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Afk = Nope.


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Anyone noticed an increase in AFK lately ?


I did a T4 mission with 3 players. The Loki Prime ran to the pod, then proceeded to just stand there and do nothing.


After repeated attempts via chat to get a response, by me and the other players, I gave him a warning and said that if he didnt do anything I would pull the plug.


2 minutes later I pulled the plug.


What do you guys do when someone AFK's ? 



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1.) I don't know if Consoles got it yet, but PC had an update introducing quite a harsh AFK system. 1 minute of inactivity = automatic boot. Even to the point that standing still and shooting out of a Frost bubble can register a boot.

2.) Try avoiding playing with pubs. If you do play with randoms, understand that there is nothing that can be done about the type of players you will encounter. Leachers and trolls have existed since the beginning of multiplayer experiences, and always will.

3.) Always friend up mature and skilled players. Hell you don't even have to talk to them or play with them. It's just always nice to have someone you know can handle their salt, and send them a message like "T4S - you in?"

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If someone goed AFK without notifying the team, just leave and find another.

As fir an effective ANTI-afk system:

Player preforms 0 inputs for like 1 minute = a prompt on screen saying: are you afk? For like 1 min. If the player doesnt click "no" the team gets to vote for a kick.

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and your actions were justified, albeit petty.





Dont make me laugh.


Petty is replying to a recruit posting, take a space on a team that could have gone to another player, then do nothing and expect the rewards for others doing all the grind.






Do one fella.  

1.) I don't know if Consoles got it yet, but PC had an update introducing quite a harsh AFK system. 1 minute of inactivity = automatic boot. Even to the point that standing still and shooting out of a Frost bubble can register a boot.

2.) Try avoiding playing with pubs. If you do play with randoms, understand that there is nothing that can be done about the type of players you will encounter. Leachers and trolls have existed since the beginning of multiplayer experiences, and always will.

3.) Always friend up mature and skilled players. Hell you don't even have to talk to them or play with them. It's just always nice to have someone you know can handle their salt, and send them a message like "T4S - you in?"


Good tips.



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Petty. Don't make me laugh.


No. Justified, but petty. Petty as in, trivial. You didn't need him/her to fight, you're just mad because he's leeching in a video game. He/she didn't kick your dog, he didn't insult your mother, he didn't hack the game, he just stepped away from his controller.


Woo, watch out. First world problems. But again, your actions were Justified, but come on...

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Nothing "petty" about disbanding a T4 when you don't have your whole squad in it and the added players are just making it harder. Good for you op for not cussing him or trying to get him killed so he doesn't receive mission rewards. Leeching isn't cool. But stooping to their level WOULD be petty.


LOLOL first world problems. are you kidding me? take your pretentious self righteous self elsewhere plz

Edited by (PS4)thinkfasthippie2
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Nothing "petty" about disbanding a T4 when you don't have your whole squad in it and the added players are just making it harder. Good for you op for not cussing him or trying to get him killed so he doesn't receive mission rewards. Leeching isn't cool. But stooping to their level WOULD be petty.

LOLOL first world problems. are you kidding me? take your pretentious self righteous self elsewhere plz

I totally agree with you. Wipe and reload is the only option to take out a leecher.

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Don't start with me, lol. What is pretentious and self righteous is you comparing yourself by calling out someones issues as a first world problem, like you live in Africa and game from your alienware laptop and can't afford to eat right? XD if you said "it's not that big of a deal" instead of calling op "petty" we wouldn't be having this discussion. Choose your words better next time.

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I really wish people would quit arguing over the most trivial matters. Its pointless and does nothing but waste everyone's time. Anyway, try reporting players that go afk, and it would probably be a good idea if you record some of the match as proof, as someone else suggested.

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@thehoocodfather - I get pissed too, believe me. One time, because I was in a bad mood, I sat there and watched the objective get destroyed because we had 2 afkers, but I also have an older dog that will pee on the carpet if I don't let him out. Afkers suck, but you can't treat them all the same.


@thinkfasthippie - Re-read what I wrote. I can't choose better words if you keep taking them the wrong way.

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@thehoocodfather - I get pissed too, believe me. One time, because I was in a bad mood, I sat there and watched the objective get destroyed because we had 2 afkers, but I also have an older dog that will pee on the carpet if I don't let him out. Afkers suck, but you can't treat them all the same.


@thinkfasthippie - Re-read what I wrote. I can't choose better words if you keep taking them the wrong way.


You are right, some people cant help AFK'ing ( eg toilet etc ) but this guy ran from the landing zone to the pod then stood right up next to it and did nothing for 4 waves.


Thats time to pull the plug, especially as me and the other guy were both messaging him and politely asking him to get involved in the game.


Ironically enough, the next group I ran with all got the rare prime part I was after. Which in itself was a dish best served cold.  

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no one like AFK'ers in their game but Archistopheles is right. it was probably before w5 so really nothing the team couldn't handle and it's possible the person had a legit reason for being away from the computer for a brief time.

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Anyone noticed an increase in AFK lately ?


I did a T4 mission with 3 players. The Loki Prime ran to the pod, then proceeded to just stand there and do nothing.


After repeated attempts via chat to get a response, by me and the other players, I gave him a warning and said that if he didnt do anything I would pull the plug.


2 minutes later I pulled the plug.


What do you guys do when someone AFK's ? 


create a screenshot and give them into the hands of DE support, they send that people some clear words ...


they arent afk, this all is called HARRASMENT !

Edited by DUR4NDAL
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