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Rocket/grenade Launcher Bugs/glitches


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Hey, got a few things to say about grenade/rocket/explosive launchers -- I love them and I use them almost all the time, but there are a few glitches here and there that mar the experience. I work around them, for the most part but if someone got around to fixing them it would be really nice.


Adhesive Blast + Secura Penta = Grenade that sticks to Sentinel!


Yup, I managed to latch a grenade onto my Sentinel and when you use Adhesive Blast, it'll make the grenades explode after several seconds automatically. It only happened once and my friend was able to revive me and it was pretty funny when it happened.


Third person character model doesn't always align quite right when launching grenades.


When you run around for a while without firing, your character model will be able to run towards and across your view direction (as it aligns with the direction you are running instead of your aiming direction). I understand that this is necessary in order for things like parkour and mantling and most acrobatic manoeuvres to work. When you shoot, the character model snap-aligns to your aiming direction. Unfortunately, it often snap-aligns too late and sends the shot going whichever way the character model was oriented at the moment you clicked the fire button,


Normally I wouldn't mind with most fast-firing weapons but when it comes to grenade launchers it results in self-damaging rounds going off in unpredictable directions with catastrophic results.


For the time being, I've gotten into the habit of zooming or sliding to force my ingame character to align to my aiming direction before firing.


I'm not sure how you could fix this nicely because I think the projectile spawn origin and direction are derived from the 3D animated character's armature, so either you'd have to:


1: Snap the character model at the exact time the player hit the fire button (which may break some inbetweening or animation rigging)


2: Delay firing until the model aligned (which would result in the grenade being launched late and would be bad during aim glides)


3: Store a virtual projectile origin and direction for each warframe (kind of a pain to implement and not very scalable unless you could automate the process) and always spawn grenades from those points. This would, however, result in 100% predictability for projectile firing.


I don't envy the person who takes this task on.

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If you have heavy caliber you will hit your sentinel semi often, cause you know this game do not know nothing about physics and grenades can fly 90° to sides from barrel from time to time 
Also they tend to miss hitboxes often even on point blank shots they will just pass trough enemies without detonating (in case of tonkor) or sticking (in case of torid or anything with adhesive)

Also since last patch you cant detonate Nulifiers even with firestorm, before this patch splash killed tham and anything in bubble, now its possible for detonation to kill only nulifier which absorbs all AoE damage in process

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