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Need A Clan Emblem



I'm looking for someone to make a clan emblem. my clan's name is The Eden Project looking for something with like a Black tree and the name in black in a semi-circle around the top with a royal blue light emitting from it. if you feel like changing the design that's fine.  if someone could do it for free that would be great but I can give some plat in game

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im not free but i am pretty good that design is pretty simple so i couldnt reasonably charge more than 250p tho i will tell you off the bat putting words on a badge in this game is typically a bad idea they usually become illegible


a sample of my work for comparisons sake



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ok finished the image had to work harder than i planned to on it damned tree but my original price quote of 250p still stands my name and the white background will be removed and you emailed a clean copy if you agree to pay after payment of course.



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With, bro I think his name is there as watermark so you don't steel his work.


Pride, that is the work you would charge 250P for? I mean i know it's original 'n shi't and that you're an artist but that doesn't look... that great, your example logo is much more serious business. 

And I'm sorry for being candid. 


OP, if you write "tribal tree" in google image search, you will find some really badass looking trees there. I bet some of those pictures are royalty free. 


Also, with programs like AAA logo you can add effects, text, shapes and various things to your tree to make it look like professional logo. 


It's really not that hard.

Edited by ThorienKELL
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just wondering if you can get rid of the fuzzy sh!t in the back ground and make around the tree a blue light. looks good but the name is a bit off if you have to dont worry about the name 

did.... did you even read i stated if i was paid i would remove the name and provide the transparency. that said the blue fuzzy stuff is the blue glow did you want the entire tree to glow or just the limbs? i did add specks of red in for some contrast but they can be removed




Pride, that is the work you would charge 250P for? I mean i know it's original 'n shi't and that you're an artist but that doesn't look... that great, your example logo is much more serious business.

it actually does look more like the picture above once i provide the alpha channel

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