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Der Zweite Traum Abgeschlossen - Irgendwie...


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The Lotus then appears, carrying the Reservoir person into the Link. And with the helmet on their body suit removed, it is revealed that inside is a person who looks like a normal human. With this the player can customize this person, and once finished, the Lotus reveals this person is the Tenno him or herself. The Lotus begins asking questions to see how much the Tenno remembers, and helps him or her recover some of their memories. She explains how one of the Orokin, Margulis, helped save them from their uncontrollable powers by creating a dream-state for them to live in. She also explains that Margulis was killed by the Orokin Executors and her ideas were used by the to create "Transference", which allows the Tenno to control their powers through a remote "surrogate", the Warframe. The Lotus continues to explain some of the Tenno history and the great schools they founded, all based on a certain principle of defeating an enemy. The Tenno then chooses one of the 5 schools (Zenurik, Vazarin, Unairu, Naramon, and Madurai) and will receive a lens for that respective school. The Lotus tells the Tenno that this will be their primary Focus. This completes the quest and Ordis will send the player an inbox message expressing his relief that the Operator is alive and well, as well as delivering the remaining piece of the War greatsword that was broken off from the weapon, as well as a Scar sigil.



Die Quest gilt als abgeschlossen, aber ich konnte keine Linse wählen, und kann auch keine Linsen anlegen. Ausserdem habe ich nie irgendeine Person ohne Helm und Anzug gesehen, geschweige denn verändert ?__?

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Ohne Natah kannst du kein Second Dream gemacht haben.


Ich empfehle Dir daher den Kontakt mit dem Support zu suchen und aber auch das Quest Natah ans Herz legen. Also eher mehr das du dies erfüllst und dann ... joa... vielleicht bekommst ja dann Second Dream noch einmal.

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Kann den Raum NICHT betreten

Habe die Natah Quest NICHT gemacht

Habe mal gegooglet (kam mir vorher nicht in den Sinn, wonach ich googlen sollte) und herrausgefunden, dass es eine andere Quest war. Es war die Stolen Dreams Quest mit Maroo (ja, ich bin ein Dulli) http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Stolen_Dreams

Jetzt habe ich aber nie die Natah oder die Second Dream Quest gemacht, und ich seh davon auch nix :o

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