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Mission Moddifiers


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So i was playing last night with some people in my clan and alliance, and we got to talking about archwing, and my friend hand an interesting comment. He wished more missions went like the archwing quest, and would pull you out of your current mission and add some random element to the mission. 


So here's the full idea:

Random modifiers that have a chance to occur during a mission. We the players wont know about it, but it adds to running a regular mission. We already have some on the sortie, but I feel like there is more that can be added to the game.


Random attack mid game by an opposing fraction, forcing the player to exterminate the opposing groups. Simple mini exterminate of a different fraction in the mission. It would convert the mission into an exterminate mission for some time until the player and group kill all the opposing units.


Sentient scouts are mapping the area near by, have a chance to run into them, spawning a small squad of sentient to attack the players. Similar to the moon tileset, but gives them a chance to spawn elsewhere now. A low chance, for the sake of people not well modded, but a chance. 


the common elemental issues. ice reduces shield, fire damage. Just mentioning these since these are already in the game.


possible higher than average spawn rates of some of the heavier enemies, such as bombers, heavy gunners, corpus nullifiers, and modular units. Such as a Grineer camp or a corpus stronghold which has heavier than average defenses for the players to break into. It just adds additional spawns of a specific enemy typee to mess with the game.


Possible Eximus stronghold. Similar to the Sortie, since this is one of the more basic modifiers on the sortie list. 


Corpus EMP, disabling warframe abilities. A corpus specific modifiers. probably only for maps that take place on a corpus ship. The ships has an Emp device that messes with a warframes powers, reducing the effects or completely disabling abilities depending on the strength of the emp. It would be one of the more harder to deal with modifiers due to the loss of abilities.


Self destruct on death. Dead enemies will blow up after a bit, having a chance to cause blast damage to nearby units and players. Simple enough, either a modifier, or a new kind of enemy, that can explode on death, dealing damage to nearby allies, both for the enemy, and for the warframes. 


Reduced ammo pool and clip size during a mission. Similar to the Famine Skull from halo. Players will have a reduced max ammo for the duration of the mission, with ammo being scarce, as well as reduced clip sizes.


Enemies have a greater chance for some status proc. Radiation, toxic, bleed, etc. Once again, from the Sortie.


Poor atmosphere environment, so chance for a foggy mission.(similar to the Halloween event). This modifier would be specific to the map tilesets which take place on the planet, like earth, phobos, ceres. 


Optional objectives in a mission. Anyone remember the starting quest when you get the nav segment and have an option to sabotage the ship? More stuff like that, like a hidden spy vault, or sabotage target, or possible mini prison with an unknown person. Completion of optional objectives give a bonus reward at the end. 


Opinions, Revisions, and additional ideas are welcome.


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I would love to see it be able to switch from a normal mission to an Archwing mission too, provided everyon in the squad has one. The actual Archwing quest was really fun and the final mission got my hopes up about future Archwing missions. I loved how I was all of a sudden pulled out of my mission on the Corpus by a Grineer ship attack and was forced to use my Archwing in order to fight my way to extraction. Sadly from the few missions I have done so far using my Archwing I have been sorely disappointed because the missions seem too similar to each other. I would love to see something like this, especially if there is a possibility for me to be able to relive that excitement from the Archwing quest.

Edited by StrangeBard
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