemies aren't the way to do it.

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Umm, T3 void is pìss easy...


I play Excalibur, using Paris and Dual Ethers (no potatoes on either).


The simple tactic to win is to just use radial blind and then spam away (with charge attacks). Sure, the mobs are tanky, but it hardly matters since you will never run out of melee attacks... I probably have to use 2, maybe 3 radial blinds to solo a heavy gunner (up to lvl 99 or something). With a party of 4 you should never have any problem as long as you have some energy siphons.


Like I said, this is using non-potato'd DEs which are feeble compared to GRAM / Scindo.

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If new content isn't pumped out constantly, which it usually isn't, there is a simple fix. End game gear should never out pace end game difficultly. Plus in the meantime, increasing the amount of bullets it takes to down an enemy should never be the primary method of difficulty. That just slows the gameplay down and make it boring. Enemies should be lethal but not spongy.

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Here's the thing... I would but it has content EXCLUSIVE TO THE DIFFICULTY. It's very simple. I want the blade and receiver but I can't unless I play teir 3. Also I never said I hate difficult games, I said I hate difficulty. There's a difference. I hate it because people like to believe just to make a game fun, it almost always has to be hard. When in fact it doesn't.


I enjoyed dark souls, I beat serious sam 3 on serious mode, I used to play halo on heroic and from all of that I will say this games difficulty sucks.


The AI is the same, all that changes is they do more damage and take more hits. Have they not learned from borderlands? Bullet spongey enemies aren't the way to do it.


Oh i promise you, i dont just "like to believe" that harder games are more fun, i know it. And unless the meaning of the word opinion has changed recently your arguing on that matter is pointless. I want the game to be harder, many others want it. And why even go with the argument that hard is not always fun, when you yourself admit that the difficulty here is a joke? xD




If new content isn't pumped out constantly, which it usually isn't, there is a simple fix. End game gear should never out pace end game difficultly. Plus in the meantime, increasing the amount of bullets it takes to down an enemy should never be the primary method of difficulty. That just slows the gameplay down and make it boring. Enemies should be lethal but not spongy.


The first part is very true and i agree totally.


But the second is hmm... All of you who constantly talk against bullet sponges have to realise that bullet sponges are not better than glass canons. And many of you wont realise that unless you see it in action. The best balance is somewhere in the middle, between the bullet sponge and the glass canon. And thats the balance that will give you the most satisfaction of the game.


Ofcourse if thats not combined with atleast a semi good AI itll never be as good as it can be. And the AI here isnt even semi bad lol Enemies with assault rifles rushing me, just so they can start running is circles around me are not fun, not fun at all. The easiest way for that is to make grineer and corpus methodical. Better use of cover, creating choke points, whole squads focus firing at the highest threat(player), and when advancing doing it in an orderly way, not the headless chickens that we have now, and without the endless - sprint toward that tenno that just killed 20 of you so you can shoot him with your rifle from 2 meters away. Slow and methodical, always trying to flank and surround you. And ofcourse some rushing tanky units would be nice to have from time to time.

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