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Dancing Ingame


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And I'm pretty sure we didn't have over 30,000 people concurrent players in Closed Beta.


If you honestly, truly think that this community isn't getting bigger, or hasn't gotten bigger, then I feel very sorry for you and I will slap you in the face to make you better.

I seem to remember 40k a few weeks back (before the glaive S#&$)

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I can see it now. A bunch of people playing, and killing things. Then have to see a guy, like the OP wants, just dancing in the middle of a heated battle mooching off of the players doing all the killing. Or vise versa, a bunch of Tenno dancing, and only one actually playing the game. What the hell is the OP banging in his arm? I'm thinking heroine.

I do like the suggestion made here about the kneeling. I had that thought stuck in my head to. Glad it was brought up.

Still sticking with my first reply to this being one of the stupidest ideas (if you want to call it that) ever.

Bring some good ideas to the table not this dribble.

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