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Rhino Iron Skin Is So Pathetic D=


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Why not keeping the actual IS but chargeable ? Just press and you get what we have now, something good but not scaled well.

But let us "charge" our IS and get more damage cap while we charge (it would drain more energy as we keep the button pressed)

So it would scale with how many energy we want to put into the skill (and more energy could be a real benefit)

For instance each energy point used would get us 8/16/24 more damage cap (the numbers are scaled with 200/400/600 damage cap for 25 energy).


Kind of Rhino supasayajin charging its awesome Iron skin then rushing into melee and laughing at enemies.

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You guys need to listen to these MLG'ers and figure out that IS is meant to be used to get agro and then run behind a box and crouch. Ok serious time. Rhino is clearly made to take damage not avoid it. You want the Devs to make him a evasion frame, cool. Then take off the speed reduction and pump it up to loki levels. Iron Skin is useless in high level content because it doesnt allow Rhino to do the job his entire frame is balanced around. Face tanking. 


Also best fix was 80% applied to shields as well as frame and immunities. Kinda like it was before this abortion of fix.


More serious time. 


Lrn2dodgehitscanweaponstrolololo <----pro warframe player right here, watch out.

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Why not keeping the actual IS but chargeable ? Just press and you get what we have now, something good but not scaled well.

But let us "charge" our IS and get more damage cap while we charge (it would drain more energy as we keep the button pressed)

So it would scale with how many energy we want to put into the skill (and more energy could be a real benefit)

For instance each energy point used would get us 8/16/24 more damage cap (the numbers are scaled with 200/400/600 damage cap for 25 energy).


Kind of Rhino supasayajin charging its awesome Iron skin then rushing into melee and laughing at enemies.


Wont work. The times you need IS you would not have time to charge it.


I would consider myself a Ash player btw.

Edited by WARLOCKE
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Wont work. The times you need IS you would not have time to charge it.


I would consider myself a Ash player btw.

I said that if you just press it and release (like today) you would get the actual IS (which  can save your life in critical moment)

Or casting IS while IS is already active would stack over the remaining damage cap ?

So casting it twice would grant 1600 damage cap.


Moreover the armor of the warframe should affect the damage cap.

Edited by vieuxchat
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could be, but frost, saryn, loki, trinity do a beter job in most things. specialy trinity.. think this is the best tank ingame atm. good job dev's

She's being fixed or reworked from the threads/casts I read/watch. It hasn't been outright said but I don't think it was fully intended to be able to chain EV/Link to be invulnerable. They removed Rhino's invulnv because it was breaking. Every Rhino thread I go on seems to have some tinge of, forgive the sarcasm.


"Whaa! whaa! I can't be Invulnerable! Why should a tank take damage!? I should be able to stand there in my boxers and live!"


Ok now that the general statment about the super-whiner is out of the way. The new Iron Skin is much more useful imo as a tank, I group with a Rhino all the time and really if you are fighting things that can eat through +800 sheilds with 140 or higher (steel fiber) armor... you are fighting too many enemies in the open. Old-Rhinio was a "click I win" type frame when it came to tanking damage, now it's a skill based frame.

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Personally i think Iron skin is perfect right now and the agro affect  makes it the tank it was supposed to be from start. Unless they nerfed it again in last hotfix? I have easely over a hundred hours + on Rhino alone since he came out, leveled him twice so far. Could it be u have a bad mod or weopon combination? Or maybe he just doesnt fit u'r playstyle?

You mean him and hundreds of other people making these posts ? wake the Fuzz up!

It's like telling someone that he is crazy cause he seen a ghost only in this case it's hundreds or thousands of people so if that's the case maybe something is wrong with you ?

Edited by ZWarhammer
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Yesterday, two friends of mine and I went into a Tower 3 Exterminate. One of my comrades was under heavy fire, so I switched on my mighty iron skin. Guess what happened:


It seemed like it didn't even go off. 50 energy were gone, I lost about 600 shields and the iron skin in about 1 second, due to all those 70+++ mobs firing at me ONE shot. Never used it again in the Void after that mission...

Edited by Jhin
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Tbh, all this does is make Rhino useless after wave 20 in defense missions.


He was always useless for that, aside from not dying - Well, now he's completely useless.


Press 3 to win.

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She's being fixed or reworked from the threads/casts I read/watch. It hasn't been outright said but I don't think it was fully intended to be able to chain EV/Link to be invulnerable. They removed Rhino's invulnv because it was breaking. Every Rhino thread I go on seems to have some tinge of, forgive the sarcasm.


"Whaa! whaa! I can't be Invulnerable! Why should a tank take damage!? I should be able to stand there in my boxers and live!"


Ok now that the general statment about the super-whiner is out of the way. The new Iron Skin is much more useful imo as a tank, I group with a Rhino all the time and really if you are fighting things that can eat through +800 sheilds with 140 or higher (steel fiber) armor... you are fighting too many enemies in the open. Old-Rhinio was a "click I win" type frame when it came to tanking damage, now it's a skill based frame.



Another major league gamer over here. All you need to do is learn to dodge that hitscan weapons fire in the slowest frame in the game.Skill. 

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Question to those of you who insist that IS is perfect.  


What situation do you use it?  Do you use it as a last resort?  Or do you use it as a pre battle buff?


In other words, do you run into enemies, and then use IS to prevent being overwhelmed?  Or do you hang back and use IS and then do your thing?


I guess what I'm picking up on is that the people who think IS is fine tend to treat this more like a cover shooter, and IS is just a massive shield boost.  If that IS the case, then I'm not surprised that IS has never run out on you.  If you play Rhino as if you were playing loki or another squishy frame, it would make sense that you are not taking enough damage to break it.


However, keep in mind that Rhino is supposed to be a tank.  Most other squishy frames need to be in cover often, so they usually provide help by distracting the enemy while preserving themselves.  According to some people, this means that they are a tank.  The thing is, no one in their right mind would consider loki a tank, but its only under this mindset that you can justify that tanking means ducking behind cover for any reason.  Rhino is supposed to be the guy that charges forward, hence the name "rhino".  You know, the big @(*()$ animal that is tough as nails and takes an extremely well placed shot to even hope to bring it down?  


Honestly, I'd say if you really were to say that rhino is supposed to play as many of you seem to suggest he should play as, we may as well dispel all falsehoods about the name, and just rename him "turtle".

Edited by Boomstick720
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Excelllent story.. IS breaks on three level 33 MOA's firing for 3.4 seconds. Its been tested. By me.

Second this. It's way too weak, I feel like if I want to distract and tank I could play any of my other frames and do it better. Loki can use decoy for "distraction tanking" and disarm for "debuff tanking". Excalibur has only a small difference in shield to Rhino (3:2 raio favouring rhino) and has the ability to debilitate an entire cluster of enemies for his friends, the ability to avoid damage for a short duration (side effect of slash dash) and has high damage output to boot. Ember, well, Ember can straight up take more damage than Rhino, her abilities stun corpus and grineer so that accounts for the debuffs and again, high damage on top.

While I can't account for this from a first person perspective, my friend who usually plays with me uses a Volt and his shield is a far superior tanking tool against ranged opponents while having a debilitating AoE ult as well.


I've played Rhino through tower III missions as the Rhino, done well, tanked well even, but that doesn't change anything. Rhino is a shoddy tank in comparison to non-tank frames and his Iron Skin is a joke now. He plays more like an AoE caster, spamming Charge and Blast for damage and disables, but other frames do that better too.

Basically, stop using the "I am good with the Rhino" argument as an excuse for the new IS.

Constructive feedback: 70% DR affected by focus(same as embers) with immunity to knockdown and stagger and maybe, but not necessarily, disruption would make it a good tanking ability, similar to overheat with a defensive component rather than an offensive one.

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i have to agree,rhino main strenght was his iron skin and his static stomp


now that the skin is just a mere absorb and the stomp no longer leaves enemies in stasis,he is pretty much useless compared to Frost

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The issue here is something thats a issue for most, if not all frames to a certain degree: scaling. An 800 damage shield may cut it for like, lvl 20-25 missions, but when you hit places like Pluto or start getting up to wave 20 on defense missions it does very little to boost your durability. I still use it very frequently, but if you have a large amount of enemies with ranged attacks against you, it wont accomplish much else rather than waste 50 energy, maybe buy your team a second or two. Worst case itll drop you during the casting animation, which is just ridiculous.


Maybe what if Rhinos armor rating affected the damage shield?

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Anyone who thought that an 800 absorb for 50 energy is sufficient, clearly never met lvl 50+ mobs face on (you know, like a rhino should).


What it needs is to retain the 80% damage reduction (or ember's 70 + focus) together with the absorb (less absorb though obviously) AND be recastable while still in effect. That way you'll both have breathing room while the absorb lasts and will not get instantly evaporated by focus fire from every single mob in the room because you're suddenly taking more than twice the damage you were before.

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I'm not a maser, in fact I'm what many people refer to as a 'scrub'. When approaching a problem, I don't think, "Hm, I should take out that guy over there first, then roll behind cover, pop out with my side arm and head shot those two guys next and run in for the finishing blow". What I do think is, "Smash?... SMASH!"


As you can tell, I'm basically a neanderthal whose somehow managed to figure out how to work a keyboard.


Now, with that being said, I love the idea of the Rhino. It's big, it's stompy, and it's suppose to be tougher than a two dollar steak. Sure, it's slow, kinda clumsy, and most of it's abilities (save for IS) tend to be fairly useless (from my personal experience, your mileage may vary); but I didn't care about that because I could run into the fray with a giant hammer and pummel everything into meaty chunks. And it was awesome.


But now, with that change to IS... It doesn't feel right. Yes, 800 shields is a decent chunk (when your not getting shot at by everything in the room), and you can dodge roll tank and cower being a wall... but I didn't get the Rhino to do that. I got the Rhino because it was big, slow, somewhat clumsy, stompy, and tough.


Yes, it's still big, slow, and clumsy but it's not as durable as it used to be, and it's just not as fun to play with anymore. I miss being able to run into a group of enemies and bringing the pain without so much as a second thought. I miss being the toughest guy in the room, and that awesome feeling when you pop IS and help an ally back to their feet. As it stands now, I tend to spend more time either dodging, shooting from behind cover, or lagging behind the group. Whether the change to IS was a good change is debatable, but it certainly made the game less fun to me.

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Rhino was crippled so alot it is no longer play-able warframe. Ember is now most overpowered warframe of all. Cause of Overheat makes her TOTALLY imunne to ALL dmg. Rhnio Iron skin can be BROKEN,absorbs ONLY max of 80% dmg reduction. Ember Overheat CAN NOT be broken and its dmg reduction can be even increased by focus,additionally it DEALS DMG! Ember (scout warframe with 10 armor)>Rhnio (Heavy and slow tank with 150 armor [incrased by steel fiber]). Ember needs to be nerfed.

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2=suicide button

There is one S#&$ty character in dota 2 called Axe, Rhino almost like he right now.

i'll play axe alot, never tried it with blademail and vanguard/shivas? poor you



havent played him since the newest patch during to the reset but ill try him the taunt sounds aswm against infested combined with the stomp ;..;

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I've played my Rhino to level 30, and I love him to pieces. I reset my account for U8, so i haven't tried him since the nerf, but in concept, i think it's a bad change. I'm not just hating on it because it is less powerful now, but the core function of the ability is gone.

Ultimately, to me, Iron Skin is the ability to revive an ally under any fire, to avoid being knocked down while you dash through enemies and the ability to take a brief moment of respite in the midst of combat to let your shields regenerate. To me, this is less powerful than Frost's Snow-Globe ability, which creates a sphere of complete bullet protection for the entire party to enjoy. I've played both to level 30, and i'm well aware of the ups and downs, and the differences in utility, but Iron Skin just isn't on par anymore for it's utility and function.

I'd much rather get the damage invulnerability and knockdown immunity in return for an armour penalty afterwards, or a reduced duration, or increased energy cost or some other drawback. Maybe using Iron Skin could slow your run speed down a bit, so you have to time its usage better to get the most out of it. It'd even make sense, since it'd be hard to run with thicker armour

Alternatively: Keep aggro after Iron Skin runs out, so make aggro effect last 50% longer than the ability itself, or 100% or whatnot. That way, if you use Iron Skin for 10 seconds of invulnerability, you get 10 seconds of everyone firing at you after the ability wears off, making the skill much more situational and less 'exploitable'

Edited by Xarteros
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