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Sucks For The Enemy


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Hello Fellow Gamers,

Me And My Bro Have Had A Brainstorming Idea! You See, Logically, If Your In Space And A Window Blows Up, Well then Technically You Are Screwed, However, Seen As This Is A Game And Not Real Life, How About If An Enemy Is Right Next To The Window They Should Fly Like A Rag-doll Out The Window Into The Empty Vacuum Of Cyber-Space (Get It? lol) Anyway We Can't Be Unfair To The Enemy Because That Would Be Unfair Game-play, So If They Are A Few Meters Away Then They Get The Chance To Escape Their Deaths. They Also Should Be Able To Shut Down The Shields Themselves. 


Furthermore, If You Have Enemies at The End, Then They Should Fly out As You Leave (Then You're Character laughs Heartily As They Rag-doll In Front of Him Haha! 

My Bro (CrowValentine) Has A Nifty Idea If This Is Implemented. If You Are in A Group Of 2-3 Then Hide behind A Door (Preferably one Of The Storage Rooms) And Shoot The Barrel From in There. This Will Slowly Kill Enemies As They Will Either Die Of Suffocation Or Fly Out of Space. Whilst This Goes On, You Enjoy A Nice Refreshing Beer And A Good Laugh With Your Fellow Team Mates :D!


This Is Just An Idea From Myself And My Brother in Which The Developers Will look Past The "Haha's" And Think Seriously About The Realism.


This Has Been Lycanskate And Have Fun Gamers! 



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So the only difference from the current game you wish to add (that adds to game play and not just laughs) is:


Rag doll upon window breaking

Allow them to be able to hit a console to close it off 

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Sorry But If You Couldn't Bring Yourself To Read It, That's You're Problem Not Mine Okay? It's Only A Suggestion As Breaking The Window Has No Real Effect On The Enemy. Yes Basically That Is What I Want To Do, The Only Reason I Made It Bigger Than It Really Needed To Be Is For Detail And Professionalism. 

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If you want anyone to pay attention to what you have to say, fix your damn capitalization. It's not hard.

English is not my own language and i can easy understand what OP's want to say. WTF i doing wrong? You shouldn't play online games, you need to become an english language teacher and make us free of ur attention.

Edited by Keetsune
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Come on guys he only made a suggestion for the game. Who cares about capitals and grammar, thats the whole point of a FORUM for people to make an idea, not to be judged and discriminated against for an idea. Ok so some idea's are not the best or possible, but at least he thought of one, what have you suggested recently?? 

All he asked was for when the hull is breached and an enemy is near they should be sucked out into to space, for whatever reason lols or professionalism.

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One thing.

Window breaks in the vacuum of space = EVERYONE DIES

The oxygen will go away. You'll be sucked out of the room without blinking including the enemies.

You want realism? Then add that.

Also, why should we care about being unfair to them?

They're trying to kill us!

Maybe we should think about how unfair it is to the mugger who's pointing a knife at you.

Edited by TheErebus
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You Are Correct, If A Window Breaks Then Everyone Should Be killed, In Reality. However, Remember This Is A Game, And A Tenno Is Protected. Yeah They Attack Us But Where Would The Fun Be in Just Killing Without Effort. I Mean If It Was The Case That You Could Do That, Then We Could Just Keep Doing It Over And Over And It Would Get Boring, I'm Suggesting An Idea In Which You Could Escape A Mass Amount Of Enemies As Some Find It Difficult To compensate With Too Many.  

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