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Please Wait .... Session Unavailable.


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I spent 30 minutes finding a way to let my friend joining me... Always that popup, again and again and again. Suddenly, we finally (and apparently for no reason) went in the session together. At least we got a Tier 2 Void Key at Wave 5. I consider it a reward for the amount of time wasted.

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I spent 30 minutes finding a way to let my friend joining me... Always that popup, again and again and again. Suddenly, we finally (and apparently for no reason) went in the session together. At least we got a Tier 2 Void Key at Wave 5. I consider it a reward for the amount of time wasted.


Glad it worked out for you. Congrats on the void key!

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I have been getting the same issue.  Its also just wierd on how it is working.  Right now its me and two friends playing, Grim and Nip.  Grim can join Nip's or my game freely most of the time but only through join session.  I can not join Nip's or Grims game through either through join session or invites, same with Nip with Grim and me.  Last time we were able to get it to work Grim joined Nips game, then both joined my game from that game. 


Odd thing is that the little connected box in the contacts window shows that a connection was made and we show up in eachother's squad chat window while "Please Wait.." window is up but it just fails to finish the connection.

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I was tempted to start a new discussion, but i would have to call it Session Unavaiable #100.


There is no way i can invite others ,but accounts within my house with the same connection.

I tried with different pc,

i disable firewall,

i disabled router firewall,

i changed ports,

i tried any comb of warframe connection options.


Anyone trying to connect to my game(invited or join), gets Session unavaiable !

The fun fact is that i can join or be invited almost anyone.


I have void keys, but can't play them alone XD

Please fix this asap!

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Yeah I don't understand why there are so many issues with this.  I've only been playing for 2 weeks or so but this is like the story of my experience trying to play with friends.  Game is so fun but there are so many connection issues and grouping issues. 

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Got a new very fatal error. I just tried to go to Tolstoj (Captain Vor's Map) and there were no squads running it. Before I could click "Play Now" It tired to connect me to a non-existent group. I am now stuck in a loop of "The Connection to the Host has been lost. Returning to Multiplayer Menu" Now this is funny because I was the only person trying to connect according to the planet map.

So matchmaking is seriously flawed and needs to be looked at.

Edited by Estred
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WHY for the love of God is this HORRIBLE BUG not FIXED yet? its been going on for over 5 days (far as I know) and happens every other match when trying to join a friends / guildes game. And now I just lost out on a Hate drop because of it, wow, bursting with anger now. Please DE FIX THIS.

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