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Focus Lenses


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Don't get me wrong, great update and I had no idea that the focus system was coming out in U18, I thought that it was a running gag and that it would either never get released or they would announce it and use it for hype.

It was a pleasant surprise.


But the lens system needs some more thought.


At first it seemed great that I would be able to get affinity with my favorite weapons and frames.  In theory it was a great idea.
I accidentally installed it on my Rhino P. And now I'm pretty much locked into using him if I want focus points.  This is not fun, I generally change my frame ALL the time.
I was playing with a new player and helping him farm, and he kept asking me to change frames and weapons so that I could show him some different stuff.
I bought a second lens from a lucky RNG player for 60 plat just so that I could have more options, but by installing it, I was only further locked into a specific build.
Now I have it on my soma P, and I feel like the biggest duche (like all those other duches playing only with Rhino and Soma all the time).  And I'm stuck doing it, until I get 3 more lenses (one for secondary, melee, then finally one that will expand my build options).


At least let us buy them from the market for 20 plat like forma and potatoes.  I currently have 51 forma fully constructed, but when I first started the game I must have spent about 100-200 plat on forma.


Whatever happens, we need this issue addressed because it only makes the game less fun, limiting our options of weapons and frames that we can use.


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I put in on my Ignis. I use it as often as i can since it's a decent all around weapon : crowd control, aoe dmg.

Still I put it aside if doing a mission that requires a different type of weapon.

Also just cause you run a certain build doesn't mean you're a certain type of player, just means that you like that setup.

I'm not big on Rihno anymore, used to be when I just started the game, but then dropped him for other frames more suited to my mission need and playstyle. I have however started playing him again a bit more after the rework and the new skin (he looks sick and I like the Heavy impact passive).

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First off, I think that skill trees should be unlocked when you got the lens on a frame/weapon. I agree that the lenses take quite a grind but then it would just be another thing that you grind and forget about, for me I think if it was going to be sold on the market it would be more than 20p, say 100p at least but then again it would make it not tradable. Ultimately I'm ok with the way you get lenses, though the skill tree should get worked on a bit.

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would it make a difference if u install those things or not? The missions are all the same all the time.. what u've been playing till now is void regular mission a raid where u don't really need those anyway.. the thing is.. they make u powerful yet there is no content where u say omg these things make my day or they put me out of tough situations.. unless u play on endless survivals or defense... all this stuff added for pretty much the same levels that's the main problem imo. Sorties are a little interesting at least, now, but lots of work has to be done.. more content overall.. more difficult missions for us veterans.. stuff like that.. i have some sets with arcane enhancements installed and i don't see a point in installing those for now.. i'm powerful enough to play most of the missions so..Another thing i've learned so far is whenever a major update or a new system is out.. never, ever rush to install or purchase from market etc.. because it will be either fixed, changed, in other words.. i would say wait for it to be set before using it because sometimes u regret rushing to it. Wheneveer something is out i wait for weeks just like i did with raids.. they were damn bugged for days, weeks.. better waiting than rushing.. that's what i've learned from warframe's content. We are users testing a game to be released for consoles anyway.

Edited by P0isoNblacK
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