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Failsafe Mechanic For Rng, An Alternative To Token. The Great Wall Of Text.


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After the last livestream, there has been an explosive demands/suggestions from the community for alternative method of acquiring items through Token system. While I'm not against it entirely, I think token system is against mentality of many gamers since it turns the game into an obvious grind, aka: work. However, it provides certainty to those who need it.

This topic is a rough idea of an improvement to presently messed up RNG system. However, it works behind the scene, player won't know that it exists but it should improves the gaming experience while retaining element of randomness which is the backbone of operant coditioning method.

Failsafe mechanic

Failsafe mechanic isn't about getting exactly what player wants. It's about creating an illusion of infrequent win when global RNG fails to deliver a win situation. You may, or you may not get what you want. However, if you see a rare drop dropped in an irregular interval, without a really long drought, then you will feel that getting rare drop isn't hard and continue playing.

Personally, I think failsafe mechanic involves:

1. Loot strictly based on faction/area.

2. Multiple progression bar which checking progression for each type of loot/mission.

3. Inventory sorted by date/amount.

4. In case of BP and mod, 'win' situation involve getting BP/mod which you don't have or have in minimal amount.

5. In case of defense mission, 'win' situation is different. I think it should be based on performance more than randomly gives you something from pool of 25 items. Performance score based on AI's lv, time taken, and damage on pod/reactor, etc. Different set of reward based on performance score.

1.Mod Failsafe

Mod failsafe concept:

- Fail-safe mechanic designated the value of each mod by rarity. IE, common mod has value of 1. uncommon mod has value of 2. Rare mod has 'reset' property.

- The mechanic creates/bring existing progression bar every time a player log into the game. The bar start at 0 when player plays the game for the first time.

- Progression bar has a varied value based on RNG to create inconsistency.

- Each area has designated modifier based on difficulty.

Each time a player get a mod, the progression bar is roughly filled by mod value*difficulty modifier. When the bar is full, it produces a 'win' situation and reset itself, producing the new empty bar with value based on RNG. If there is a rare drop receive when the bar isn't full then the bar will be reset and new bar will be produced based on RNG.

Win situation consist of two categories.

1. Mod with lowest amount in the arsenal if you have all of them.

2. New mod which you don't have from the area currently playing.


RNG generates a bar with 1000 value.

- Player A plays Mercury (difficulty modifier 0.5, common mod=1, uncommon=2, rare=reset) which means player A has to get 1000-2000 common/uncommon mods before one 'win' will be forced to drop. However, if rare mod drop from global RNG before the bar is full then the bar is reset.

- Player B plays Pluto (difficulty modifier 3, common mod=1, uncommon=2, rare=reset) which means player B has to get 167-330 common/uncommon mods before one 'win' will be forced to drop. However, if rare mod drop from global RNG before the bar is full then the bar is reset.

Good thing is that player doesn't know which is which. Players will feel that playing in higher areas definitely increases the chance of getting rare drop but they don't know that the 'win' they got is a result of global RNG or failsafe mechanic.

2.BP Failsafe

BP failsafe probably works in a similar fashion. Each player will receive a randomized maximum number of run based on RNG. If player reaches the maximum number of run without completing a complete set of BP then the part which the player doesn't have will be dropped. If two players reach the number of maximum run in the same session but have different missing part of BP then one player will be chosen and receive the missing part first, another player will get it in the next run.

Example; Player A wants Ash BP. RNG randomize 35 as maximum runs required for Ash when he enters Titania for the first time.

- Situation1 : He has all parts before 35 runs. Failsafe is now nullify itself and global RNG continues to work.

- Situation2 : He has all three parts before 35 runs but he sells one part and now missing it. New maximum run number is generated.

- Situation3: He crafted the item already and he's using/keeping it in foundry/arsenal. Global RNG continues to work along with failsafe of other players.

3.Endless defense failsafe

This one isn't really a failsafe but a different rewarding algorithm. If you visit the market and see the description of each mod pack then you'll see that they retains the element of randomness within each of them but more expensive mod pack simply guarantee better rewards.

It involves a performance score which is calculated from multiple factors like AI's level, time taken, number of death, number of revive, damage taken by pod/reactor. If the performance score exceed certain predetermined threshold then the reward will be chosen from pool specific to said threshold.


low level AI, low completion time, no damage on pod, no death

- Performance threshold "C".

Moderate level AI, low completion time, no damage on pod, no death

- Performance threshold "B".

Hard level AI, low completion time, no damage on pod, no death

- Performance threshold "A".

"C" level prize consist of 70% common mod, 20% uncommon mod, 5% rare mod, 5% void key.

"B" level prize consist of 70% uncommon mod, 20% rare mod, 10% void key.

"A" level prize consist of 30% uncommon mod, 30% rare mod, 25% void key, 15% Forma BP.

Failsafe is a supporting mechanic which creates 'win' when global RNG fails to create one after a period of time and in the case of endless defense, gives proper reward based on performance.

Comments and suggestions are welcomed.

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Looks good, it creates the illusion of randomness while eliminating much of the current frustration with WF's rng. And since it happens behind the scenes, all the player knows is that he's no longer getting totally screwed by bad luck. The player still won't get exactly what he wants every time but at least what he gets shows that it is possible to get in the future.


That's whats really missing in the current system: sometimes it seems as its not even possible to get what you need. Even though you know the possibility exists in theory, it still seems impossible in actual practice.

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This seems like a pretty good solution. However, I would suggest one small change. When you get a rare mod through pure rng, don't fully reset the progress bar. The issue isn't the volume of rare drops, it is that some of the mods are extremely rare (like potentially months of grinding rare). Your fail safe system addresses this by looking at the players inventory, but there is the possibility that the bar might not be ever triggered (depending on luck and the values used). I usually get one or more (usually terrible) rare mods per play session if I play more more than an hour. I can't imagine that any system that DE would implement would trigger in less than a few hours, or even in 12 hours of regular play. If I was implementing this system I would only have the fail safe reset or decrease if it is triggered.

If they already have all the ultra rare mods a duplicate is nice but not exactly a windfall (until trading is implemented...). In fact the fail safe could generate high quality fusion cores once all rare and uncommon mods have shown up on an account. This will prevent gaming the system once trading has been implemented.

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You're just talking about a probability bias system. Every drop you get that isn't rare increases the chance you'll get a rare drop, then when you get the rare drop, the bias resets back to base level.


Atleast thats what i think the first thing you were talking about was. TL;DR

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Don't see a problem with the token idea myself. The game is already an obvious grind. The only difference tokens would make is to remove some of the luck from that grind so you don't have to grind any longer than needed for what you're after.


That being said, such a system would make mod hunting go a lot better, but there would need to be a way to remove frame skills from the failsafe's chances. It's bad enough they drop out of Mod packs, making buying the things a nigh useless waste of plat.

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I like the core thought here, and aside from some basic numbers-tweaking that might need to be done it seems solid.  That said, Ishameal has a point too.  Perhaps the issue revolves around drops being faction-specific, but still un-tiered currently (to the best of my knowledge / observations).

Good thought though.


Token may work as well, but using tokens to get what you want makes the game more about farming and less about playing.  I think it takes something from the play that currently exists, and that gameplay is already a bit thin.  More "world" needs to exist before tokens are viable.  I would like to see players having a "between missions" play zone well before tokens take away the "gotta collect 'em all" that brings me back over and over again.


T_T  where are you, Hell's Chamber?

Edited by Cytobel
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This seems like a pretty good solution. However, I would suggest one small change. When you get a rare mod through pure rng, don't fully reset the progress bar. The issue isn't the volume of rare drops, it is that some of the mods are extremely rare (like potentially months of grinding rare). Your fail safe system addresses this by looking at the players inventory, but there is the possibility that the bar might not be ever triggered (depending on luck and the values used). I usually get one or more (usually terrible) rare mods per play session if I play more more than an hour. I can't imagine that any system that DE would implement would trigger in less than a few hours, or even in 12 hours of regular play. If I was implementing this system I would only have the fail safe reset or decrease if it is triggered.

If they already have all the ultra rare mods a duplicate is nice but not exactly a windfall (until trading is implemented...). In fact the fail safe could generate high quality fusion cores once all rare and uncommon mods have shown up on an account. This will prevent gaming the system once trading has been implemented.

About resetting the progression bar.

Actually, I don't mind the bar being decrease in value with rare mod dropped from global RNG. As long as it creates the sense of inconsistency, it's fine. I forgot about core while making this topic, so yeah, the system should generate high quality core too.

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Don't see a problem with the token idea myself. The game is already an obvious grind. The only difference tokens would make is to remove some of the luck from that grind so you don't have to grind any longer than needed for what you're after.


That being said, such a system would make mod hunting go a lot better, but there would need to be a way to remove frame skills from the failsafe's chances. It's bad enough they drop out of Mod packs, making buying the things a nigh useless waste of plat.

About removing frame's powers from loot table.

If that happens, there must be one rule in the inventory.

- player can't sell frame's power for credit.

However, I agree that frame's powers actually don't have much use in the loot table since all of them can be easily maxed by cores. One problem will appear when DE finally decide to release alternate powers for frame.

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RNG failsafe - crafting.

Need rubedo but have a ton of ferrite or salvage? Use them to craft rubedo.

Have 10 skill mods that you dont't need? craft the into fusion cores.

Got 5 banshee chassis BP but need system/helmets? Use 3 to craft it.


This is IMO the best failsafe that doesn't change the system too much and would be easy to implement.


Though void keys should really have some token system.

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I am not a fan of a token system at all as it encourages elitism and arrogance amongst those who have ample amounts of time to spend playing this game. Also, it WILL lead to a rockslide effect for user interest as more content becomes available at a faster pace. Which means the Devs will have to work faster/harder to release more content at a faster pace in order to keep interest levels at a peak.


aka - not good for business

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I am not a fan of a token system at all as it encourages elitism and arrogance amongst those who have ample amounts of time to spend playing this game. Also, it WILL lead to a rockslide effect for user interest as more content becomes available at a faster pace. Which means the Devs will have to work faster/harder to release more content at a faster pace in order to keep interest levels at a peak.


aka - not good for business

I'm sorry, but are you that naive?

Even with a token system it would still take time to take items, people would still have to play 200+ hours to get everything in the game, but instead of getting nyx in 5 runs and frost in 75 you would get each in 40 runs or so. But you won't be frustrated on one part and get it very fast on the other.

And why does the token system encourage elitism and arrogance amongst those who have time to spend on the game? It just seems fair the more you spend time in game to get better and better. It's like saying that in MMO's people who reached the top level are elitists compared to the ones who just started at level 1 so everyone should be the same level. Really? People need to be rewarded for their time played, otherwise they will just go to another game that does just that.

Edited by Story4
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Hostility isn't necessary.


There are issues with a token system that may make it non-feasable for the kind of game this will eventually develop into.  Remember, we've only played with the portion of the game Devs have had ready for testing.  I'm not ready to claim a token system is the best way to get to the content.  Remember, they're releasing more as fast as they can, and they were unpleasantly shocked when Dojo content had already been mined through in about 1 week.  That was supposed to take months to accomplish.

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Just because I disagree with a token system and what it could promote does not make me naive. If anything, those wanting a token system are selfish.


200 hours is nothing for a game. Maybe you should go play Phantasy Star Online for the Gamecube. You would be lucky to hit level 200 on a character within 400 hours and that's assuming you knew what you were doing. Let's not even get started on the drop rates. If running the same mission over and over frustrates you after 40 attempts, then maybe you should quit while you are at it. I ran a quest in PSO over 900 times just to get a rare to drop. Seeing users complain about a couple dozen mission runs makes me laugh.


How doesn't it encourage it? It's basically saying "Hey guys, just run this over and over and we'll eventually give it to you anyways!". Might as well completely remove RNG from the game at that point.


Generally speaking, any game that has a level system encourages it. Experience trackers encourage it. Catalysts, Formas, etc they all encourage it. The more powerful you can be in a video game, the more full of yourself you're likely to become. I wouldn't doubt the Top Players on the killboards play to stay at the top. Why? Because it is empowering. Whether they gain anything from it or not.


"It's like saying that in MMO's people who reached the top level are elitists compared to the ones who just started at level 1 so everyone should be the same level"


What a terrible analogy. Quite literally had nothing to do with what I said.

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He said that a token system promoted elitism, which it either: happens anyway(people think that they are better than others) or won't happen anyway. I mean CS doesn't have any advancement level-wise but the elitism is off the charts there.

And also he said that users lose more interest if they use a token system, which is also not the case if you make it balanced and there wouldn't be people who got it too fast and people who got nothing at all like in the current system.

These are both 2 simple things that are completely and utterly logical and he said something completely untrue. That's why i was calling him naive, becasue he believed something just becasue he wanted to (like at the end of a rainbow there's a leprechaun) instead of thinking logical (rainbows are an optical and meteorological phenomenon).

I just can't help myself when i see someone so... naive.


EDIT: I'm not saying that the token system is the best, just that there are better systems than RNG, which is the worst especially in WF's RNG over RNG over RNG.


Hostility isn't necessary.


There are issues with a token system that may make it non-feasable for the kind of game this will eventually develop into.  Remember, we've only played with the portion of the game Devs have had ready for testing.  I'm not ready to claim a token system is the best way to get to the content.  Remember, they're releasing more as fast as they can, and they were unpleasantly shocked when Dojo content had already been mined through in about 1 week.  That was supposed to take months to accomplish.

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He said that a token system promoted elitism, which it either: happens anyway(people think that they are better than others) or won't happen anyway. I mean CS doesn't have any advancement level-wise but the elitism is off the charts there.

And also he said that users lose more interest if they use a token system, which is also not the case if you make it balanced and there wouldn't be people who got it too fast and people who got nothing at all like in the current system.

These are both 2 simple things that are completely and utterly logical and he said something completely untrue. That's why i was calling him naive, becasue he believed something just becasue he wanted to (like at the end of a rainbow there's a leprechaun) instead of thinking logical (rainbows are an optical and meteorological phenomenon).

I just can't help myself when i see someone so... naive.


EDIT: I'm not saying that the token system is the best, just that there are better systems than RNG, which is the worst especially in WF's RNG over RNG over RNG.


Since you have no idea how to debate and would rather take childish little potshots and stomp your foot saying "No!" to any different views from yours, I'll be sure to ignore any further comments from you.

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The failsafe does a few things that can be done better, in my opinion, by a token system, although a scaling drop rate would be ideal.


The idea is fairly simple, if a single kill has a 5% chance to drop a mod and fails then it raises to 5.1%, that fails goes to 5.2% etc.

Once a mod drops the rate is reset to 5%

If a common mod drops the uncommon and rare mod rates increase, respectively for either as well.


A token system would work better then Failsafe simply because of the possible versatility of the system.  While a Failsafe system would merely be a catch for rare mods, as described above, a Token system can be applied to just about anything, specific mods, WF parts, Weapons, Resources, anything.


The biggest fear I believe everybody has with the token system is balance, DE has shown that it is not quite in touch with the player base for drop rates.  If implemented at the correct rates (I have no way of guesstimating, I want NUMBERS) complaints will probably surface but not a huge backlash such as reciever and blade problems.


The simple idea is we need something on top of or additional to a RNG drop.  Whatever is implemented better be balanced.

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The failsafe does a few things that can be done better, in my opinion, by a token system, although a scaling drop rate would be ideal.


The idea is fairly simple, if a single kill has a 5% chance to drop a mod and fails then it raises to 5.1%, that fails goes to 5.2% etc.

Once a mod drops the rate is reset to 5%

If a common mod drops the uncommon and rare mod rates increase, respectively for either as well.


A token system would work better then Failsafe simply because of the possible versatility of the system.  While a Failsafe system would merely be a catch for rare mods, as described above, a Token system can be applied to just about anything, specific mods, WF parts, Weapons, Resources, anything.


The biggest fear I believe everybody has with the token system is balance, DE has shown that it is not quite in touch with the player base for drop rates.  If implemented at the correct rates (I have no way of guesstimating, I want NUMBERS) complaints will probably surface but not a huge backlash such as reciever and blade problems.


The simple idea is we need something on top of or additional to a RNG drop.  Whatever is implemented better be balanced.


Uhhh, I did mention both WF parts and endless defense in the OP. If this system could be used with mod drop then material isn't really hard to use the same system.


Token system present it's own problems and benefits. 


It's logical to assume that Token will be used to lengthen content lifespan thus the average rate which player should be able to get new content is going to be a few weeks, at best. Small part of playerbase will immediately pay for an access for new content but 90% will resort to mad farming which doesn't change the situation we're in now. It just has clearer goal. One big benefit of Token system, certainty.


It also add 'third' currency which make things harder to balance. An issue that DE probably don't have any data to back it up since it'll require research to create even a half-baked system. Moreover, when something can be obtained with certainty, would you spend platinum on it?

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About removing frame's powers from loot table.

If that happens, there must be one rule in the inventory.

- player can't sell frame's power for credit.

However, I agree that frame's powers actually don't have much use in the loot table since all of them can be easily maxed by cores. One problem will appear when DE finally decide to release alternate powers for frame.


I don't want to see powers removed from the loot tables completely. They need to be drops because the best way to level powers is to feed them like polarity mods, of which only other powers have. But they make up a large chunk of the mod content in higher rarities, which makes the mod packs a waste of platinum. I don't have a problem with frame power mods being part of the loot tables, just not in the mod packs that you can buy in the shop.

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I don't want to see powers removed from the loot tables completely. They need to be drops because the best way to level powers is to feed them like polarity mods, of which only other powers have. But they make up a large chunk of the mod content in higher rarities, which makes the mod packs a waste of platinum. I don't have a problem with frame power mods being part of the loot tables, just not in the mod packs that you can buy in the shop.


I usually feed powers whatever mod i have the most since credit is easy and excess mods are abundant (really, slip magazine and trick mag is breeding like rabbit in my inventory). I don't know about the packs though since I think they're a waste of platinum anyway.


Who buy them? I rather buy Forma or Void key pack than mod packs.

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The problem I see with this is that there are mods that are not considered rare, that are indeed rare if only due to the large pool they are put into.  This system you propose at least on the surface treats rarity by the indication on mods.  This I can assure you is not always the case.  As it took past 100 hrs of play time for myself and others to see some of the common/uncommon mods.


This system would exagerrate that problem since these mods would obviously not be included in the weighted pool as they are common/uncommon.  Instead these mods would become exceedingly more rare, despite what their indication on the mod is.


It is important to understand or at least clarify within this that rarity on the mod is not always a direct indicator for many of the rarity of the drop.  A system which then increases the weight on rare cards, which for some are common, will increase the "rarity" of others cards that they are already having difficulty to find.


This also means for many even with revised common, uncommon and rare "pools" that you're going to have a cyclical pattern begin to emerge, I suppose what I'm getting at is, I'm not seeing how this particular system is on the whole better than the existing, only different.  By addressing one aspect it neglects another, which counters any potential gain.


I think with a great deal of fine tuning you could make a system like is suggested in the OP work well.  However, you could spend that same time on the existing system to make it better as well.  Some of which would be implemented to resolve issues in either the existing or suggested system, so ultimately I can't say what is suggested is indeed "better than", though it does bring up issues with RNG systems that can be applied to the existing system be it that they stay with the existing or move to a new one.

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I believe that a hybrid token system would work best specifically for the Void. For other RNG elements - such as blueprint drops from bosses - I'd love to see the failsafe mechanic. Thanks for detailing all this, neKroMancer.

Regarding the Void: It's because it's the current endgame - or at the very least, it should be the current endgame. The content is beautiful and has combat and exploration mechanics found nowhere else in the game. Where I normally get incredibly bored when, say, running M Prime - Void missions are never really boring for me, even the easy ones. Timed trials are always fun to run, I'm always looking forward to seeing what's in the next room... that sort of thing.

The thing is, for a lot of other players, the reward at the end takes away from it all. Keep in mind that the Void is hard enough to get to as is, with the most efficient method of getting there being farming Io or M Prime over and over again (I'd advise reworking void key acquisition, to be honest). A token system for the Void does several things:

1) It gives the different tiers more tangible meaning (since different tiers can award different ranges of tokens).

2) It extends replayability of the Void, giving incentive to keep running Void missions after acquiring all Void-specific equipment (If the Void shop also sells special utility equipment like special ammo boxes that auto-refill, forma, etc)

3) It discourages speedrunning (if tokens can be found in containers)

4) It reduces frustration from a single run feeling like it's not rewarding because you get a part you already have.

Used too extensively, a token system would feel like a grind; that much I agree with. I think it fits the Void well though, given the nature of actually getting to the Void and so on. Give the Void some cosmetic drops that can't be obtained by token to fulfill the RNG aspect as well, without affecting gameplay progression.

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The problem I see with this is that there are mods that are not considered rare, that are indeed rare if only due to the large pool they are put into.  This system you propose at least on the surface treats rarity by the indication on mods.  This I can assure you is not always the case.  As it took past 100 hrs of play time for myself and others to see some of the common/uncommon mods.


This system would exagerrate that problem since these mods would obviously not be included in the weighted pool as they are common/uncommon.  Instead these mods would become exceedingly more rare, despite what their indication on the mod is.


It is important to understand or at least clarify within this that rarity on the mod is not always a direct indicator for many of the rarity of the drop.  A system which then increases the weight on rare cards, which for some are common, will increase the "rarity" of others cards that they are already having difficulty to find.


This also means for many even with revised common, uncommon and rare "pools" that you're going to have a cyclical pattern begin to emerge, I suppose what I'm getting at is, I'm not seeing how this particular system is on the whole better than the existing, only different.  By addressing one aspect it neglects another, which counters any potential gain.


I think with a great deal of fine tuning you could make a system like is suggested in the OP work well.  However, you could spend that same time on the existing system to make it better as well.  Some of which would be implemented to resolve issues in either the existing or suggested system, so ultimately I can't say what is suggested is indeed "better than", though it does bring up issues with RNG systems that can be applied to the existing system be it that they stay with the existing or move to a new one.


Look like you misunderstood my intention.


Failsafe system which I proposed doesn't have anything to do with loot table or create a weighted table. It simply doesn't involve with the table. i proposed a system which serves only one function : To create 'win' scenario more often per player in order to prevent a drought which nothing rare/valuable is dropped by global RNG. 

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Look like you misunderstood my intention.


Failsafe system which I proposed doesn't have anything to do with loot table or create a weighted table. It simply doesn't involve with the table. i proposed a system which serves only one function : To create 'win' scenario more often per player in order to prevent a drought which nothing rare/valuable is dropped by global RNG.


So all you propose is that if nothing drops after X kills, "something" will be forced to drop, that is not ammo, energy, etc?


This wasn't how this was described:



RNG generates a bar with 1000 value.

- Player A plays Mercury (difficulty modifier 0.5, common mod=1, uncommon=2, rare=reset) which means player A has to get 1000-2000 common/uncommon mods before one 'win' will be forced to drop. However, if rare mod drop from global RNG before the bar is full then the bar is reset.

- Player B plays Pluto (difficulty modifier 3, common mod=1, uncommon=2, rare=reset) which means player B has to get 167-330 common/uncommon mods before one 'win' will be forced to drop. However, if rare mod drop from global RNG before the bar is full then the bar is reset.

Good thing is that player doesn't know which is which. Players will feel that playing in higher areas definitely increases the chance of getting rare drop but they don't know that the 'win' they got is a result of global RNG or failsafe mechanic.


Just as one example.  It appears most of what you describe is, again forcing something considered "rare" after something takes place X times.  Your system forcing a win after a set of outcomes puts a weight to the rares above other mods at that point, when some of the common/uncommon have been difficult more difficult and more rare than mods which are indicated as "rare" for some to find.


So is it either the question I asked before, which would be more closely to what you suggest with the BP, or like your first example and last example, where performing well for those looking for a common/uncommon mod actually punishes the player by giving them a less likely chance of obtaining the item because other items are given a higher chance (or weight).


I should clarify perhaps, that my intent is not to say "no bad idea" more that, some additional examination etc may be required to fine tune what could be a viable alternative or addition to the system in place.

Edited by Enot83
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I like this idea because it keeps the fun of randomness (look, if randomness wasn't fun Las Vegas would be a tiny town nobody ever visited ever full of tumbleweeds and nothing else) but actually means the player gets to win some of the time, which feels really good.


XCOM does it in its Easy and Normal difficulties, where the RNG cheats in your favor some of the time (and the worse you're doing the harder it cheats) which actually makes it feel far more fair than the RNG in Classic and Impossible, which is not biased towards you and thus actually feels really, really unfair. And it actually kind of is, because randomness with low odds favors the computer/house over time.

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