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[Warframe Concept] Maladi, The Infected Frame (Now With Art....updated-10/26/2015: Updated Image)


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Credit to evergreenmind for the design and art.

This is Maladi. The infected, sickly, the contagious. Maladi's abilities are all about embracing his infested side and using their strength against them.

Maladi's first ability is Charger's Sprint. Moving faster than a Charger, Maladi does slash damage to a target and stuns them for a short period of time.

His second ability is Broiler's Wrath. By emboding the wrath of a Broiler, he does an increased amount of blast damage with a single strike.

Infested Missile is his third ability. By spitting a toxic tissue that homes in on a target, he deals a large amount of toxin damage.

Be prepared to run, Tenno. Juggernaut's Hide is his fourth ability. By tapping into his infested body, he inherits some traits of the Juggernaut and increases his armor at the cost of his movement speed.

Maladi's abilities can be strengthened with the use of mods. Strength and Duration mods will strengthen all of his abilities. While Range mods will strengthen Charger's Sprint and Infested Missile.

Becareful what you breathe in, Tenno. Maladi is highly contagious.

Name: Maladi

Type: Infested

Lore: With what limited knowledge the Orokin had of the infested, Maladi was developed with powers over them. Looking like a blend of Tenno and Infested flesh, Maladi bends the boundaries of health and disease.


Health- 150 (550 at rank 30)

Energy-100 (150 at rank 30)

Shield-150 (300 at rank 30)




Passive- Maladi is surrounded by a cloud of toxic spores that damages nearby enemies for 50/75/100/125 toxic damage.

1) 25 energy-Charger's Sprint: Maladi charges forward with a speed greater than a Charger, doing 100/150/200/250 slash damage and stunning the target for 2/4/6/8 seconds.

2) 50 energy-Broiler's Wrath: Maladi embodies the wrath of a Broiler, dealing 150/200/250/300 blast damage in a single strike.

3) 75 energy-Infested Missile- Maladi spits 1/2/3/4 explosive toxic tissues at a target(s), homing in on them, dealing 100/150/200/250 toxin damage.

4) 100 energy-Juggernaut's Hide: Maladi's armor becomes 25%/30%/35%/40% stronger and becomes slowed by 15%/20%/25%/30%.

Edited by Beldair
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Upvoting for now. May try and come back for details later.


Solid entry so far.


Typhus Master Race


Direct quote from RedSkittlez' FAQ in the Typhus thread:



#2 Q: “Is Typhus still an Infested Warframe?” 

A: Due to lack of lore all we can really say is: No. It’s interesting to note that Tenno are already somehow warped by the Void (Whether or not this is a “True Technocyte infestation” is up to the Devs). It’s also worth noting that all Warframes contain a percentage of Infested Tissues as part of their composition, with a citation from Golem/Lephantis: “Why do you harm us? We are your Flesh”.

Original influences cited by RedSkittlez:






No sign of infestation as an influence or theme.


Typhus is a parasite/leech frame.. Morbo is a disease/infested frame...


Pretty much.

Edited by Rhekemi
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Honestly, I do like the idea of an infested frame, but at the same time, these abilities all seem basically useless, in comparison to other frames. The only gimmick is summoning, and it doesn't really seem that powerful.

I was trying to prevent him from being OP while giving him his own unique set up. I could stick to just summons to give him true control over infested if that'll be better.

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I was trying to prevent him from being OP while giving him his own unique set up. I could stick to just summons to give him true control over infested if that'll be better.

well you could give him better abilities but lower his stats except increasing Health which is an Infested's speciality

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well you could give him better abilities but lower his stats except increasing Health which is an Infested's speciality

That could work.

I do like how this is unique in that this is a summoner frame, the summons could have some buffs however like health multipliers, among others.

(also I couldn't help but to read this entire page in Morbo's voice from Futurama. xD)

So a passive with the summons upon activation? Possible.

(lol, didn't realize that was tha alien from Futurama. Did the latin for disease)

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