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Question About Damage Type Preferences...



so my main gun is Boar prime which I have modded to have 100% status chance and I am usually running with Oberon (read; I have radiation procs from the frame).


I have been wondering what status combination I should use? Possible choices are


Blast/corrosive: One I am currently running. blast well... blasts enemies away and knocks them down and corrosive shreds armor off heavier units due boar P's firerate.


gas/magnetic: pretty much anti infested and anti corpus in one gun but their procs... arent really that useful or am I mistaken?


Viral/radiation: Halve max health of enemy and cause them to get confused. It is nice but I can proc radiation through my skills most of time so I am not too sure...


What status effect combination would suit teamplay best? Lets ignore all the direct damage effects since I am going for the status chance.

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since 100% status I'd say blast/corrosive if you don't have many CP auras in team - armour stripping is great against heavy units

Viral/radiation if you have at least 2 CP in team, also radiation damage works really well against strong grinner (like bombards)


Why I'm only mentioning heavy units? Boar kills all other units in 1 shot no matter what status you use

Edited by maumastoks
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Viral + Radiation is my personal go-to damage dealing elemental combo. Viral effectively renders your gun technically doing double damage to the enemy while Radiation causes additional Confusion duration.


Blast + Corrosive works for shotguns since their procs are deadly enough to strip armor in a few hits. That, and the extra knockdown procs from Blast could be helpful for keeping Heavy enemies on the ground. Rapid succession of Blast + Impact combo over and over will just make almost every walking enemy immobile. That, and this combo works well against Infested.


Gas + Magnetic is not preferable unless you're roaming around Corpus places. Magnetic and Impact damage will take care on their shields while Gas procs will rapidly drain their unarmored health with AoE toxin procs.


It all comes down to which faction you're fighting.

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So this is a very open ended question that is subject to opinion. I typically would say with 4X corrosive projections to go with viral/radiation for any high level content (lvl 100+ enemies of any faction)

At low levels without taking faction specific elemental damage multipliers and denominators into consideration you mod for what you are trying to accomplish. Want amazing crowd control? Go with radiation and cold. Want a supportive damage roll? Take corrosive and cold. Want a pure damage/ damage over time effect? go magnetic/toxin or gas/electricity or viral/heat.

Coordinating with your team to have multiple status types that synchronize together and modding for faction specific elemental damage will always render optimal damage and crowd control results and take you a long way in this game.

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Here's a quote I read from someone when I first started..."Anything below level 30..it doesn't matter what you use, Anything above level 100...it doesn't matter what you use."

Disregarding damage output since we want to focus on status only. Like people before me have said--depending on faction you want to use a specific elemental combination to get that extra boost.

Each faction has their light and heavy unit types. Infested: heavies use corrosive/blast. Light use gas.

Corpus: robots use magnetic/electricity crewman have health component so viral and toxin are nice.

Grineer: they are split in two groups...gunners/troopers/scorpions(light units) use corrosive. Bombards/napalms/eviscerator(heavy units) use radiation. Since they all have health, except my friend the roller, viral and toxin are great.

Of course 25%+ dmg , 50%+dmg , or 75%+ will depend on which element you use on a specific enemy. You can find out with the codex by scanning enemies.

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Against armored enemies, Blast+Corrosive with all 4 60%/60% mods. If you can't get all 4, Corrosive+Fire. Fire is a superior damage type and the proc is equal to Blast, but the 4th 60% mod is crucial to reach 100% status before multishot, which still bugs out as client and gives you 100% status per pellet.


(Hey, Impact procs used to 'counter' Blast procs, they would make enemies stand back up right away after knocked down. Did they fix this?)


For 4x CP groups, it's Viral+Fire with 90% mods. Anything but Corrosive doesn't stack well, so there's no need to worry about having a lot of status.


Gas/Elec does not work well on Shotguns, because the status effect damage is based on the damage of the pellet, not the whole shot, so damaging procs deal pitiful damage amounts.

Edited by Darzk
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I run blast/corrosive 90% of the time for all enemies.  Neither damage flavor is bad against any faction in game. (No -75% damage from any category), so it is the least specialized.


Other than that, Viral with as much heat as you can bolt on would be great as well.

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