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Attention De:the Biggest Nerf Of U8 Everyone Missed: Orokin Reactors/catalyst Alerts.


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+1, I've already spent a fair amount of money on this game, and as a collector, I am nearing the end of my resources.  DE could really throw me a bone here and there.


Let me be the bad guy for a minute :

I am a collector myself, collecting warframes. I don't need to do that in the first place, having all of them is pure luxury on its own - am I going to potato every last one of them? No, I am not - just those who I really like to play. Will I be waiting for alerts in order to get the Reactors? No, I won't - I will support the game and buy them. IF some Reactors drop => throw them in those empty ones.


Weapons. Having all of them might be something many of you desire - fair enough, Do you need to potato them all? If so : Not really an issue which can be blamed on DE - If not : Where is the issue? You should be fine with couple of potatoes, which you can buy easily. Lets say 5 frames and 6 weapons = 11 potatoes * 20 = 220 Platin. Getting the cheapest Founder Pack should make that possible and even leave you with extra credit - for colors or whatever you desire.


The point is : The game needs to "convince" people to support it, they give you pretty much everything for free - you need to eat in order to survive, you realize that. I am aware of it being an ironic statement regarding the latest success with Sony and those high prizes for Warframes and Weapons in general, which make no sense regarding the effort to craft them.

They got successful because of our support, especially from Masters and Grandmasters - which are writting in this thread too, to be fair not always complaining ~ if those people had the generosity to support this game that much, why can't they be bothered to throw couple of bucks into it again IF they managed to spent their whole amount of Platin? I mean, if it bothers them that much - would be a matter of few seconds to fix it with some additional Platin. The other majority seemed to consist of people without even a Founder-sign under their name - which basically means : Freeloader.

Funnily enough they are the first one to be pissed and to complain, in almost every game, while not supporting it at all - instead they would rather farm for hours and days, because "paying for a game is stupid" - never understood that kind of logic, especially if you like the game. Don't even start with : "Not everybody has money?!". 

In any case - potatoes can't be farmed, while I am not saying that people should throw their platin at everything in the game - at least some Forma, Reactor or Potato should be a reasonable option - at least for the gear you like/love/use a lot.

Everything else should be able to wait, even if it takes weeks until it drops again - Warframe was and probably is still living from that impatience.

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have a downvote, my good man:

- something that wasted nearly as much space as my hated comment -


Be my guest, if it makes you happy. I was aware that players would get &!$$ed at me, because I am not sharing their opinion - there is no point to argue about it with people who don't agree with me on something that basic. To be fair I did overlook the possibility to buy Platin without becoming a Founder, that was my mistake - sorry for that, not going to change the original post.

Even though my whole post sounds rather harsh, I hope that it will start some constructive debate - honestly I doubt it, it will be easier to hate on DE - until they change it and possibly hurt themselves again.


Some people don't want to support bad habits Mr. Smof, it's just that simple.


Fair enough, I think that the whole situation could be much worse, talking about "pay to win"-korean style. The basic question is what can they sell to most of us at the moment, if you think about it those "three"/two things ("Forma"/ Reactor, Potato) should be the main "motivation" at the moment - until the next big update comes up. Therefore you are basically asking them to give one of their (important?) sources of income up.

Can't really say much more, in the past they gave those out for free - even though they didn't had to do it in the first place, now you got used to that luxury and sound ungrateful and spoiled, at least that is my opinion on that whole matter ~ you guys don't have to like it. 

Alright, finished here - have a nice day!

Edit : Invisible rainbows added.

Edited by Mr.Smof
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Yes guys we all know how well underhanded nerfs and making anyone who does not pay feel like second hand players works so well in the industry, that's why we keep seeing those practice go fur---


What's that? the market has been steadily shifting towards selling customization? that's crazy talk.


I would like if all of you whose main argument is "WELL THEY HAVE TO SELL SOMETHING" would take a moment, sit down, and go pirate buy a marketing for dummies book, you may just have a different opinion after reading it.


But in a nutshell, the world is getting tired of the "pay2win" model, and it is gradually going away, altough warframe is not a dollar sucking beast (I always say $20 is all you need, $50 if you're impatient like moi) it seems to be lagging behind the leaders.


All free players have to be seen as potential costumers, and you have to get in their shoes, REALLY in their shoes, you can't think how YOU would feel if you were a free player, you're biased, you're not a free player, of course paying will seem like a good idea to you.


This is extremely hard to do for some people, and it has choked great games into never passing mediocrity, sometimes dipping down in profits and having the finances department go crazy and try to co-erce the developers into more cash schemes, this makes the overall health of the game worse.


If you can't get into a free player shoes, ask them, they will talk, they will tell you what they would buy, they will tell you what they DO NOT want to buy, as much as counter intuitive as this sounds, the opinion of people who already spent money has less weight in this matter, they are already spending, they will likely continue to do so, you want to turn those potential buyers into actual buyers, not squeeze the ones who buy further.


Because hey, you can get $1k out of some people, but sooner or later they will realize they weren't enjoying the game, they weren't paying because they enjoyed it, they were paying it because the game was coercing them into doing it, and that's when the bad publicity starts spreading around.


But what do I know, I'm just some person on the forums.


P.S.: It would be not the first time I have said this : this game is lacking customization, sell skins, sell helms, sell colours, sell bullets being replaced by tacos, try not to herd everyone into buying their frame not sucking that much, with the addition of more and more mods this becomes even more apparent, the new mods are EXPENSIVE, they cost upwards of 10 slots each, even with 8 polarized slots when we get better mods you won't have enough.


P.S.: this is not crying doom, I see warframe as a game I would recommend to all my friends, I did in the past, and I still do right now, while I do like the general direction the game is headed (and what has been promised so far has been pretty good), there's a few changes I do not like; I just ask DE not to make me regret the $50 I put in this game like I have with many others.

Edited by SetAbominae
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Can everyone please, please calm down and stop insulting each other? 


I will now state my personal opinion of the issue at hand.  You, the reader, are free to disagree with it, so long as you do so in a calm, rational, and civilized manner.  Should you break that condition, I reserve the right to make a fool out of you. 


I believe that the items collectively referred to as "potatoes" need to be objects which can be grinded towards.  The entire point of non-P2W F2P games is that money is an alternative to time.  I am not suggesting that Warframe is currently a P2W game, has ever been one, or will ever become one.  However, the implementation of potatoes deviates from the standard practices of the described model.  Players need to feel like they can work towards them at their leisure (something which is not currently possible). 


There are 2 predictable paths which DE could take.  The first path is making the blueprints buyable directly from the market using credits.  Because credit inflation has been brought up as a downside to this approach, the price of the blueprints can be adjusted as necessary by DE at will.  The second approach is to make potatoes a possible reward of tier 3 Void missions.  This would be viable, as the Void is the current endgame (and thus, potatoes would take a lot of time to get). 

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What a crock. 


They can adjust alerts however they see fit. No where in the game does it state that alert ? reward rates are set in stone or that you're entitled to get what you're looking for, or that they will always drop everything equally.

I don't think you know what that word means.  They changed a major factor of the game and didn't notify the player base, it'd be different if they had told us.  This just comes off as more of the same slimy BS they were pulling with the defense rewards tables. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/57570-datamined-mission-rewards-are-bad-if-true-please-change-them/

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Just reposting this from another Potato thread:


"And thus the potato famine and its downward spiral continue to plague our fair forumites minds. What say you of our caretaker, Ced23ric, he who cleanses the forums of our insanity.

Pray my brothers and sisters, pray to the digital extremes RNG for forgiveness, pray for the glorious return of the potatos, so that we may be cleansed of all that afflicts us." Skeloton 1:21, Tenno Bible.


ps if anyone can think of a better title than 'Tenno Bible', it would be grately appreciated.

Edited by Skeloton
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I don't think you know what that word means.  They changed a major factor of the game and didn't notify the player base, it'd be different if they had told us.  This just comes off as more of the same slimy BS they were pulling with the defense rewards tables. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/57570-datamined-mission-rewards-are-bad-if-true-please-change-them/


Your comment doesn't even make sense and neither does what you linked in context. No game on the market today publishes it's full loot tables or puts mundane changes into patch notes, so what are you trying to say when you call them slimy like it's special?


I think you're just butt hurt and venting, and I'd rather you didn't drag my quotes into your crap.

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The point is : The game needs to "convince" people to support it, they give you pretty much everything for free - you need to eat in order to survive, you realize that. I am aware of it being an ironic statement regarding the latest success with Sony and those high prizes for Warframes and Weapons in general, which make no sense regarding the effort to craft them.


No. Just no. They shouldn't be trying to convince people to support it. They shouldn't NEED to. A "healthy" F2P model involves a spectrum of players. Everywhere from founders to free to play. theres less of the first, more of the last. but what it DOES generate should be a community in which there are always new players, and that some of them will be founders for whatever reasons. The main key being there would be alot less founders if the community did not exist, and the community would not exist if the majority of players weren't able to be completely free to play. I'm not saying that free players should get everything at the same speed as founders, but they need the ABILITY to get there. and right now the issue is while free players have access to forma, there is 0 access to potatoes which generates what we call a paywall.


Thus ends the 18th day of the RNG potato famine.

Edited by xenapan
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Your comment doesn't even make sense and neither does what you linked in context. No game on the market today publishes it's full loot tables or puts mundane changes into patch notes, so what are you trying to say when you call them slimy like it's special?

I think you're just butt hurt and venting, and I'd rather you didn't drag my quotes into your crap.

DE didn't publish them. They were found by a player looking through the game files. Edited by Aggh
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Your comment doesn't even make sense and neither does what you linked in context. No game on the market today publishes it's full loot tables or puts mundane changes into patch notes, so what are you trying to say when you call them slimy like it's special?


I think you're just butt hurt and venting, and I'd rather you didn't drag my quotes into your crap.

It makes perfect sense in the context, you do have to READ IT though.   And when hard evidence of the loot tables was brought up, the backlash was so severe (and rightly so) that they changed it.  This is in the same vein as that.


You're either just a special kind of stupid or "butt hurt" over spending 200$ more than me on a game you personally regret, either way no need to be a defensive C***.

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"And so the Moderators strolled through the forums. They were not pleased, surrounded by fury-filled famine-fuelled insanity. One spoke out to the afflicted forumites and did say 'Stop in your misdirected wickedness! For I shall cleanse you all!' He raised out his hand cleanse the forums of all the hate and all the sickness inflicted upon the forumites" Skeloton 2:30

Edited by Skeloton
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