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Rhino Iron Skin Is So Pathetic D=


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I wouldn't have minded if they just set the cap to what it is (although it is way too low the way it works atm imo) , but that fact that it now taunts... made it so much worse. Its as if all the Corpus and Grineer are laughing at me and like "Shoot that guy, he's been nurfed into the ground!" making me the focus of everyone, in turn it last less that 2 seconds, which feels god awful. I dont feel like a tank anymore. Loki is tankier now =/ 

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Personally i think Iron skin is perfect right now and the agro affect  makes it the tank it was supposed to be from start. Unless they nerfed it again in last hotfix? I have easely over a hundred hours + on Rhino alone since he came out, leveled him twice so far. Could it be u have a bad mod or weopon combination? Or maybe he just doesnt fit u'r playstyle?

Edited by bosstnt
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I was about to make a Rhino, it sounded like a fun class.  After reading the patch notes and seeing this change, it'll be the last Warframe I think I'll ever make.


I can only understand this change for PvP, where this isn't even a PvP game.  Perhaps make the change only for the Dojo,  or at least make it last a minimum amount of time before breaking.  


Bad change, can see why it was done, but it was a S#&$ty solution that has ruined the class.

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Iron Skin is basically "+800 shields" button in most cases, BUT it isn't useless. It still does the few things it's supposed to do- shield from Toxics, Disruptors and Knockdowns. It simply requires more practice and timing now. Plus the taunt effect is brilliant and creates tactical options in defense. Fellas don't be too quick to bash the new Iron Skin, try adapting to the change.

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It would be great if we could increase the dmg absorb in some way, like droping an focus mod or something.  800dmg absorb is to few for an fully modded iron skin.. like the guy above says, u pull aggro frome the hole room! to keep ur ally's safe, and die in like 2 sec.. I hate it to agree with Locomoto, this iron skin thing is not yet  ok to use on higher lvl's.. and i doubt the devs dont know this.. making me wandering "why the heck?"..  I just dont dare to ask Steve or DE whats going on. The only thing i can think of is the balencing between warframe toons, how the god mode worked an few weeks ago made Rhino to desireble.. 

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Iron Skin is basically "+800 shields" button in most cases, BUT it isn't useless. It still does the few things it's supposed to do- shield from Toxics, Disruptors and Knockdowns. It simply requires more practice and timing now. Plus the taunt effect is brilliant and creates tactical options in defense. Fellas don't be too quick to bash the new Iron Skin, try adapting to the change.

could be, but frost, saryn, loki, trinity do a beter job in most things. specialy trinity.. think this is the best tank ingame atm. good job dev's

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i saw some rhino at wave 20 at xini tried to tank a horde of ancients and died in less than 5 secs and i charged at those ancients using my ember with maxed out focus and continuity and started destroying those ancients without taking any damage so basically rhinos iron skin is only good now for low lvl mobs or like an "oh S#&$ " button to use to escape high lvl mobs lolz ember with good mods can tank more than rhino at higher lvls

Edited by mimixmomo
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It would be great if we could increase the dmg absorb in some way, like droping an focus mod or something.  800dmg absorb is to few for an fully modded iron skin.. like the guy above says, u pull aggro frome the hole room! to keep ur ally's safe, and die in like 2 sec.. I hate it to agree with Locomoto, this iron skin thing is not yet  ok to use on higher lvl's.. and i doubt the devs dont know this.. making me wandering "why the heck?"..  I just dont dare to ask Steve or DE whats going on. The only thing i can think of is the balencing between warframe toons, how the god mode worked an few weeks ago made Rhino to desireble.. 


Focus does increase it.


As of now I believe the current plan with Rhino is to reevaluate his other skills first before looking at Iron Skin again. That seems like a reasonable plan to me.

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oh i get it. so u all just rely on iron skin and don't use any of its other skills?

Doesn't make iron skin any less pathetic xP and his stomp is bugged right now so that doesn't work so your left with (lucky the main abilities i use) charge and blast. Charge was usable for moving across gaps but right now when i do that the game stops registering me as moving from that spot and we have to wait at extraction and i can't walk through doors :| . Iron skin takes one hit from a laser on orokin void and is gone x3

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Focus does increase it.


As of now I believe the current plan with Rhino is to reevaluate his other skills first before looking at Iron Skin again. That seems like a reasonable plan to me.

Sources for focus increasing iron skin?

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oh i get it. so u all just rely on iron skin and don't use any of its other skills?


Why would you?  Rhino Charge really isn't great, and draining your energy for 'mobility' is terrible design.  Radial Blast is a weak Fragor jump attack.  It does terrible damage, and has a very small radius, and costs way too much energy for how little it does.  People argue that Rhino's Ult is good, but, no.  Stasis is good in theory, but I find that Rhino's doesn't do a whole lot in game, and is completely eclipsed by Vauban, not to mention such a skill really is out of place on Rhino's bar.  He's not a master of time, he's a bulky in your face fighter.


2=suicide button

There is one S#&$ty character in dota 2 called Axe, Rhino almost like he right now.


I've played Dota 2, and Axe is a monster.  That guy wrecks hard.  You must have run into some really terrible players using him.

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Actually the 80% Damage reduction was leagues abose this pathetic plain 800 extra shield. Now Vauban has a improved version of Rhino Stomp as his 3rd ability.


Not only that. The concept of tank in this game is broken because of the enemy.... Like its not like they can kill you esp while the lvl range allows you to 1 shot them with the ult.... When you stop 1 shotting them with the ult on a higher level they will kill you regardless of what you play.... I saw 990 shield getting instant droped and dmg taken straight in the HP by a Railgun moa,in 1 hit.W/o a Invul mechanic you are not tanking that.Oh and don't start with but tanking bosses is important... You eighter shoot it down or you cut it down 1/2 What frame you use then is not really important if you just kite it when your shield's get low and let another team-mate take the damage while your shields recharge.


At the moment everything exept for broken stuff like the old full invulnerability mechanic or abusable powers will fail. Ppl keep complanining the game is to easy. Check out the pluto squads..... Won't even talk about high wave def missions. Most ppl never go past 10 regardless where they start. Put a lvl 60 frame basically against level 20 creeps then call it overpowered. Smart move...

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Iron Skin is basically "+800 shields" button in most cases, BUT it isn't useless. It still does the few things it's supposed to do- shield from Toxics, Disruptors and Knockdowns. It simply requires more practice and timing now. Plus the taunt effect is brilliant and creates tactical options in defense. Fellas don't be too quick to bash the new Iron Skin, try adapting to the change.


Suicide is not a real tactical option.

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For me i only use my iron skin to run in normal mission when my shields are down. In def mission i use iron skin to lure mobs away from the cryopods and shoot the hek out of them while moving backwards or... lure them to 1 corner where my teammates can shoot or spam skills at them with ease, i will also use rhino blast and knock them down then proceed to shoot at them XD Usually they will all die before my iron skin runs out.

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Sources for focus increasing iron 


Sources for focus increasing iron skin?

So, 30% from 800= 1040.. Hmm my shield has 1050 atm.. still not very usefull, but beter than tottal crapy 800dmg absorb. i'm wandering now, are those 11 mod points frome focus worth 240 extra dmg absorbtion..

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Funny, he seemed to be perfect before the nerf.


Iron Skin -> Charge -> Stomp -> Slaughter everything


Not as fine now it would seem.

he was perfect, too perfect. thats why they killed rhino

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Focus does increase it.


As of now I believe the current plan with Rhino is to reevaluate his other skills first before looking at Iron Skin again. That seems like a reasonable plan to me.



So, basically a dead frame.

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