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[Suggestion] (Possible?) Solution To The Melee Issue


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I play on xbox 1. So im not sure if the pc updates have changed this. But i just completed a match where a guy was using valkyr with the silva and aegis, thats all he used. He had 35 kills and died 3 times. All he was doing was just spamming the combos he was literally 1 to 2 hitting everyone in the map. I have tried almost every weapon combo in pvp. Vectis, tigirs, opticor. Anything that is suppose to stop em when there in near pointblank range meleeing. And Nothing works. Try it out yourselves I even challenge the DEs to go into a match with someone who knows the combos down pack for final harbringer with sikva and aegis or ack brunt and see if they can win the match 1 on 1. Ive tried with many others and you cant win. It needs to be removed . both weapons because of the stance mod makes your hit box near impossible to hit. Even if you do manage to kill them the ratio of your kills compared to the person who spamming that combo stance final harbringer with always beat you in the long run.

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I'm an Xbox ! player, so it sounds like you guys are in PC which means were behind you guys in the update. You guys lucky have gotten MARTIAL MAGNESTISM taken out,, and we unfortunatley are here praying diligently with anticipation until its taken out for the consoles. i've played nothing, literally nothing but PVP for 2 wks straight, an ack brunt , silve and aegis, or any another weapon that uses the final harbringer stance, with martial magnestism is impossible to defend one on one, theres a clan of guys on xbox that will go into annihilation with nothing but that equipped and get-20-25 kills easily with maybe, 3-4 deaths. What makes no sense to me is if your going to put out the statistics or spec on weapons, (Ex. slash damage-10, puncture dmg-15, impact-20, attack speed- 1.40) so that i can choose properly between a faster weapon and a slower one. Why then have the ability in conclave, for a stance mod, like finanl harbringer, that in game throws out all the specs that u used to guide your decsion on a melee weapon. To me its pointless, not only a wste of time for the person who figured the specs out, but alos to me thats going by those specs, to be frustrated when the ack brunt, which is slower and less powerful in every category compared to the reaper prime in console conclave, to literally obliterate the reaper prime in speed moving 4 times faster than any other melee weapon in the game. If u tell me the ack brunt's speed is 1.4 in conclave, no matter what stance u put on it , keep it 1.4, so that i dont be misled

Actually, attack speed isn't actually attack speed for melee weapons. If what you were saying were the case, Orthos Prime would swing twice as fast as Sheev. What the attack speed stat actually is is a modifier for how fast the attack animations are for stances. So, yes, a sword with 1.4 attack speed will swing faster than one with 1.3 while they're both using the same stance, but if there's a faster stance, the sword with 1.3 attack speed could end up attacking faster than the one with 1.4. A good example would be Gnashing Payara and Sinking Talon. Trying to compare attack speed stats between entirely different melee weapon classes is almost pointless.


On another note: Don't worry, even without Martial Magnetism, Final Harbinger is still a broken mess of wonky hitboxes and attack animations while dealing a ton of damage. Unless DE nerfs the stance, weapons that use it, or fix the hitboxes, I can guarantee that clan will still use it.

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The solution is the Parry mechanic; right now spam in melee is best because it is all you need to do.  If I could parry the spam and then respond with a riposte that left an opening to begin a combo(staggering for example) then we can start to look at risk vs reward play.


Obviously parry would require that you have melee equipped.


Could also factor in channeling vs non-channeling in the form of damage reduction.

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The solution is the Parry mechanic; right now spam in melee is best because it is all you need to do. If I could parry the spam and then respond with a riposte that left an opening to begin a combo(staggering for example) then we can start to look at risk vs reward play.

Obviously parry would require that you have melee equipped.

Could also factor in channeling vs non-channeling in the form of damage reduction.

Not a bad idea - parried melee attacks cause enemies to stagger. It would probably turn all melee fights into standoffs. This wouldn't work very well because staggers are too long and there's also a mod that would make the whole thing irrelevant. on the other hand, it could make matches all about baiting out the first stagger safely, then still going in for as much spam as possible.

Perhaps a solution to this would be a new, shorter stagger that isn't affected by the 8 second stagger mod. This stagger would be unique to melee parries. Would this work?

Edited by PhaseShifted
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Not a bad idea - parried melee attacks cause enemies to stagger. It would probably turn all melee fights into standoffs. This wouldn't work very well because staggers are too long and there's also a mod that would make the whole thing irrelevant. on the other hand, it could make matches all about baiting out the first stagger safely, then still going in for as much spam as possible.

Perhaps a solution to this would be a new, shorter stagger that isn't affected by the 8 second stagger mod. This stagger would be unique to melee parries. Would this work?

What about making Stagger open the target for finisher, but stagger and knockdowns removed from every weapon and limited only to end hit of combos, E-spam combo not included?

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i don't think melee is overpowered by any stretch of the imagination. Not even close.

I like the idea behind buffing non-trivial combos, but i'd like to leave it as a straight buff, without also downscaling the normal damage. I feel like knockdowns and staggers are a non-issue and have been severely diminished with time already.

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i don't think melee is overpowered by any stretch of the imagination. Not even close.

I like the idea behind buffing non-trivial combos, but i'd like to leave it as a straight buff, without also downscaling the normal damage. I feel like knockdowns and staggers are a non-issue and have been severely diminished with time already.

I'm a full melee player, what I'm asking is nerf the Quickmelee and quickslam, but let the combos as strong as they are now. So nerfing all weapons damage will hit the quickmelee and combo alike, but by bufffing combos to do the damage they already do [for most weapon/stance] things will go smoothly. Except for Gunplayers who will lose their spam-E winning card when they aren't fast or cunning enough to avoid the melee range. As I said before, some weapon's quickmelee is stronger than combos.

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I'm a full melee player, what I'm asking is nerf the Quickmelee and quickslam, but let the combos as strong as they are now. So nerfing all weapons damage will hit the quickmelee and combo alike, but by bufffing combos to do the damage they already do [for most weapon/stance] things will go smoothly. Except for Gunplayers who will lose their spam-E winning card when they aren't fast or cunning enough to avoid the melee range. As I said before, some weapon's quickmelee is stronger than combos.


How to beat; run-away-and-shoot-over-my-shoulder?


Unless melee is worth using the best option is to just shoot them in the head.   Most people melee because it's fun; adding a reason to calculate combos would really help... also adding the ability to use a 'combo pause' between attacks to switch to parry mode would be awesome

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I'm an Xbox ! player, so it sounds like you guys are in PC which means were behind you guys in the update. You guys lucky have gotten MARTIAL MAGNESTISM taken out,, and we unfortunatley are here praying diligently with anticipation until its taken out for the consoles. i've played nothing, literally nothing but PVP for 2 wks straight, an ack brunt , silve and aegis, or any another weapon that uses the final harbringer stance, with martial magnestism is impossible to defend one on one, theres a clan of guys on xbox that will go into annihilation with nothing but that equipped and get-20-25 kills easily with maybe, 3-4 deaths. What makes no sense to me is if your going to put out the statistics or spec on weapons, (Ex. slash damage-10, puncture dmg-15, impact-20, attack speed- 1.40) so that i can choose properly between a faster weapon and a slower one. Why then have the ability in conclave, for a stance mod, like finanl harbringer, that in game throws out all the specs that u used to guide your decsion on a melee weapon. To me its pointless, not only a wste of time for the person who figured the specs out, but alos to me thats going by those specs, to be frustrated when the ack brunt, which is slower and less powerful in every category compared to the reaper prime in console conclave, to literally obliterate the reaper prime in speed moving 4 times faster than any other melee weapon in the game. If u tell me the ack brunt's speed is 1.4 in conclave, no matter what stance u put on it , keep it 1.4, so that i dont be misled

I met that clan several time, beat some of them, now I'm on their hated list for trashing some of their clan, they said they made a conclave tutorial video and I asked if it was actual conclave or the cheap stuff most of them use, they proceeded to make threats if I didn't stop trashing their clan, I trashed them challenged the guy to real pvp(dojo) he then left chat, like 2 days later nothing happened, I was hoping they would actually do sonething
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How to beat; run-away-and-shoot-over-my-shoulder?


Unless melee is worth using the best option is to just shoot them in the head.   Most people melee because it's fun; adding a reason to calculate combos would really help... also adding the ability to use a 'combo pause' between attacks to switch to parry mode would be awesome

Depends on the gun they are using, if it's an auto, disengage. Shotgunners rarely run away, often when you block their only shot (most use Tigris). Grenade launchers never runaway, they just resort to bulletjump from wall to wall spewing grenades to kill you, better to disengage and lead them to a hallway where they can't abuse BJ. Bows, Snipers and Opticor dodge and/or block.

Yes, a cancel combo has been requested since the dawn of stances. We can just hope DE do something about it.

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